Explorable areas of map
Hey everyone, I'm still new to this community but i was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering me a question about this website's interactive map. I know the interactive map does not show all of the GW PvE map. But of the section that it does show (the rectangular section of the actual map that this website's map shows) is that all of the actual explorable areas within that section of the map? Or is there more areas to explore on the map, just the designers of it haven't gotten around to it yet? Thanks a bunch!
I'm not sure exactly what section it is you're refering to, but there are several areas missing from the map on this site. It's a nice map and very easy to navigate, but there are other more complete maps availible out there.
No offence meant to anyone who worked on the map here, but I believe this map ...
is complete, or at least much more so. However, this one is not nearly as easy to navigate as it is simply a jpeg and not flash, you might want to simply save it to your computer and use another program to view it more easily.
No offence meant to anyone who worked on the map here, but I believe this map ...
is complete, or at least much more so. However, this one is not nearly as easy to navigate as it is simply a jpeg and not flash, you might want to simply save it to your computer and use another program to view it more easily.