warrior/monk or warrior/Mesmer


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005



as title say... which one is better? in pve and pvp :| plz help me ...


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Dark Angel of Rising Chaos


I haven't done w/mes but I have done w/necro (similar to mes) and w/mo. The w/necro did a lot more damage with hexes like mark of pain and barbs, and could really help the team with hexes like shadow of fear, but the w/mo was more self-sufficient and hardier. Plus w/mo are the best chars for running and soloing (overall). Plus they can get real rez instead of just the signet.

People only look at the primary when they are building groups so either one is fine for getting in groups.

The most important thing to keep in mind when picking a secondary for warriors is you will mainly use spells that have low energy cost (because you don't have much and regen is slow) and you can cast quickly (because you get interrupted a lot).

So some spells that look great just don't work with a warrior primary, because they either take too much energy or take too long to cast, and so you can only use them once, maybe, at the beginning of a battle.

Another thing: if you are looking at illusionary weaponry for a w/mes, it's great but you don't build adrenaline while using it. So if you have skills that need adrenaline (and as a warrior, who doesn't?) you can't use IW.

Shimus DarkRaven

Shimus DarkRaven

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Titusville, PA <nowhere>

KOD <Knights of the Dragonrose><Guild Officer>


An all around build is hard to come by as what will "own" in PVE can sometimes blow hardcore in PVP <ie, stance tanks> in PVP you want to focus on as much damage as humanly possible, not try to "survive" the more warriors learn this, the better they will be for PVP. Be the beserker! Don't be afraid to die while taking 2/3 members with you.

As for PVE, stance tanking with a W/Mo for stances/smites/heals/rezzes is the standard, as I've saw. I've never played a warrior/mes, but I have both a mes primary and a warrior primary, so I'd say that combo would be deadly if played right. The damage dealing skills of a warrior, and the interrupts/backfire/empathy of a mesmer..could potentially be deadly in PVP and PVE. As a W/MO, myself, I'll tell you for PVP you'll prolly want a W/Mes, while in PVE you might want the W/MO to help rez dead groupies in a bad clutch situation and keep people healed if that lousy monk drops group for "whatever" reason.

Plus, it's all preference. Try both, get a feel. Then decide.

--The Shim

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


If you want the easy way out, going W/Mo is fine. Paladins don't need much brainpower to work unfortunately.

Hell, I made a W/Mo Holy Strike smiter and from the other skills in smite line, there's just not much going for it...

W/Mes is probably just as hard to work with as a w/e because you're taking a non-caster class and giving it a spell based secondary...

But what eddy said was right. Use the 5e. caster skills for a war primary. You won't have a choice in the matter. If you can afford it, I think a single 10e. skill from your secondary can help you in a bind. Rend Enchantments comes to mind.

For a W/Mes, I think either Drain Enchantment or Shatter ENchantment might work, but it's a very expensive gamble...

Shimus DarkRaven

Shimus DarkRaven

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Titusville, PA <nowhere>

KOD <Knights of the Dragonrose><Guild Officer>


Originally Posted by Yukito Kunisaki
If you want the easy way out, going W/Mo is fine. Paladins don't need much brainpower to work unfortunately.

Hell, I made a W/Mo Holy Strike smiter and from the other skills in smite line, there's just not much going for it...

W/Mes is probably just as hard to work with as a w/e because you're taking a non-caster class and giving it a spell based secondary...

But what eddy said was right. Use the 5e. caster skills for a war primary. You won't have a choice in the matter. If you can afford it, I think a single 10e. skill from your secondary can help you in a bind. Rend Enchantments comes to mind.

For a W/Mes, I think either Drain Enchantment or Shatter ENchantment might work, but it's a very expensive gamble...
I do not agree with the "It doesn't take much brainpower" ..It takes just as much as a caster with energy management to get a proper tank who knows how to aggro and do his thing.

Now soloing, is a different thing alltogether. It doesn't hardly take any =)

--The Shim