Monk/Ranger Build Ideas?



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

Seekers of Talisman


Hi all, new to the forums, and relatively new to the game. I did just recently ascend, but now I'm questioning whether I have the best possible build for my healing monk. My guy's spells are as follows:

Orison of Healiing and Dwayna's Kiss as cheap and fast-acting heals

Heal Other as the work-horse heal, used mostly on squishy casters that wonder into harm's way.

Healing Breeze and Vigorous Spirit, used on my tank(s) as battle commences. Makes them self-sufficient so I can keep an eye on the rest of the group.

Heal Party as a last recourse, since it's relatively expensive.

Rebirth to resurrect dead peeps. It's great because it warps them to me, usually out of harm's way, but sux because it drains my energy, so I don't do it in the heat of battle.

I also keep the Signet of Devotion close to my quick heals, it takes a little longer to activate, but it's a life-saver when I'm out of energy.

If you kept score, my bar is full at this point, exclusively with heal spells. I haven't even touched my sec. ranger skills. My question is: Have I maximized my guy as far as healing goes? Is there any way to take advantage of the ranger skills without breaking my healer?

Any info/tips/criticism is greatly appreciated.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



Perhaps a running skill, To escape danger if needed. Also Healing Spring might be handy. Traps also perhaps. Builds depend on how each player plays. I use A Mo/Mes I use mostly healing spells and a few Inspiration spells.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Doers of Evil


Bleh mo/ranger isnt very good for healing purposes. my build is a monk/mes with orison dwaynas word of healing healing touch(Self heal), healing seed (great spell) drain enchant and inspired hex (energy management spells), and i guess since its pve bring rebirth.

i have 16 healing 12 divine and 9 inps.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

You might want to look at a bonder that uses Symbiosis. A Free Vital Blessing with every bond. Plus whatever other enchantments you bring.