W/N farming???
The Pirate
Does Anyone Know If W/N Are Any Good At Farming? If They Are How? Also Do Necros Have Any Skills That Effect More Then One Enemy At Once? Or Should I Go W/Mo. But If I Do Go W/Mo Do They Have Any Skills That Hurt More Then One Enemy At Once??
mark of pain, spiteful spirit are good for farming large groups
Well of Suffering & Putrid Explosion would probably be a good choice for once you kill one or two.
Really you need to work out spells to keep yourself alive as this will be the biggest problem apart from keeping your energy up.
You have to have Bonetti's Defense for energy regen, then you'll need some form of healing spell that doesn't rely on corpses as to begin with you won't have any.
Really you need to work out spells to keep yourself alive as this will be the biggest problem apart from keeping your energy up.
You have to have Bonetti's Defense for energy regen, then you'll need some form of healing spell that doesn't rely on corpses as to begin with you won't have any.
The Pirate
so should i go W/N or N/W or W/Mo or N/Mo??? lol
You could have really continued your other thread about making a w/n rather than making this one.
Decide what you want to play as and what that character is for, if you want a farming chacter i'd suggest a w/m and then use the seach feature to find builds.
it's not really for any of use to tell you what to play as, because we don't know what style of play you'll enjoy.
Decide what you want to play as and what that character is for, if you want a farming chacter i'd suggest a w/m and then use the seach feature to find builds.
it's not really for any of use to tell you what to play as, because we don't know what style of play you'll enjoy.
well basically you need to go by this the quicker u kill them the less healing u need i'd say put points into blood,curses and tactics here's a build i think might work
mark of pain, flurry, cyclone axe, bonnetti's, shadow of fear, blood feast, vamp touch, barbed signet
dont take my word for it i yust thought this out of the back of my head yust now
mark of pain, flurry, cyclone axe, bonnetti's, shadow of fear, blood feast, vamp touch, barbed signet
dont take my word for it i yust thought this out of the back of my head yust now
The Pirate
alrite thanx guys
This is an untested build... something I just thought of from the top of my head.
Idea is to round up about 8 enemies and let loose.
High Curses - for damage
High Tactics - for healing
High Strength - for damage reduction
(None in your weapon b/c that won't be your main source of damage)
Spiteful Spirit {E} - for damage
Mark of Pain - for damage
Parasitic Bond - to heal
Healing Signet - to heal
Cyclone Axe - to charge adrenaline
Bonetti's Defense - defense and energy management
Dolyak Signet - for damage reduction
Shadow of Fear - for damage reduction
Idea is to round up about 8 enemies and let loose.
High Curses - for damage
High Tactics - for healing
High Strength - for damage reduction
(None in your weapon b/c that won't be your main source of damage)
Spiteful Spirit {E} - for damage
Mark of Pain - for damage
Parasitic Bond - to heal
Healing Signet - to heal
Cyclone Axe - to charge adrenaline
Bonetti's Defense - defense and energy management
Dolyak Signet - for damage reduction
Shadow of Fear - for damage reduction
The Pirate
sounds good ill try it when i get all the sils rite now im lvl 2
mortalis doleo
you could go with mass conditions (enfeebling blood) and get ViM for a great self heal. the rest is up to you...