Perfect weapons - where do you find them?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Isle of Wight



I'm not referring to collectors weapons or green's. but the prefect 15^50 Fell blades, Dragon Swords, Storm Bows etc, where in the game are they?

I've gone through Guildwar's with 3 different characters since I started in June - one of which only needs the THK and Hell's Precipice bonuses to have completed every quest/mission/bonus/2nd profession quest (for all 5 2nd prof's) available to him and in addition has done 90% of the Fissure of Woe and 80% of the UW (both would have been completed at the time if not for error 7's) and in total nearly 1500 hours spent playing GW. Yet I've yet to find a perfect weapon or even anything close - most tend to be be % while hexed or v hexed, no bonus or under 50% - I've never found a 14% or 15% over 50% bow, sword, axe or hammer, and in fact 80% of what I get tends to be for mesmer's, necro's and monk's - the 3 classes I don't play so the find is useless (I'm fed up with getting truncheon's, chakram's, canes and cesta's both as drops and from chests, especially as in most cases the bonuses make them useless - like a cesta needing 13 blood magic that improves skills using divine favour).

So where do I find them? they must be there somewhere going by the amount people offer for sale on here.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

San Francisco


One way is to farm the UW or FoW, but the most time-effective way would be opening lots of end-game chests.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Isle of Wight



Well I've spent upwards of 100 hours in the UW and FoW and opened numerous chests there and on the ring of fire/southern shiver peaks and still nothing.

In 5 month's of playing, I can easily list the decent drops I've had as they're so few and far between:

6 Ecto
14 Obsidian Shards
1 Black Dye
1 Superior Vigor Rune
1 Malinon's Shield
1 Rago's Flame Wand

These last 2 in the past few days in SF, but as you can see, no decent weapons for my chosen favoirite class - Ranger.




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

I've spent nearly 300k on chest keys alone, and I've found... well. I can count the number of perfect items I've found on one hand. Simple rule is, don't look for them specifically, sell other stuff you find to build up enough money to buy one from another player.

Or create a pvp character



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


The economy means that only Farmers will find Perfect Gold items. Your problem is that you play the game as is it supposed to be played - in groups of 8.

You'll just have to save up and buy items instead.

regards, msihkin