Ignite or kindle arrows?
rugal nuker
what you guys think? Ignite or kindle is better? personally,i think ignite is more useful as it does dmg to nearby foes too...but have a high energy cost a abit lower dmg than kindle...but i see many ppl using kindle arrows...why? which one do u guys tank is better?
Azn D
Ignite arrows is good if you can get all the enemies bunched up all the time. But if you can't get them all bunched up and/or want to do more dmg for less energy, use kindle.
I prefer Ignite myself. However, with the recent AI changes, everyone will hate you for bringing it since it makes everything scatter after a few shots. I use it to take the heat off of squishies, rather than trying to make it do damage.
The energy difference is irrelevant with enough expertise.
The energy difference is irrelevant with enough expertise.