I think my account just got hacked.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Ascalon 1


I was at the end of Thunderkeep and I got booted with the message:

"Error code xx: Your account has been connected at another location. You have been disconnected." (or something to that effect)

I haven't DL'ed or run any GW 3rd party programs (like maps, etc). My account e-mail and password are not used anywhere else and my password was 8 letters + numbers to begin with (no words).

I have both firewall and anti-virus running. I do use the password somewhere else two or three times, but my gaming account e-mail is never used (i.e. they shouldn't know what e-mail to log in with).

I just changed my password to a 13 letter and number combo with no words.



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

I've heard that occasionally this happens for a non-hack related reason, but since you caught it while you were playing, there's no way to check, which in my opinion is a good thing. If you really wanted to wait to see if you lost a bunch of stuff, then go ahead. Just hope it doesn't happen again.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

I'm sorry, there isn't a question...?

Changing password is nice, but that still won't catch any keyloggers if they exist. If you're still feeling uneasy check one of the older threads about account hacking and what to do about it. Closed.