What must I craft to get Linen?
And must it be with expert kit?
Bolt of Linen
The guy outside of Sardelac Sanatarium can craft Linen for you, but it is expensive. Materials + 200g a pop I think. Only other way I know of is by using the Expert Salvage Kit on armor drops.
what kind of armor? i used expert on armor but i got bolt of cloth only. :/
Olfin Bedwere
If it`s like Fur, you`ll only get about 1 Linen out of every 10 tries. Ash Fiend Trappings,Battered Armor,Flame Wielder Trappings,Shaman Garb,Torn Robes, and Warlock's Robes. This list hasn`t been updated since retail so it quit possibly has changed.
mygod... is it really worth it to pay so much linen to get an armor with the same stats as another one except that its lightning +15? doesn't sounds like it.