have they undated the 15k necrp's tomentor yet?

rugal nuker

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


I heard 15k is the same as 1.5k one...but now,have they undated it?

Whispering Siren

Whispering Siren

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


nope, not yet.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

looks to me that they will add the new skin in this weeks patch nov 24thursday or 25friday

corssing my toes and fingers



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


No matter how many time people ask this question the answer will still be "no"...I'm sorry...It's my fault. I've been waiting for it since I made my second character. I used to really want the druid's armor for my ranger, but got fed up with waiting so I made a necro....THEN the druid's finally came out. I haven't made characters other than necros and rangers, so the tormentor's will remain delayed because I REALLY want it...I'm the guy at the grocery store that gets in the short line and gets caught behind the only two customers in the store who are both paying with a combination of third-party check, foodstamps and expired coupons who also require pricechecks on an item and an exchange because they grabbed to only two bottles of expired milk on the shelf...It's my Kharma and will forever remain so...In a previous life I must have been real butthead...For those of you who have been waiting for so long...I am truely sorry. I will, for your benifit, delete my ranger and start a monk (i have no desire to create one, but will do it for you)...shortly after beginning this new character, the kharmic balance will be restored and the tormrntor's armor will become available to you all...I must also spend all the gold I have saved for it for this to work...I will piss it away on dye, which I will use until it is gone, and maybe dwarven ale because I deserve to feel nausiated while playing GW. My only hope it that there is no Monk armor still in production...I'll find it, want it, and it will remain forever unavailable without my personal sacrifice over the electronic Kharmic altar...You will all have to just wait for chapter two.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Oooookay... closing this thread because it's a bit redundant. People have been asking for Tormentor's since forever; just wait for an update.