I am done with the pve - which i loved and i personally had no problem with it. (i can't wait for chapeter 2!)
However, now I am pvping a lot - which i still love oh so very much to do - but i feel the pvp part of the game is lacking an rpg feel almost completely.
Why do I say this? The reason why I play games, and many other people I believe as well, is because they are so much fun and an escape from reality (especially those die hard rpgers out there).
When I pvp I feel no sense of pride when i smote down the Europeans or layeth the smack down on the koreans - it does nothing for me! There needs to be factions involved, sides, different races - whatever.
Now no, I do not even want a specific side to have a super-duper-awesome elite skill that others dont have or anything. shoot, they can all be equal.
Yes - for all of you ready to flame - i want more eye candy. go ahead, say it.
I really just do not care about beating on other fellow players for the favor - if it was an opposing race or clan or something i would love it. the only thing that seperates everyone is that we are playing from different continents - big deal.
I hope you all take this in and respond with whatever criticism or constructive criticism you may have.
Adding more rpg to this game!
Shmash Witdaclub