i was running around in droks when i saw this guy.
ive heard of him before, but ive never talked to him or seen him around.
he says that people always think he is me, and pm him to see if he is selling stuff or to pc somethin or " hi, are you the Ziggy Wiggy from guildwarsguru?" lol
he said it used to irratate him before but now he is over it and that he has had a few disscussions about me with some people (guru people im thinking) i guess i have a pretty good rep or somethin!!
just thought id share this with you guys :P
another me! or.. sort of..
Z Man Boog
E Power
Thats actually really cool, just grow a bit and a change of armor and you are pretty much twins
aww bless that's sweet
lol, haha....
=) i pm'd hm tinkin he was you =P he was pissed
jenna mysti
Song Rui
Rofl, reminds me of the guy who met another person with exact same armor, dyed same colour and same face and hair