Search help...



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Ok, I don't know whether this is possible, but many things _are_ very hard to search for, despite there being a ton of posts on the topic - most recent example is the Axe vs. Sword debate. This has been discussed to death, but is still a question that comes up regularly. Is there a way to help people find it, and other posts like it?

One way?: The "great debates" can all be moved into a forum entitled "eternal debates" or some such. Such a forum would not allow new posts, but could only have threads moved there, and mods could simply shift the relevent posts to this forum? Since they are in their own forum, new users can be directed to search the "ancient debates" or whatever it is called to see the argument of the past about issues like Mending, Sword vs Axe, Is the necromancer primary useless in PvP and so on. By concentrating all these into one area it becomes easier to find, but by labelling them "eternal debates" or some such it doesn't enshrine them as valuable in the way that the community works or other areas do - it essentially leaves them up as matters of opinion.