Were to get tanned hides? For fur armor?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005



I wanted to get the fur lined armor in ascalon .. and it need 'tanned hides' or something..

and I went to the rare materials murchant and he didnt have any...

Were can I get these tanned hides?

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Tanned Hides are not a rare material - their normal materials so the "Material Trader" (NOT rare) sells them. For 10 of them it costs almost 200gp there.

Most enemy armor dropped is salvaged into tanned hides though.

So the less expensive way would be to just explore, and salvage all the armors you pick up.

(I mean things like "grawl equipment" and stuff that some enemies drop)

Shimus DarkRaven

Shimus DarkRaven

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Titusville, PA <nowhere>

KOD <Knights of the Dragonrose><Guild Officer>


Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Tanned Hides are not a rare material - their normal materials so the "Material Trader" (NOT rare) sells them. For 10 of them it costs almost 200gp there.

Most enemy armor dropped is salvaged into tanned hides though.

So the less expensive way would be to just explore, and salvage all the armors you pick up.

(I mean things like "grawl equipment" and stuff that some enemies drop)
I shall add a couple points; Any Player Character with tanned required for their armor <elementalists, rangers, and whatnot> WILL ALWAYS be salvaged from NPC's of the same class. Just a point of information.

Also, most armor that does drop statistically is armor salvaged for tanned..don't know why, it just is.

Salvaging is the way to go unless you want to barter with a player in a district of any major cities <usually 10g per>. Also; rare matierials you might need to craft "fur lined" is the RARE ingredient, fur squares. These are eaisly gotten by trading in 4 charr hides to a collector in ascalon city, who in return gives you one fur square.

Hope this helped.

--The Shim


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


is the materials murchant in ascalon?

Shimus DarkRaven

Shimus DarkRaven

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Titusville, PA <nowhere>

KOD <Knights of the Dragonrose><Guild Officer>


Originally Posted by Abigail
is the materials murchant in ascalon?
Yes. A rare matierial trader and regular stand side by side to the merchant. By other merchants, I meant regular player characters will tend to sell matierials below market price..so look for them

--The Shim


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


like you mentioned, I think this guy is looking for charr hides to trade for fur squares.

which come from charr......



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Originally Posted by Abigail
is the materials murchant in ascalon?
There is a material trader and a rare material trader in any major city, same as dye trader, skills guy etc...