silver dye for 80k+
Well, ya of course you think I would just put it up and then cancel...which i did...and after a couple times of teasing my friends, i accidently ACCEPTED this...and I traded all that...but i got it back.
silly little town dweller
Want to trade with me sometime?
Originally Posted by Shusky
Want to trade with me sometime?
I so second that...I have one vial of yellow dye if you're interested? D:
Originally Posted by BBoy_Manchild
silly little town dweller
rofl. i had a guy do that with black dye, but it was the opposite. he said 19k (this was before the reset all the economy things so prices couldt get that high), so i jokingly gave him 19gold, which he accepted. whats worse is he didnt realize it until 5 minutes later after i had sold it to a trader.
I have 6 yellow dyes I will sell you for 80K.
Chance Folly
Originally Posted by master_ranger_matt
rofl. i had a guy do that with black dye, but it was the opposite. he said 19k (this was before the reset all the economy things so prices couldt get that high), so i jokingly gave him 19gold, which he accepted. whats worse is he didnt realize it until 5 minutes later after i had sold it to a trader.
They ban people for that, you know.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by master_ranger_matt
rhe said 19k (this was before the reset all the economy things so prices couldt get that high), so i jokingly gave him 19gold
A.k.a. a "scam".
If I had a gold for every time I've been selling something and people tried to pull that stunt, I'd have... well, about 20 gold, I guess.
If I had a gold for every time I've been selling something and people tried to pull that stunt, I'd have... well, about 20 gold, I guess.
Originally Posted by master_ranger_matt
rofl. i had a guy do that with black dye, but it was the opposite. he said 19k (this was before the reset all the economy things so prices couldt get that high), so i jokingly gave him 19gold, which he accepted. whats worse is he didnt realize it until 5 minutes later after i had sold it to a trader.
Kinda lame u sold it to a trader :/
If that guy was so stupid he didnt see that it was 19 gold, he should have got scammed, imo.
Some people learn the hard way to pay attention - still it doesn't make it right.
Originally Posted by Hate
If that guy was so stupid he didnt see that it was 19 gold, he should have got scammed, imo.
No. If you go to a grocery store, and they accidently give you $20 back instead of $10 (or whatever), do you just keep the money?
Well, I guess you would, but then you don't sound like a nice guy anyway.
Hopefully, instant Karma will get all of you back.
Well, I guess you would, but then you don't sound like a nice guy anyway.
Hopefully, instant Karma will get all of you back.
yeah... talk about a scam...
I got 2 silver dye I'll sell ya for 60k each.
I got 2 silver dye I'll sell ya for 60k each.
Laylooh Cheyenne
well i guess i figurtively know now the value of my one and only silver dye that i have....... i dont think ill ever get ne more to make my whole armor set in silver soooo ne one want to by my one vial of silver dye? pm me offers here ^^