Hi, I am new to this forum and GW itself. I have read all the information that I can find about this game but I am still somewhat confused.
What is this game about exactly? I know its supposed to be a "competetive online game", but what does that mean? My husband and I have been playing online role playing games together for years, but we have started to get a little bored with the some old thing in just about every game (EQ, DAOC, SWG, EQ2, and WOW). We are looking for something different.
I saw that GWs was coming out and it looked to be a little different then the others but also somewhat the same. So which is it? Can you play this game with just a partner or a few friends or are you forced to group all the time? Is there any or much at all solo content? Is it all about killing monsters, getting loot, and lvling up, or is there other things to do? Is PVP just a gank fest of killing those that are so less skilled that you over and over?
What about the interface? Is it a point and click game or mouse and keyboard? Can you play in 1st person or is it overhead or 3rd person only? Can you customize your interface to suit your own needs as a player? Is the interface user friendly?
Is there enough content to keep a player busy, or would we get bored with the same stuff only after a few months? How does this game compare to the others that are out now? EQ2, and WoW for example? Positive and negative feedback on this question would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the long post. Any information would really help us to make a decision here. The game sounds interesting, and a little different. I would just like as much information that I can get so I can be sure I wouldnt be wasting the $100 it would cost for my husband and I play together.
Thanks for your time
A little confused

Its a MMO without all the crapy............well crap

Can you play this game with just a partner or a few friends or are you forced to group all the time? |
Is there any or much at all solo content? Is it all about killing monsters, getting loot, and lvling up, or is there other things to do? |
Is PVP just a gank fest of killing those that are so less skilled that you over and over? |
The interface is both point and click and mouse/keyboard. You can play first or third person, there is no overhead. I'd say the interface is very intuitive.
to start
there are 25 missions (non pvp) to start
there are 60-70 explorable areas (non pvp, not small) to start with additional content to be added by streaming in
fron GW
Guild Wars, in contrast, is based around your skill as a player. Our maximum level is twenty and you hit that very quickly, after about 20-30 hours of play. ,We call that 'The Point of Ascension'. Almost all of the content in the game and in the future Chapters is only available to Ascended characters, which means we don't have to worry about providing different levels of content. All the good stuff will be available to everyone. It's not our intent to force people onto the levelling up treadmill, so the level cap in Guild Wars is almost meaningless.
depending on level you can solo with free NPC henchmen, invite a few friends max 8 at higher levels or mix and match people and hanchies
no ganking
no loot stealing
no camping
no griefers
no lines fo a mission or quest
ui is customizable as to what is shown as well as where and what size it is
everything except the towns and outposts is an instance so you are not bothered by someone jumping out and stomping you
pvp is only by consent of both parties and in specific areas
no death penalty to lose experience levels or loot
that is a start on what you want to know

there are 25 missions (non pvp) to start
there are 60-70 explorable areas (non pvp, not small) to start with additional content to be added by streaming in
fron GW
Guild Wars, in contrast, is based around your skill as a player. Our maximum level is twenty and you hit that very quickly, after about 20-30 hours of play. ,We call that 'The Point of Ascension'. Almost all of the content in the game and in the future Chapters is only available to Ascended characters, which means we don't have to worry about providing different levels of content. All the good stuff will be available to everyone. It's not our intent to force people onto the levelling up treadmill, so the level cap in Guild Wars is almost meaningless.
depending on level you can solo with free NPC henchmen, invite a few friends max 8 at higher levels or mix and match people and hanchies
no ganking
no loot stealing
no camping
no griefers
no lines fo a mission or quest
ui is customizable as to what is shown as well as where and what size it is
everything except the towns and outposts is an instance so you are not bothered by someone jumping out and stomping you
pvp is only by consent of both parties and in specific areas
no death penalty to lose experience levels or loot
that is a start on what you want to know

Auntie I
OK One Item at a time!
You can solo it (I've been told, REALLY hard though). I fact the first part is done pretty much solo. It builds though to the point where you need a group to get through the missions etc. As you progress through the game you go from a party of 2 then to 4 then 6 and finally 8.
PvP is in designated arenas only. In fact all combat areas are instanced so that only your own group is present. Guild Wars really doesn't seem to compare to other more traditional MMORPGs.
The answer to all of these questions is yes. Point and click Yes. Mouse and keyboard Yes. Customize interface Yes some, mostly resizing, repositioning and stuff like that. I find the interface very intuitive and easy to use.
Not even considering the PvP stuff it'll be a long time until I complete GW. Of course I really only have 1 or 2 hours a day to play (RL don't you know) It doesn't really compare to EQ or WOW; to me it seems more like Neverwinter Nights, Dungeon Seige and games like that. Only longer!
Gamespot has a nice review up and several gameplay movies that show off the game quite well. Try looking at those. This definitely not the same old thing!
Originally Posted by Zelar
Hi, I am new to this forum and GW itself. I have read all the information that I can find about this game but I am still somewhat confused.
What is this game about exactly? I know its supposed to be a "competetive online game", but what does that mean? My husband and I have been playing online role playing games together for years, but we have started to get a little bored with the some old thing in just about every game (EQ, DAOC, SWG, EQ2, and WOW). We are looking for something different. I saw that GWs was coming out and it looked to be a little different then the others but also somewhat the same. So which is it? Can you play this game with just a partner or a few friends or are you forced to group all the time? Is there any or much at all solo content? Is it all about killing monsters, getting loot, and lvling up, or is there other things to do? Is PVP just a gank fest of killing those that are so less skilled that you over and over? |
PvP is in designated arenas only. In fact all combat areas are instanced so that only your own group is present. Guild Wars really doesn't seem to compare to other more traditional MMORPGs.
What about the interface? Is it a point and click game or mouse and keyboard? Can you play in 1st person or is it overhead or 3rd person only? Can you customize your interface to suit your own needs as a player? Is the interface user friendly? |
Is there enough content to keep a player busy, or would we get bored with the same stuff only after a few months? How does this game compare to the others that are out now? EQ2, and WoW for example? Positive and negative feedback on this question would be greatly appreciated. |
Sorry for the long post. Any information would really help us to make a decision here. The game sounds interesting, and a little different. I would just like as much information that I can get so I can be sure I wouldnt be wasting the $100 it would cost for my husband and I play together. Thanks for your time Zelar |
Originally Posted by Zelar
Hi, I am new to this forum and GW itself. I have read all the information that I can find about this game but I am still somewhat confused.
What is this game about exactly? I know its supposed to be a "competetive online game", but what does that mean? My husband and I have been playing online role playing games together for years, but we have started to get a little bored with the some old thing in just about every game (EQ, DAOC, SWG, EQ2, and WOW). We are looking for something different. I saw that GWs was coming out and it looked to be a little different then the others but also somewhat the same. So which is it? Can you play this game with just a partner or a few friends or are you forced to group all the time? Is there any or much at all solo content? Is it all about killing monsters, getting loot, and lvling up, or is there other things to do? Is PVP just a gank fest of killing those that are so less skilled that you over and over? |
Originally Posted by Zelar
What about the interface? Is it a point and click game or mouse and keyboard? Can you play in 1st person or is it overhead or 3rd person only? Can you customize your interface to suit your own needs as a player? Is the interface user friendly?
The perspective is hwo ever you want it... You can go with overhead, first person, 3rd person... easy to change to, just by righ clicking on your mouse, and moveing it.
as far as i know, you can edit your interface while in game. You dont' have to mess with XML, or program code to edit them. makes it nice..
Originally Posted by Zelar
Is there enough content to keep a player busy, or would we get bored with the same stuff only after a few months? How does this game compare to the others that are out now? EQ2, and WoW for example? Positive and negative feedback on this question would be greatly appreciated.
the detail of the game is incrediable.. The graphics are wonderfull.. The game doesnt' look like a cartoon (WoW anyone) The game play is fast, and little / no down time. There are no armor drops, only weapon drops. Anything you get is upgradable VIA Runes...
Class balance is the best i have seen. You can get as many skills as you can find quests for, capture from bosses, or buy.
As far as depth of the game... Its no where near as large as many of the MMO's out today.. but the depth and story of the game is way above any of the others out, IMO.
Originally Posted by Zelar
Sorry for the long post. Any information would really help us to make a decision here. The game sounds interesting, and a little different. I would just like as much information that I can get so I can be sure I wouldnt be wasting the $100 it would cost for my husband and I play together.
Thanks for your time Zelar |
Think of it this way... I would guess that GW would keep you, and your husband entertained for at least 4 months with this game.. Take the $30 a month its costing you now, for any of the MMO's, and you got your moneys worth.. no monthly fee with GW.
hehe.. sorry i am so long winded.. whew!
edit: i must not be able to find my / key well!
Thank you all for your quick responses....you have answered all of my questions and this gives me a clearer view of what this games is about. I have to admit....now I am more interested then ever about this game and my husband and I are very much considering it. Thanks again and I hope to see you all ingame soon.

The best part of the game is taking your loot and go back to sell to noobies for a lot more than the merchants' prices.
Oh, instead of fighting for real, my wife and I battle other guilds and monsters together. Too bad GW doesn't have the getting hitch option ingame.
Oh, instead of fighting for real, my wife and I battle other guilds and monsters together. Too bad GW doesn't have the getting hitch option ingame.