Question Regarding Reveral of Fortunes usage



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Connecticut, USA



The wording of reveral of fortune goes as follows "the next time target ally would take damage, that ally gains that amount of life instead 15....85" (costs 5 energy to cast, 1/4 second cast time, 2 second recharge) This is under protection spells and its an enchantment.

I ask this in regards to how this can be useful. I went in to test in UW solo trying to find a way for when the nightmares pop up I dont get fried right away from the aaxes. I'm trying to come up with a combination for my 55hp monk but for duo (with a spiteful necro). I was immediately toasted from the aaxes...same as I would be with the nightmares normally dropping my enchantments (still dont know why that occurs) and then the aaxes killing me because I dont have enough time to cast protection enchantments before I'm overwhelmed by the aaxes. I originally thought a quick cast of this in a tight situation (with spell breaker on already) would resolve that but i'm not sure. If i put spell breaker on, would the nightmares still die? and my enchantments stay on me? If so that'd avoid any typical problem I get with them. I was thinking a good 55hp build be be something like the following
Spell Breaker
reversal of fortune (for necro duo) symbol of wrath/balthazars aura (solo)
healing breeze
protective spirit
zealots fire
bonettis defense
balthazars spirit

If anyone can answer the questions seriously and give me some input back, i'd appreciate it. thanks




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

The Dying Nightmares are using Rend Enchantments on you. You're not losing any health because of that spell, but all your enchantments are removed when they use it.

Putting spellbreaker on is the best way to counter it, but no, unless they remove enchantments, they will not die. Therefore, it's your job to thwack them with a holy based rod or staff 2 or 3 times until they do die (they have very very low health).

Rend Enchantments: On cast, removes (a certain number) of enchantments. For each enchantment removed, the Dying Nightmare takes X amount of damage.

I don't have the specific numbers in my mind atm, but that's how the spell works.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Connecticut, USA



Yeah but with spell breaker set at around 14-15 seconds that would allow me enough time to pop off even double what it takes to kill them right? (assuming i use a holy rod, such as wroths holy rod). That was the only problem I was having with soloing was the nightmares, about hafl the time i'd get through 8-9 aaxes and the last group of 2-3 would have a nightmare pop up close to them and aggro them onto me and i'd frantically cast protective spirit/healing breeze to make up for rend enchantments and then sword slice them...i prefer using swords for upclose, any suggestions on 1 spell to use for damage, balthazars aura or symbol of wrath? keep in mind 5mins for 2 aaxes isnt a problem. Currently with healing 14, protection 11, smiting 12, divine 12 , tactics 4 (will modify all these tho to appropriate)

Or recomendations for a spell similiar to the above in smiting that i can use to do out decent damage (mixed with balthazars) lowest spell cast time/energy cost isnt a problem so they dont regen health in the time i have to wait for it to recharge