The Bartender
Primary class
Alcoholic - Increases recharge times of all bartender skills by 4% per point invested.
Coktails (cant spell it right because of word filter) - Increases duration of all coktail skills.
Spirits - Reduces energy cost of all spirit skills.
Ale - Increases range and damage of all ale attacks.
With his vast arcane knowledge of some of the most powerful drinks the land has ever seen, the cunning bartender uses an excellent variety of alcoholic beverages to overcome his opponents.
Sunshine |Hex spell| 5 energy || 20 sec recharge - For 3 seconds if target moves it becomes blinded for 15 seconds.
Moonshine |Hex spell| 10e|18r - Target enemy moves and attacks 25% faster but only inflicts half its normal physical damage.
Rurik Special |ELITE| |Hex Spell| 25e|30r - Sacrifice 1 energy bip for 10 seconds. Any enemy within a 10 yard radius becomes drunk and suffers from blurred vision (your perspective), becomes crippled and suffers from bleeding for 10 seconds. Any attack spells casted while suffering from this hex renews the conditions for an additional 10 seconds.
Black Piston |Hex Spell| 15e|20r - For 6-14 seconds, anyone suffering from this hex becomes instantly confused. Any enemy casting a spell while confused has a 50% chance of failing.
Pulverizer |Hex Spell| 10e|40r - For 4-20 seconds, Targets adjacent to you becomes your friend. They may still attack you but all enemy aoe damage and party heals affect you, your team and the enemy.
Spirits :
Lord Vanders 1604 |Stance| Free|40r - When ingested. Nothing happens. After 20 seconds the bartender moves 25% faster for 40 seconds and suffers from drunkness blurring his vision.
Adelberns brew - |Enchantment| |Stance| Free|120r - This ancient concoction has spontaneous effects. As long as this enchantment is maintained the bartender swaps his life for energy. 50% chance of failure with spirits 8 or less
D'alessios Vintage - |Enchantment| 10|50r - Once ingested this spirit turns the bartenders insides to stone. Defense is increased by 30-150 for 12 seconds but the bartender suffers from blindness and moves 30% slower.
Alchemists Humor - |ELITE| 15e|60r - For 15 seconds this spirit randomly Shuts down an entire skill bar from an opposing team member. The Bartender suffers from a mortal blow and health is reduced to 50 max hp for the remainder of the hex.
Bathtub Special - |Stance| Free|Instant - For 8 seconds you are immune to all damage but suffer -3 health degeneration. This stance ends all enchantments and no further enchantments may be cast on you.All healing is further reduced to 25% efficiency.
Ale :
Concoct Dwarven ale |Skill| 5e|Instant - Instantly produce one dwarven ale. This ale may not be traded and vanishes on rezone.(Only 20 ales at any given time.Stackable in inventory)
Dwarven Molotov |Skill| 2 ales|10r - Hurls a flaming bottle of Dwarven Molotov at target and nearby enemies. Targets suffer 18-98 damage.
Flame breath |Skill| 1 ale|15r - Spewing forth ignited alcohol this attack sets the target on fire for 6 seconds and causes 8-46 damage.
Ale belly |Hex Spell| 2 ales|60r - For 15 seconds target moves 20% slower. If the target is hit with a fire attack it will instantly ignite for 3-15 seconds.
Alcoholic blade |ELITE| 2 ales|60r - For 48 seconds your weapon is imbued with pure grade alcohol causing severe burning on any flesh wound. Any enemy hit while under this enchantment causes 6-14 extra piercing damage.
Cold Brewsky |Hex Spell| 2 ales|30r - For 3-22 seconds target gains +1 health regeneration but suffers from brainfreeze. Spell casting time is increased by 100% and all coktail attacks on target last twice as long.
I have a few more ideas but im tired and im probably not going to get much positive response from this. Either way it was fun to make. Thanks for reading.