It would be nice to have a command that lists the skills on your skill bar to the people in your party. It would make it much faster in Tombs when people ask you to list your skill bar.
There might be a problem with the skills taking more line space than Guild Wars currently allows you to use at one time, but they could probably make an adjustment for that command.
List skill command
Kool Pajamas
I think this would be a very worthwhile addition. Apart from the sheer convenience of it in general, I just consider its benefits to the overall game itself, whether it's Tombs, PvE, GvG, whatever. On-the-fly team build construction will be exponentially more efficient when players don't have to type out their entire skill set, instead only needing to ControlClick on an icon to list their skills/spells and the necessary information (duration, strength, etc).
And I'd love to see a further extension of this idea in including the duration, strength, etc., of each skill. Not anything too comprehensive, though. For example, "Empathy (20/31)" for an Empathy that has a duration of 20 seconds and does 31 damage. "Backfire (119)" and so on.
And I'd love to see a further extension of this idea in including the duration, strength, etc., of each skill. Not anything too comprehensive, though. For example, "Empathy (20/31)" for an Empathy that has a duration of 20 seconds and does 31 damage. "Backfire (119)" and so on.