Never PvP'd before, dumb question
I know you have to unlock skills in order to use them in PvP, but lets say that I've never played a Necro in PvE, will I be able to play one in PvP? I'm guessing the answer is "no" as I've not unlocked any Necro skills during PvE play...? Like I said, dumb question...
Pevil Lihatuh
yeah you can play one. There are pre-built templates that have some 'basic' skills unlocked, and as you gain 'faction' by winning, you can unlock more skills that way instead of doing pve quests.
So basically, yes, but you'll start out more limited than if you were to start a PvP with a char of the same profession as your PvE char.
So basically, yes, but you'll start out more limited than if you were to start a PvP with a char of the same profession as your PvE char.