GW Support - fair?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


NOT-Nomads Of Turmoil

I am wondering what the general concensus is for a situation below and if we feel that GW Supports action is complete enough.

You're making a sale of an item or items to another player, the end result will add 60k to your personal inventory gold amount. You already have 50plat in there and fail to realize this before opening trade window and placing items in it. You hit accept and see "transaction cancelled" in chat log and realize the problem - can't hold that much in peronsal inventory, so you head over to storage to deposit some cash, then back over to buyer to open trade window. That's when you notice that the item(s) you were selling are no longer in your inventory anywhere.
You dbl check chat log and sure enough there was no trade made as it clearly says it was cancelled.
The buyer up and maps out of the town/zone youre in and wont respond to whispers - realization sets in that you've encountered a bug or glitch of some kind and the buyer has gotten away with your item(s).

You submit a report to GW Support thru the means provided, a screenie showing the trade session cancelled and the items mission from inventory. You get an automated email saying "We're sorry you've had a bad experience, thank you for bringing it to our attention, you won't be told of the outcome/any penalties we may apply to the offender yada yada yada.....and you won't get any gold or items you may have lost back???

Well despite the other players obvious lack of morales or honesty, the offender in this case is the Game. Several other times I've had too much gold in inventory when making a sale that would put me over the limit, and each time the session is cancelled and I retain my items. I realize that GW/Anet can't be certain of "what" was lost, even with a screenie who's to say you didn't just move it to storage or give it to a buddy but in this case it was something in their game that caused the loss not a cheating/scamming player.
I'm sure there is some way for them to determine what item(s) you possessed before the transaction and after - so for me personally - GW Support is not truly support.

Opinions (not flames)



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu]

Well it sounds like a bug that should be reported. That said, I don't think you can hold anet responsible for the effects of each and every bug that is out there. With millions of players it would be impossible to do anything else if all you did was take care of players affected by bugs. But rather support should be working to deal with the broader issue.

Anyway, my two cent.



Did I hear 7 heroes?

Join Date: May 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Guild Leader (Not Recruiting)

Firstly, that just plain sucks. Prehaps you should suggest to them that in the event of excessive amount of gold that it automatically gets deposited to your storage in situations like this. But it would only work in towns and outposts to avoid players farming with 100k and having the cash go right to their storage.

I encountered a similar situation, or at least it sounds like it. I traded 18k to an individual for an item, and surely enough I received the item. The message appeared in the message log and my 18k was replaced by the item I traded for. The player messaged me saying that the gold didn't come over. So if you put yourself in the other person's shoes, at least in my situation, I wasn't willing to give another 18k because I was under the impression this was some sort of scam.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

why not have duplicate trade windows above each other? (seller and buyer)

that way you could actually see the gold/item change from one backpack to the other before hitting accept.

the way it is now it just vanishes if you are giving/selling something and you assume they got it



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


Bloodrising Organisation


Originally Posted by Racthoh
Firstly, that just plain sucks. Prehaps you should suggest to them that in the event of excessive amount of gold that it automatically gets deposited to your storage in situations like this. But it would only work in towns and outposts to avoid players farming with 100k and having the cash go right to their storage.
Good idea.

Also, how about an "Overflow"?
A seperate window that will pop up, allowing you to overflow your items/gold by a certain amount.
And warn the user via chat message, that if he/she leaves the current area the overflow items will be lost.
That way, you can still make your trade, and still run to the bank to deposit the overflowed amount.
No bugs, no loot lost. Everyones happy.