(I apologize for my previous thread; I just skimmed over the rules before posting and did not realize that there were restrictions on thread naming.)
Simply put, this is a guild for players with a sense of humor. If you don't need to take yourself seriously all the time then this may very well be the place for you. I am looking to gather like-minded (and please… moderately intelligent…) individuals to get together and simply have a blast!
My vision to mold this into a productive gaming group, for recreational to hardcore gamers who want to have a good time and help each other level up and then move on to PVP.
I have reserved the guild name and purchased a cape, but I have NOT started recruitment or gone around plugging this like a madman (actually, I did for a bit but then I realized it wasn’t worth it ).
If I can stir enough interest I will make up a website (that’s right, I’m a designer ) but for now I don’t want to waste my time unless anything comes of it.
If you have any questions or concerns I can be contacted through PM, MSN, ICQ or by simply replying to this thread (IM address’ obtained through PM).
Oh, and incase you’re wondering, I’m not a complete "n00b"; I played DaoC for a little while, AC2 for a few months and I am a long time Middle-earth Online community member (and one-time fan site owner). I thought this game looked amazing, and since MeO seems to be going to the crapper, I picked it up on release day.
Have fun! (it is a game after all, isn’t it?)
(Oh, and.... Ni!)
PS Feel free to message me in-game as well, my main toon is "Bellomarious Caudimo".
The Guardians Of Ridiculum [GR]