Looking at playing GW


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005

definatly going to buy and test out the game, i just wanted to hear some real opinions on it, and also if someone could direct me to a site that actualy has a comprehensive game explanation from the bottom up? the basics on how you spec and such

the thing i really want to know about are classes though. it seems like there are six basic ones and then tons of different ways to spec?

i've always played healing charactors as my main. played daoc for two years and had a 50 rejuv cleric and a 50 aug/rejuv healer, absolutely loved the healer.

anyway, i'd love all comments thoughts and sudgestions , this seemed like it was the right board to post on??



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

[KoA] Knights of the Alliance


Originally Posted by Kilaitz
the thing i really want to know about are classes though. it seems like there are six basic ones and then tons of different ways to spec?
First, you choose a primary class, out of six. Then, early in the game, you gain a secondary profession, any one of the five you did not choose as your primary. As you progress in the game, you can change your secondary profession, so the only thing set in stone is your primary.

Originally Posted by Kilaitz
i've always played healing charactors as my main. played daoc for two years and had a 50 rejuv cleric and a 50 aug/rejuv healer, absolutely loved the healer.
Then I suggest the monk class

Originally Posted by Kilaitz
if someone could direct me to a site that actualy has a comprehensive game explanation from the bottom up? the basics on how you spec and such
I know there must be one around somewere, but I do not know the URL. So, a quick rundown:

Every time you gain a level, you will get a set amount of attribute points. These points can be set in any of a number of attributes, such as healing prayers for a monk. While in towns and outposts, you can move attribute points around for free. An example: monks have the attributes healing prayers, protection prayers, smiting prayers, and divine favor. Divine favor is only usable by monk primaries. Each attribute will effect certain skills, such as healing prayers increasing the healing power of heal other (a monk skill) You can have a maximum of 200 attribute points. Cost to increase an attribute scales up with the level of the attribute, so to go from 0 to 1 costs 1 attribute point, but to go from 11 to 12 costs 20. 16 is the maximum in any attribute without using skills, but using runes (items that increase an attribute) and by having a helmet that increases an attribute. 12 is the maximum without using any support items or skills.

You are limited to 8 skills at any one time. The skills you have are based on what profession you chose. So, the skill heal other can be learned and used by any monk, and by anyone with the monk secondary, but no one else. Skills can be changed in towns and outposts, there is no limit to the amount of skills you can have (until you get them all of course)

Skills are learned from quests and skill trainers. If you want to get skills from skill trainers, you need to have a skill point and a small bit of gold. The gold cost goes up every time you buy a skill, capping at 1,000 gold and starting at 50. You get one skill point every time you complete a mission (not a quest) and every time you level up.

You can only get to level 20. Afterwards, you will still continue to "level", but you will only get skill points for it.

Every level before 20 your maximum hp will increase by 20. Your energy will never increase from leveling, you have to use items to increase that. Non-modified hp maxes at 480 for all classes.

If you die, you suffer a non-permanent "death penalty" of 15%. That means your maximum hp and energy are reduced by 15%. Death penalty caps at 60%, is slowly removed by earning experience, and is completely removed when you enter a town or outpost.

Hope that helps.

The official FAQ
The guild hall.net glossary of terms.

Pagan Greyfeather

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Dark Wing Cadre


Game mechanics aside, to answer your "real" question-Yes, it is absolutely worth your time and money to purchase and play Guild Wars. I have played many different games of this type and GW outclasses (bad pun, sorry) them all. I started doing just PvE (Player vs. Environment) and eventually moved into PvP which include guild battles (Your guild, if you join one, against another), Hall of Heros (8 vs 8 team battles in a tournament style) or just the regular 4 vs. 4 team battles in regular Arenas. There really is something for everyone in this game. A couple of hints. Don't feel the need to "rush' through the game with your first character. Plenty of time for that on your 4th, 5th (in my case 6th- I have got to get a life) character. You will also have a "friends" list. Use it. Find mature friendly people in the game that you can group with or just ask questions. Feel free to add me right off the bat-Pagan Greyfeather or Blackjak Malloy (I have 2 accounts, see "life" comment above). Glad to help out someone new to the game. Most of all-have fun. Too many folks take this waaaaay to serious. lol Good luck and good hunting.-Pagan