I have been reading through the forums lately and have noticed that most posts compare Chapter 2 to an expansion in a typical game (think L.O.D. for Diablo2). Do most people not realize that you can buy Chapter 2 and not own Chapter 1?
It seems that most people do not realize what that means!! A brand new game that can stand alone and must work with Chapter 1 at the same time. I've seen all over the forums where people are debating about the one other class in Chapter 2, but if the FAQ on the Anet site is correct how many people will buy Chapter 2 to play 2 professions?
Chapter 2/Expansion/Update
Ryk Keren
It's the added skills mixed in and the new class and the forced changes. You don't have to have chapter 2, but to have the same option of stragety / tatics as people who do, you must have it.
Magic the gathering, you don't have to get the newest expansion .. but if you want all the cool new stuff, you should be buying it
It will all depend on how Chapter 1 and 2 interact. If you can create say the assasin and start the game from the begining with people who have chapter 1, for PvP it may be a big deal. If Chapter 1 and 2 interact in select area's like Tombs and the standard PvP zones, but not the chapter 1 pve area's..
They may be adding new skill to the existing jobs to.
Magic the gathering, you don't have to get the newest expansion .. but if you want all the cool new stuff, you should be buying it
It will all depend on how Chapter 1 and 2 interact. If you can create say the assasin and start the game from the begining with people who have chapter 1, for PvP it may be a big deal. If Chapter 1 and 2 interact in select area's like Tombs and the standard PvP zones, but not the chapter 1 pve area's..
They may be adding new skill to the existing jobs to.
From guildwars.com:
Let's be clear here:
have more skills, then you are better prepared for competition and more competitive. Anyone that ever played MtG for even half a year knows this. To think you are fully competitive with only chapter 2 OR chapter 1 (when chap 2 comes out) is a dream. You can however play your proffession. I wonder if the new proffs will be available as secondary proffs for the chapter 1 proffs.
If so, then you are at a definete competitive disadvantage for limiting your choices.
Will I remain competitive if I do not buy the chapters? Will I be able to compete with and against others if I have only some of the Guild Wars chapters? Yes. Purchasing the newer chapters of Guild Wars will not make you strictly more powerful. You will have access to many more strategic options, due to the expanding nature of the skills, abilities, items and professions that you enjoy with each chapter. It would be similar to building a deck in Magic: The Gathering™: The more cards you own, the greater the number of different playing decks you can choose to play. When you buy the chapters of Guild Wars, you will acquire a larger collection of skills and abilities from which to build your skill set, but you will not gain more power. So if you purchase a chapter and your friend does not, you will still be able to play competitively against and with one another. |
have more skills, then you are better prepared for competition and more competitive. Anyone that ever played MtG for even half a year knows this. To think you are fully competitive with only chapter 2 OR chapter 1 (when chap 2 comes out) is a dream. You can however play your proffession. I wonder if the new proffs will be available as secondary proffs for the chapter 1 proffs.
If so, then you are at a definete competitive disadvantage for limiting your choices.
hey how do we know its only 2 new professions?
if you read the EULA, it sounded like "expansions" is "chapters"....
Im already reservering money for chapter two's release, I want the "bigger deck"
so far my Mo/All has the biggist deck avilable, and gaining room for more...
I wonder what would happen if a person would wait till chapter three and buy it and not have chapter two installed onto the account?
if you read the EULA, it sounded like "expansions" is "chapters"....
Im already reservering money for chapter two's release, I want the "bigger deck"
so far my Mo/All has the biggist deck avilable, and gaining room for more...
I wonder what would happen if a person would wait till chapter three and buy it and not have chapter two installed onto the account?
Pevil Lihatuh
Originally Posted by Ryk Keren
I have been reading through the forums lately and have noticed that most posts compare Chapter 2 to an expansion in a typical game (think L.O.D. for Diablo2). Do most people not realize that you can buy Chapter 2 and not own Chapter 1?
It seems that most people do not realize what that means!! A brand new game that can stand alone and must work with Chapter 1 at the same time. I've seen all over the forums where people are debating about the one other class in Chapter 2, but if the FAQ on the Anet site is correct how many people will buy Chapter 2 to play 2 professions? Thoughts/Comments! |
Campaign 2. You heard it here first.
anyone kno when ch2 is coming to stores?
When it's done
Somewhere in the first half of 2006.
Somewhere in the first half of 2006.
This thread is a bit redundant with all the other Chapter 2 threads floating around. Closed.