Finally..I'm going to ask.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

Louisville, Kentucky

: )


Why does a perfect weapon and 1 off frmo being perfect make a different of sometimes 300k? Is 1 Health, 1 Armor, or 1% really going to help you in the middle of a fight? I'm just getting tired of people paying SO much for a perfect sword when you could buy one almost exactly the same for 100k less. I mean..really..will 1 Health keep you alive in a fight?



Join Date: May 2005

Looks don't help in the middle of a fight either, yet a 15k FoW armor costs ~300k.

If you think any of this was for effectiveness then you've been blind, it's all about looks and collectors value.

In addition, for PvP GvG and HoH, this 1% could matter.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005




the main fact is that perfect weapons are rarer than near perfect ones so it's normal to have them for a higher price, now it's tru 1% or 1hp might not help u, or very few times for the 1hp :x. now it's the market price

Blue Steel

Blue Steel

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Blue Empire [BLUE]


If you had tens or hundreds of millions of gold and nothing to do with it, what would you buy? People often offer to sell me +29/-2 tall shields, but why would I buy something less than perfect when I have so many perfect ones? What's the point? I already have more items than I could actually use in a lifetime, anyway, so I collect flawless stuff only . . .



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Mass Delusion [LARP]

its like absorbtion runes ppl only want perfect
major absorbtion ~3k
superior absorbtion 100k
do u think -1dmg is worth 97k more
but people want perfect thats y
thats how the economy works
best = uber l33tn3ss to the 3k uberness
making u "uber l33tn3ss to the 3k uberness"

Thanos Draco

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Also haveing 30 griffons attacking you every second at once for example makes that -1 important. You save an extra 30 damage per second from getting hit and thats why people get the sup absorption rune over major.