question about my graphics card
i have 1.24 ghz, 256 ram, and radeon 7000. do you think ill be able to run gw with my current graphics card? or will i need to buy a new one?
A new one would not hurt.
the card supports DX-8 which is not bad, but you will do best with a DX-9 card and something with 128 mg of ram, your 7000 only has 64 (at most). I have a friend who has 1024 sys/ram and a 5200fx (nvidia) and he runs the game just fine. That extra 64 meg of ram and dx-9 support will make a big diff. Plus this game is the most fun played at 1280x1024 at least. I've got a 5700U and it plays awesome on it.
the card supports DX-8 which is not bad, but you will do best with a DX-9 card and something with 128 mg of ram, your 7000 only has 64 (at most). I have a friend who has 1024 sys/ram and a 5200fx (nvidia) and he runs the game just fine. That extra 64 meg of ram and dx-9 support will make a big diff. Plus this game is the most fun played at 1280x1024 at least. I've got a 5700U and it plays awesome on it.
so i will be able to run it?
yep, this game is fantastic at running on low-end cards. You should be able to run it. If you get graphic hicups then PM me or search the forums, there are a few things you can do to help ensure your card is running at it's peak performance.
I don't think that card will run the game. The requirements are Radeon 8500 or up, or a GeForce 4mx (actually below the GF3 Ti listed in the game requirements but still supported) and up. The Radeon 7000 is not only lacking programmable shaders but also hardware texturing and lighting (T&L) - it's also only a DX7-level card (it's DX9 'compatable' but DX7 is the most recent version that it supports all the features of).
There's an off chance that the card will run GW but I -really- doubt it. If it runs, I'd be highly suprised if it ran with any acceptable level of performance.
There's an off chance that the card will run GW but I -really- doubt it. If it runs, I'd be highly suprised if it ran with any acceptable level of performance.
ugh will it work or not. some say yes and some say no. which one????!?!?!
Serafita Kayin
DX 7 is not DX 9. In fact, it's two generations of hardware removed. Five if you count DX revisions.
It physically cannot understand the commands sent by the game, and has no features to produce the pictures those commands generate.
DX 8 and DX 9 have more in common than 7 and 8 did. You're gonna be buying a new video card.
DX 7 is not DX 9. In fact, it's two generations of hardware removed. Five if you count DX revisions.
It physically cannot understand the commands sent by the game, and has no features to produce the pictures those commands generate.
DX 8 and DX 9 have more in common than 7 and 8 did. You're gonna be buying a new video card.
on the other hand the GF4 MX line are dx7 cards as well since the MX line does not support shaders either
Serafita Kayin
There were hardware diffs in the 7000 and the MX series, but the MX should just BARELY run it.
Why is a 7000 still alive? That's a better question...
Decog, is that you, from PR? OMG d00d!
Why is a 7000 still alive? That's a better question...
Decog, is that you, from PR? OMG d00d!
I'd suspect that it will load & run, but the 7000 is so anemic on features (as I mentioned, it completely lacks hardware T&L) that I -highly- doubt it'll provide any sort of acceptable performance, if it even displays everything properly.