Lame guild capes
Does anyone notice how many lame cape designs there are? I made a second char and went back into pre-searing, about 9/10 of the capes had flame edges and some gold or white emblem in the middle. Not to mention a lot of capes have a color configuration of red and black.
Does anyone else notice this or is it me? I just wish people would put more effort and creativity into making a cape, than half the capes having flames on it and a skull in the middle and calling it good.
BTW, if you have a cool cape design please post it here. Hopefully not all capes look the same.
Does anyone else notice this or is it me? I just wish people would put more effort and creativity into making a cape, than half the capes having flames on it and a skull in the middle and calling it good.
BTW, if you have a cool cape design please post it here. Hopefully not all capes look the same.
Originally Posted by Treevore
Does anyone notice how many lame cape designs there are? I made a second char and went back into pre-searing, about 9/10 of the capes had flame edges and some gold or white emblem in the middle. Not to mention a lot of capes have a color configuration of red and black.
Does anyone else notice this or is it me? I just wish people would put more effort and creativity into making a cape, than half the capes having flames on it and a skull in the middle and calling it good. BTW, if you have a cool cape design please post it here. Hopefully not all capes look the same. |
When I created our guild I made a first cape. Looked TERRIBLE. My guildmates kept hounding me about it on voice channel, so I finally swalloed another 2000 and changed them. Currently we have a Real dark Navy Blue as the background with a Gold / Yellow Scorpion on the back, the hem part is the one that looks like it has been kind of ripped a bit.
How do you actuallu MAKE a cape do you just put on layers of pictures? Or do you actually draw and image.
Dr Wu
My guild has a green cape with the spider motif..unless you're wearing basic brown or green garb, the cape clashes with most fancy colors..very annoying for those that want to dress smart !!

Originally Posted by $hade.
How do you actuallu MAKE a cape do you just put on layers of pictures? Or do you actually draw and image.
There are preset images and then you choose from a swatch of colours available what you would like the background colour as, the icon colour and the detail colour.
The swatch has a slider that changes the shade lighter and darker depending on which way you slide it.
ook thanx are there lots of images to choose from?
Witchfinder General
Originally Posted by Treevore
Does anyone notice how many lame cape designs there are? I made a second char and went back into pre-searing, about 9/10 of the capes had flame edges and some gold or white emblem in the middle. Not to mention a lot of capes have a color configuration of red and black.
Does anyone else notice this or is it me? I just wish people would put more effort and creativity into making a cape, than half the capes having flames on it and a skull in the middle and calling it good. BTW, if you have a cool cape design please post it here. Hopefully not all capes look the same. |
yes most capes are vapid (look how eeevil we are) designs.
My guild has a picture of a beer mug on a green background.
Our guild leader made it after I joined.
He must die.
Our guild leader made it after I joined.
He must die.
Originally Posted by MyriaN
My guild has a picture of a beer mug on a green background.
Our guild leader made it after I joined. He must die. |

Ours (Knights of the Oasis; KO) is a gold chess knight on a red background with some green floral pattern. I'm not overly fond of it, but it's not the worst out there, and I have gotten a few "nice cape" comments while in town so it must not be too bad.
Ah, here's a pic of it in design stage our guild leader posted, although (thankfully) we went with a different hem than this goofy one pictured:
Our cape needs to be fixed a little bit >.>;
The emblem is a bit too bright, and I want to change the paws to be a blue instead of aqua, but I am overall happy with it, I think it fits with us. the pawprints and the mountain and such sort of go with us 'Wayward Wanderers' and such. Here's a pic of it so far, the one in Beta looked exact but a BIT different.
The emblem is a bit too bright, and I want to change the paws to be a blue instead of aqua, but I am overall happy with it, I think it fits with us. the pawprints and the mountain and such sort of go with us 'Wayward Wanderers' and such. Here's a pic of it so far, the one in Beta looked exact but a BIT different.
There is a Beer mug picture? I must have missed that one when scrolling through. I'll pay for a 3rd change if I can get that one

Here's mine, I tried hard not to make it yet another generic cape clone when I created it

LoL in game fashion police are required.
I'm working on one for my guild of one , once I got some spare cash. I'm thinking light blue background with a green emblem, but it's still in design.
My guild's cape is a dark red and black diamond background, with a bright gold fleur-de-lis. The fleur-de-lis really stands out.
Cs Coldize
my cape sucks but I cant help it my leader is dumb
lol... yeah... I generally hate all these "hey! look! I'm an 3v1l 1337 n00b! f34r m3!" kind of capes. I mean, really... does it look cool anymore? no.
My guild has a very dark green background with a silver/white/lightgrey dragon sign on it. And unfortunatly, I just noticed, it has flames as well - but you can only see them (as I only noticed them when) I went into the arena and my cape turned red. but it's only slightly different hued so I don't care.
My guild has a very dark green background with a silver/white/lightgrey dragon sign on it. And unfortunatly, I just noticed, it has flames as well - but you can only see them (as I only noticed them when) I went into the arena and my cape turned red. but it's only slightly different hued so I don't care.
Brax Rinlow
if you think that many capes are lame, just join a guild with "cool" cape

Legendary Mithrandir
Our guild cape suits our style of the clan its orange and red flames with a grey Deamon skull, generaly because our guilds called Deamons of The Underdark

Teufel Eldritch
Haha I have what you ppl would call a lame cape but you know what? I dont care whether or not you like it! I like it & that is what matters. Neener, neener, neener, neener, ploy. lol
lol our old one seems to be one that comes up at random. either that, or a lot of people started copying ours from beta. so We changed ours... But it is almost the same as it was, just slightly different colors and emblem.
Our guild leader is very open to suggestions, so we made the cape as a guild, and i think it looks rather good. cant get a picture at the moment(dont know any good host sites)
But its a dark purple, with the flames on the side an even darker purple (just noticable) with a gold insect thing. if you count it on the guild emblemer, its the first row, number... 35 i think- it has wings ^^
But its a dark purple, with the flames on the side an even darker purple (just noticable) with a gold insect thing. if you count it on the guild emblemer, its the first row, number... 35 i think- it has wings ^^
I suppose mine is 'lame'. But we made it on day one, and we made it the way it is for a reason. It represents the guild's name as closely as I could make it.
Deciders of Fate. It's not too hard to figure out.
[Note: Double using this image. Dont feel like uploading another
Deciders of Fate. It's not too hard to figure out.
[Note: Double using this image. Dont feel like uploading another

Pevil Lihatuh
i hate my cape. i've been tempted to make my own guild just so my cape can look cool. But i wouldn't want to run a guild really, and i do want to do GvG so guess im stuck with it
at least for a while.

House of the White Lotus, led by Jin Yimou

Originally Posted by Treevore
Does anyone else notice this or is it me? I just wish people would put more effort and creativity into making a cape, than half the capes having flames on it and a skull in the middle and calling it good.

We might be changing the cape soon because nobody seems to like it much.
I suppose I have a boring cape, I dunno, it's just red and black with a cross, pretty crap picture of two guys stuck behind a moa bird, but it has the cape on it.
Me and my buddy picked what we thought looked cool. Not what other people thought looked cool. Ours may be generic, but that's why this game has instances, we're unique when we're in our own instance =D
Choosing my cape was a pain, for a digital artist, I needed to pick things that match and stand out. Most people seem to like it, don't know if you guys do though. Well here, take a look and tell me watcha think about it

And I'm sure a ton of people also think hot pink background with an orange symbol and teal detailed checkered design wouldn't be "lame". Sure, your guild has a beach towel hanging behind from the neck, but I guess that comes down to style.
I would rather sport a generic good-looking cape that can easily match with any outfit than some Teletubbies-looking cape. Hey, but that's my taste since I'm going to face the thing during my whole gameplay. ;o
I would rather sport a generic good-looking cape that can easily match with any outfit than some Teletubbies-looking cape. Hey, but that's my taste since I'm going to face the thing during my whole gameplay. ;o
I have the torn cape with white flames with the VERY last emblem in a deep red..I just thought it looked cool and went with it. Once I started to actually look at others I saw how much people used the white flames....
I prefer the simple stuff, sorry if it's not up to par. This is my guild cape.
Without lame capes, then how can mediocre capes look ok?
Amanita Device
I have to admit, the cape design currently in use by the House of the White Lotus, as modelled for us by Song currently stands as my number one favorite.
I'd join their guild for the cape alone.
I also like the name as well.
I'd join their guild for the cape alone.
I also like the name as well.
It's not what I would have chosen, but I can live with it
my guild cape is black and white checkered, with no emblem, very different than those around me. when i get enough money, i'm going to make it black and hot pink checkered.
Mine has a rose and ray looking things around it in... like one of the pics on the first page, they are both gold/yellow... the background is purple... I love purple, not many people wear it, but as a monk my purple head tatoo with purple robes looks pretty cool... if you're comfortable enough with your sexuality to wear purple it looks very nice, but some guys aren't