huge conga line!
this is a huge conga line made by me....no reallly i am the leader ....
actually gaile gray was te leader she was answering questions about guildwars xpansion pack what is going to be in it etc..

click on the atached image t osee the picture of the conga line of over 60 people
Kry Onicle
Hahah thats Awesome ^^
I hate the people who show up when an ANet employee appears ingame.
>.> Must ruin their fun... If I was a Anet employee and wanted to play, I'd pretty much want to be alone... o.O
Never seen Gaile before...poo. But, I have seen an Areanet employee before even though it wasn't Gaile.
ya lol
Ultimaga King
lol thats pretty sweet there pluch002 is that a guild or just a bunch of peeps from la?
wow so confused howd u get that big line to start so confused...
they all ran after gaile gray
you can ask her yourself she has a guildwarsguru name just look up GAILE GRAY she is a ranger and her name is red..... wasnt tryin to b a jerk..
*Flush* For those of you who can't tell, this topic is about the screenshot, not about screenshots not posted.
Nice line of people, tho. Gaile has a thing for conga lines, apparently o_O
Nice line of people, tho. Gaile has a thing for conga lines, apparently o_O