Speculation abounds! Supposed 'leaked pics' of alpha test.
Mustache Mayhem
I found some alpha sketches of the new skills that leaked
here's alex weekes down at anet (the inspiration for the new whip)
here's alex weekes down at anet (the inspiration for the new whip)
Xue Yi Liang
I'm still waiting for the OP to give us the original links he supposedly got them from ....
... oh well, he's probably still busy photoshop-tweaking the second "screencap" before he posts it again.
... oh well, he's probably still busy photoshop-tweaking the second "screencap" before he posts it again.
Xue Yi Liang
Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
Why would it deal more damage to enemies that are farther away? A whip is a meele weapon, not a ranged weapon. The closer you would be to it the more damage you would take, according to common logic; am I mistaken?
In theory you'd be mistaken. The way a whip works is that it accumulates all the momentum in an arm/shoulder swing to travel down a lash of smaller and smaller diameter. The conservation of momentum will drive more distant segments of the whip to higher and higher velocities - the small end of the whip cracks because it's actually breaking the sound barrier ... A whip has a certain optimal range, though a user can choke up on his lash or manipulate it to affect targets of different distances. Still, up close a whip is pretty much useless.
Sagius Truthbarron
Unless they hired 5 year olds to do the new skill icons I'd say these look pretty fake to me. Although maybe an intern did them. *shrugs*
Xue Yi Liang
Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang
Quote: If you want to know why I believe it's a fake then look at my other posts. lol..font kerning?
I think it is a fake not because of the SS but because we are still posting in this topic. I am quite sure that some Alpha testers are browsing this forum right now. Maybe some are mods They know which ones are against the NDA and which ones arent. If this topic is nuked in the near future then we will know if this is a fake or not.
Here's my complete statement, "It's interesting to see a bullwhip that does more basic damage than any sword, axe or bow. I don't recall anyone ever getting beheaded or dying from a single lash of a whip ... lol" - If it's not obvious, I'm ridiculing the whip stats - As I recall "Beheading" isn't in GW either.
Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang
Crotalus seems to be the only one here who thinks it might be real ...
It seems that you are the only one that cant read on this forum. Please tell me where i said it is real?
Good day sir and have fun with this topic. I am going on to Guild Wars and play a little. I will wait until Chapter 2 to see if they add whips. Sagius Truthbarron
Here's the first person to post these. http://forums.gwonline.net/showthrea...6&page=1&pp=10
All the person who made these said when he posted was "OMGZ do you think FEMA will get mad?" I think they mean the PETA or whatever that organization is that zealously campaings against the ban of meat. The Deathly Swarm animation that you see on the other Stone Summit in the background is supposed to be the Cyclone Whip spell or whatever that was, I think. If you look on the radar, there is a necromancer standing behind her casting it. Chance Folly
Additionally, it claims that the "\" key would open and close the "Target Priority" window. Our scammer didn't do his homework, because "\" is already assigned by default to "Target Nearest".
Xue Yi Liang
Looks like I'm going to enter a purse-swinging battle
Originally Posted by Crotalus
Quote: |
Quote: Originally Posted by Crotalus It seems that you are the only one that cant read on this forum. Please tell me where i said it is real? read my statement again carefully, "Crotalus seems to be the only one here who thinks it might be real ..." I didn't say you thought it WAS real - I said you think it MIGHT BE real. You entertained that thought when you said this:
Originally Posted by Crotalus
I hope it is not a fake. I would like to see whip attacks in the next Chapter. However i dont think it should be linked to Beastmastery. That attribute has enough problems as is. Hopefully it is for a new class!
everyone else was just dismissing it as a complete hoax ... Since you HOPE it's real, it's safe to say you think it MIGHT BE real. Geez. With the sense of logic demonstrated here I hope you have a lawyer to help you read contracts in the future. Quote:
I am sorry i am not a secretary. I have no idea what kerning is and how that proves that these ss are a fake. That is why i put a question mark at the end. Please enlighten me! You can use ingame ss as well as the ones in the orginal post.
This is your time to shine, girl! Quote: