Horn Bow and the questionable hidden "+10" mod

Green Gnight

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

Hey all,

Normally my bow of choice is recurve, but its properties aren't as desirable for a build I'm currently working on. I searched for a topic or a sticky on horn bows but I couldn't find my answer. Wanting to explore all avenues, is the rumored horn bow's inherent +10 AP fact or fiction? And if it doesn't exist, then is the horn bow a lemon or superior in any way? Thanks!

Green Gnight




Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

If we put it up on the main page, I doubt it'd be rumored.

imaginary friend

imaginary friend

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

marhans grottoooo

Empires of Underworld [EoU]


10% AP or not, i will still use the horn bow



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Hmmm, it's not on the main page. Anyhow:

Green Gnight

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

Thank you Savio.

As I'm reading it, the thread you had pasted and the gwonline thread give the "most likely, but unsure" answer. I don't know, I suppose I'd prefer my arrows then a possible +10 AP. Thanks for the help, question answered .