Are there guilds which know how to respect people?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


The Esoteric Angels [SnaG]

Been playing GW for a few months now. Then I thought is time for me to move on and concentrate on PVP. But it was most unfortunate; the first guild I’ve joined is just so horrible. Been wanting to leave but there r a few nice players who encourages me to stay, they told me just ignore the bad guys & learn whatever I can cause they r good in PVP; but later I found out, those so call 'Elite Playes' who enjoy bossing around so much cannot even win Hall. Until recently, they got really upset after losing to a guild which they claim is a hopeless guild then vent all anger on me. Lol ... is it ‘normal’ that newbies will get scolding whenever a battle was lost?

Well, if the scolding comes after I've been taught & still making mistakes after several tries, I guess I deserve it. But if I was not train or taught properly at all, then I think this isn't fair.

I'm R3 now but 90% of the fame came from pug.

Read a similar post on another forum. So I guess this kinda thing is expected huh?



Did I hear 7 heroes?

Join Date: May 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Guild Leader (Not Recruiting)

Firstly I would ask by what means you joined this guild, was it one of those ones where the leader was simply shouting it in every district of an outpost? Speculation is that those guilds don't have much organization and are a haven of unwanted idiots.

Personally, I would leave. It may have a few good players, but if others are ruining the gaming experience it just isn't worth it.

Alissandra Cole

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005

Ascending Phoenix


Woah! That is most definately not the norm in guilds!
I think you need to find yourself a guild which doesnt take PvP so seriously and can accept a loss with good grace!

EDIT by Billiard: Please no recruiting pitches



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005



Not all the Guild are the same! The one to which I belong couldn't be better the guildies are so helpful, patient and they don't mind if you are a noob and you make mistake ..... you need experience to be good and they provide it all the time.
I was very lucky to have found them!




Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu]

I agree with the folks above, good guilds respect their members and don't just toss the blame on new people when something goes wrong.

Mellia Darkstar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

Empire Of the Underworld


I don't think that is appropriate behavior and even though they say they are an experience guild in pvp there is alot of other guild who are also experience and willing to help newcomers Some people actually want what little power they can get over a guild, i'd stay away from them because they do take the fun out of the game.

Winning hall is pretty hard because you don't see similar build like in gvg and pvp arenas. I was call a noob by an Iway build when testing out a gvg build Rofl

Maybe you should look into a new guild that would meet your requirement This is a game and what's the point of playing if you cant enjoy it



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Most guilds treat their members right. Nobody's perfect, so usually a guild's PvP focus is to have fun and make sure everyone's trying. If they're immature enough to take out their frustration on you, then just leave. Maybe leave them a nasty message before you go too.

Aphrodite Sky

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Chicago, IL

Knights of the Alliance


I certainly hope that guild isnt the norm. It certainly isnt like that in the guild I am in. We PvP and PvE, and everything in between, but one thing we dont do is take the game too seriously. Yes we like to win, but you cant win all the time...its just not reality. So, we learn from our mistakes, tease each other about it a little and move on.

If it were me I would have left that guild the minute they blamed you for their loss. It shows how immature they are if one loss (or several) is something they cant handle.

We have a motto at KoA, Loyalty - Integrity - Friendship. I truly believe we are here to have fun and winning in PvP or PvE is just gravy on the potatoes of GW life. Without loyalty, integrity, and friendship whats the pioint in being in a guild. You shouldnt have to put up with abuse in a game that you play for fun.

Im sure there are 1000 other guild out there that are abetter fit for you, you just have to find them. Goodluck.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005


I too am looking for a guild that does halls... sooner or later, or else im back to no tag and PUG's for halls.

since the guilds I'v been in are really relaxed and didnt PvP or guild battle much(I dont care about GvG) but this one im in right now the wannabe leader doesnt listen, spams in guild chat, overall try'n to piss me off...

I think I'd rather just go tagless... I get enoff guild invatations via wispers every time i help some random person out...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

<---- guild that respects its members and other players. Youre nto going to win every battle or fight, and sometimes people are gonna cuss you out and go off on you saying you cheat or gay ass build or whatever. just smile ignore it, and remember that youre moving on wether it be to the next round of tombs, or back to try again, its all in good fun.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

No arguements in my guild...

Lysander Freeman

Lysander Freeman

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Central PA, USA

Gladiators of Light in Darkness


If one of my guild members abuses another guild member, or other a non-guild player for that matter, they will find my or an officer's boot kicking their butts on the way out ASAP.

The guild we are allied with has the same lack of tolerance for that sort of behavior.



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005


Lords Of Blood


No Blames, Hatred, Bad Blood or anything like this in my Guild!
I have only friendly and helpfull people in my guild and I'm very proud about it.

If someone would make many mistakes we might point him/her out in a respectfull and friendly way on his/her tactics or skillbar in case that we don't just try out different stuff.

I have a Message to all other Guild Leaders:
Love and support your Guildies! Don't do it because you "must", do it because you want it! Your doings doesn't only define you as a person/character, they define your Guild aswell.

Good Luck!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Outlaws Of Ascalon


yes do it cause u want it
my idea... get them christmas presents.
and is funny how those elite ppl that boss u in charge cant beat halls yet i won it on my first organized group just cause i took ppl from guild


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

It's Raining Fame


Not all guilds can win halls. In fact their are only a few guilds that win it on a consistant basis. Pugs win halls alot because their are more of them and their are some good players that like making pug groups (I was going to list a few friends here but thought you all might pm them at once). Winning halls sometimes takes a good bit of luck. If you go for a full 7 consec before entering halls then you have done good(fame farming). The main thing to winning and continueing to win is confidence. True you might say that you need an awesome build, well not really. Iway wins halls sometimes so it isn't the build always. (if you play iway, learn to play something else before update.) Oh yeah, stick with your guild.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2005

Sunnyvale, CA (look ma, no snow!)

Spirits of War [SoW]


i like to think my guild is a "good" PvP guild... and i dont think we have won HoH for a long time. using that as a litimus test for how good a guild is is kinda silly. i think when joining a guild it is important to find a guild that you enjoy spending time with. i promise in PvP there will be times when your teammates will loose their cool. i have been in vent channels with some of the top 10 teams when things start not working and it also involves a lot of yelling and finger pointing... and those are usually teams of people that have spent hundreds of hours together.

so while i wouldnt be discouraged by a little yelling and namecalling, being in a guild that makes you feel not welcome is also not worth it. as for tips on finding a good guild: check the guild of the week list on a lot of the guilds they post there make it, not because they are #1 (even though quite a few of those make it too), but because they have a good team structure, and they value the cooperation it requires to be a good guild. a lot of those guilds are hard to get into, not because they require a certain rank or fame, but because they expect you to be on their forums and TS/Vent communicating with them before they accept you.

any guild that just takes members without first doing a lot of communication with them you should be very wary of... as you will probably find they are not the type of guild you are looking for when trying to find a "good" guild.

and even though this will probably get edited (i saw an edit earlier...) i will make a pitch here for AB (the Amazon Basin) and ULGG since they are both well known for their NO tolerance policies to cheating, rude behavior, and being a jerk in general. i think if you are an honest player who respects others, finding a guild like those that only accepts nice people shouldnt be too hard.



Raged Out

Join Date: Sep 2005

my guild laughs when we lose and we say "we will get them next time" or say "Hey our rank is getting bigger then others!" Just have fun, dont worry!