Cant Decide
I cant decide if I want to leave the Guild I'm in. The leader always seems to be drunk or stoned and whenever she's on TeamSpeak she doesnt pay attention to the game. Also, her and one of the officers, whos basically another leader, are starting to lose sight of one big reason we left the other Guild to create this one. The leader performs pretty badly during missions and quests but everyone just forgives her and lets it go. Which isnt too bad but if a regular member doesnt do well then the the Leader and the officer threaten to kick the member. I know every Guild is going to have a few problems here and there but sometimes I wonder if this is too much. I'm an Officer and alot of the people like me so I get treated pretty well but I'm not sure if it's worth staying. Any tips or advice?
There are literally thousands of guilds out there. If your guild is poor quality, you can find a better one. There's no reason to settle for mediocre. Especially when it's out of your hands, since the leader seems to be the source of the problems...
Ask yourself the simple question ... Are you happy?
See, there is your answer.
See, there is your answer.
Wow, well yea you should switch guilds. As a leader he should hold himself to a level of dignity above that of the common members. Sort of like a king would. Anyways if you need a new guild check out mine *or one of the many guilds in the guild database*, btw we don't kick for performing badly, it just means you arn't in our first string for gvg/pvp/hoh.
* Edited by Dral - please note: Recruiting for your guild ...
This is NOT the place to recruit for your guild (other than the looking for group thread. You can add your guild to our guild database.
* Edited by Dral - please note: Recruiting for your guild ...
This is NOT the place to recruit for your guild (other than the looking for group thread. You can add your guild to our guild database.
Alissandra Cole
You have to remember this is a game, hence your here to have fun and to get the most out of the game. If you arent doing that go find it elsewhere - As someone already said there are thousands of guilds out there!
Thanks alot, Guys. I think I am gonna leave the Guild. I dont know if youve ever been in this situation but it's pretty hard to say goodbye. Any tips for the best way to leave? I still want to do quests and missions with the Guild so I dont want to leave on a bad basis.
Lysander Freeman
If you have Forums, a simple resignation post usually does the trick, I wouldn't say anything bad about the current leaders if you want to still party with them. Just say you feel the need to move on. You're not going to be able to do much about what the leaders and members say about you after you leave of course. If they respect your decision, great, but if you get slammed for it just remember there are literally thousands of other Guilds and even more Players out there to have a good time with.
I didnt think of posting it on the forums. Good idea And if I do get slammed then it proves they werent so great. Thanks for the help
Edit: I left the Guild. I posted a nice message but the Leader may still get angry and talk sh*t about me. Oh well. Thanks again, guys.
Edit: I left the Guild. I posted a nice message but the Leader may still get angry and talk sh*t about me. Oh well. Thanks again, guys.
killer toast
no problem