female black 15k Glads...?
Storm Crow
does it exist?
if anyone finds a pic of full female 15k Glads, dyed black please post it here
thanks in advance
ps: to everyone thinking of telling me to use the SEARCH, I have and havent found a pic yet
if anyone finds a pic of full female 15k Glads, dyed black please post it here
thanks in advance
ps: to everyone thinking of telling me to use the SEARCH, I have and havent found a pic yet
There isn't a 15k Gladiator helm though...
Sum Gai
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by Sum Gai
Quote: Originally Posted by BeatWolf Ditch the knight's helm! The female version is just horrid, sorry to say.. get Ascalon Helm. actually, I like the famale Knight's helm, thank you
besides the fact that ownage likes my bunny ears
Originally Posted by Miss Temptress
knights helm for females, is like.. the hawtest helm evar ;_; and I might use it, but I dont know yet. the ascalon helm looks good with Glads, too {IceFire}
1.5k ascalon/knights helm + hide helm=win
and zomg YOUR WARRIOR IS EXACT THE SAME AS MINE WTF SAME HAIR SAME FACE except hair color is diff jeez why is evry1 copying me o_0 jk its cool knives
15k glads in black isn't all its cut out to be. It just looks like a dull black, or a darker shade of gray. I've seen it on both male and female versions, and I would say get it in some other color.
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by knives
15k glads in black isn't all its cut out to be. It just looks like a dull black, or a darker shade of gray. I've seen it on both male and female versions, and I would say get it in some other color.
wasnt looking for descriminations on the color, I want it, and I dont care what you think
I've been trying to debate weather to just keep her knights helm, or get her an ascalon helm
why don't you just hide the helm :l?
| BBoy_Manchild
Originally Posted by natus
why don't you just hide the helm :l?
i second that
and to the person who said black glads is ugly i second that too Faithkil
i'll get a better picture tomorrow.
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by Faithkil
i'll get a better picture tomorrow.
thanks! this looks actually...a lot better than I thought it would in black!
it's the absolute perfect shade too! *day made* LoVePlAyBoY if you wanted another one, the search function would of gotten your answer also. Storm Crow
thanks guys
I have enough to get her the Hauberk and Gauntlets now, but I'm gonna hold up on getting it for her for a while, just so I can get the whole set at once edit: will post a pic once I manage to scrounge up another 30k (doing Thunderhead another ump-teen odd times might get it for me ) {IceFire}
Originally Posted by natus
why don't you just hide the helm :l?
OMG I SAID IT FIRST!!!!! EVRY1 IS COPYING ME AGAIN o_0 lol its cool.... Lady Cream
uncustomized fellblade on w/mo
so cute edit : with the useless low req of course dargon
Originally Posted by Storm Crow
thats why I have an absorbtion
The rune will stack with the armors absorption effect.
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by dargon
The rune will stack with the armors absorption effect.
I'm not THAT stupid -_-;;
she said to use the knights boots for the inherent absorbtion, I told her I had a rune for it Cartoonhero
the knights helm is hott on female warriors with the 15k glads set! i say keep it. seee
Originally Posted by Lady Cream
uncustomized fellblade on w/mo
so cute edit : with the useless low req of course thats back when i first got it, and its customize currently i dont' understand what your comments is suppose to mean, do you say that to all the items in the sell forum? i try to contribute to the forums, but i guess what they say about these forums are true. Peace and Love~ masterbeef
Black is ok on glads but there are much better colours. Personally i had it on before but it looked more smoky grey so i went to a different colour. But if thats what u got your heart set on then there's no stopping you.
Posted this under the "Black dye in 15k giads armour" thread a while back.
Why isn't Black dye on 15K Glad's very famous? It looks like dark metal, it looks great. Probably Siler + Black would look better though
Storm Crow
I finally did get enough for it for her, and I love it! looks even better than I thought it would originally...
Hooray Nuke
i hate it dyed black, my 15k glads is dyed pink
i hate pink worse then black
Taste my hot lipps
my female warrior has the 15k gladi amor + PINK i love Pink color (maybe coz im a girly )