Whats the best sword in game?
rugal nuker
Anyone knows which sword is best in game? are there certain mods needed for best sword or only every perfect? a sword with (+15% while enchanted) is consider the best? or just +15% while hp above 50%?
Gustav Gloomp
it depends on the situation.
cbf going into detail too tired
cbf going into detail too tired
Evil Hypnotist
never seen one, but I know there are damage mods that give the bonus continuously. One of them and either max vampiric or fortitude bonuses as well. I'm no expert though, many people can probably give you more details
Alex The Fat
i'm not sure if you could really say there was a best sword 15 while enchanted you can get your enchants shattered 15>50 you can go below 50% 15 all the times have negative effects energy regen -1 or energy -1 or armor -10 while attacking i think it's personal preferenece some people like vampiric some sundering i personally like furious i think it really depends on the person and what their looking for
If it fits your build, it's the HoD +5 Energy sword. Or it's a match of many things (change to +20% while Hexed when Hexed, change to +15%>50 when not Hexed and health is above 50%, change to 20%<50 when your health is below 50%), though, this is quite expensive
Auntie I
Does anyone know what the highest +damage% is without a condition?
For example I have a sword that's +13% Damage always but it also has -5 Energy. Would 15% be the highest? Are there other penalties other than -Energy or -Armor as mentioned above?
For example I have a sword that's +13% Damage always but it also has -5 Energy. Would 15% be the highest? Are there other penalties other than -Energy or -Armor as mentioned above?
Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
If it fits your build, it's the HoD +5 Energy sword. Or it's a match of many things (change to +20% while Hexed when Hexed, change to +15%>50 when not Hexed and health is above 50%, change to 20%<50 when your health is below 50%), though, this is quite expensive
I do not know about you but I do not pay attention to every little condition/hex etc on me when the fight is really happening being hit from one side and another.
I tried swtiching between 15>50 and <50 but kept forgetting during the fight. Besides I do not think the damage is that considerable.
But as everyone else said, it depends on the situation.
If you are farming and using enchants then an enchant mod will help you.
Against armored foes, sundering will help you.
Although I kinda like double adrenaline (furious) than sundering.
I had a -15% short sword with -10 armor.
In my opinion, that's the best damage mod. -10 armor is 12,5% more damage and that ain't really THAT much.
In my opinion, that's the best damage mod. -10 armor is 12,5% more damage and that ain't really THAT much.
Fye Duron
The highest is +15% damage always. The conditions are -1 energy regen, -1 health regen, -5 energy or -10 armor while attacking. As for which mod is the best. It all depends on the build. I personally like +25 always -5 energy, not that I have one. Instead I have one 15>50 axe and one 20<50 axe. As for mods I like Vamp or Furious with defense +5, but hay thats me.
The simple answer = the best sword in the game is the sword that fits the build of your character. If you use a lott of enchantments or are enchanted then use a while enchanted mod, if youre in stance, then use a stance, for general purposes a dmg over 50% health is the usual all around.
The Muffen Man
There are weapons with +15% always no conditions , but they are as rare as hens teath if not more so. I like the +15% over 50 and in a stance.
As for mods well Ive tried them all and once Ive tried the zealous mod I didnt look back, also I like the +5 defence always I use an hp always shield with that or a focus item with +energy and hp always
As for mods well Ive tried them all and once Ive tried the zealous mod I didnt look back, also I like the +5 defence always I use an hp always shield with that or a focus item with +energy and hp always
i have seen 20 under 50 mods i think they could be useful at times but you would want a sword for over 50 and one for under and just switch between that is the best for damage dealing with whatever nods u might want on them
Originally Posted by Rancour
I had a -15% short sword with -10 armor.
In my opinion, that's the best damage mod. -10 armor is 12,5% more damage and that ain't really THAT much. |
Comparing this sword to the 15% always -10 armor sword referenced above (holding energy constant)...
-10 armor sword + Platemail Chest/Skirt = 20 Energy, 75 Armor Level, +10 Armor vs. Physical
-5 energy sword + Gladiators Chest/Skirt = 20 Energy, 80 Armor Level, +20 Armor vs. Physical.
The only reason to have the -10 armor sword, IMO, is if you are going for max energy as a Warrior (i.e. 25 Energy wearing Gladiator's Armor). Otherwise, the -5 energy sword is clearly better in every aspect.