Who gets the drop?

The Hound

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005


Is there a way GW calculates who gets a drop? I always thought it was totally random. A recent trip to Sorrows Furnace has raised questions. My guildie and I were a part of a 3 man 2 hench team. One guildie developed a high death penalty early on, and proceeded to be one of the first casulties in every battle thereafter. He also got 3 successive green drops, the other guildie got one green, me- no green. On that trip I maintained the lowest dp and probably delved out more damage then my mates, as I was usually last man standing. I was later told by another player that GW has drops set to players who take the most damage- but that doesn't seem right. Was it just a coinsedence that one of us made out like a bandit?

Shimus DarkRaven

Shimus DarkRaven

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Titusville, PA <nowhere>

KOD <Knights of the Dragonrose><Guild Officer>


Originally Posted by The Hound
Is there a way GW calculates who gets a drop? I always thought it was totally random. A recent trip to Sorrows Furnace has raised questions. My guildie and I were a part of a 3 man 2 hench team. One guildie developed a high death penalty early on, and proceeded to be one of the first casulties in every battle thereafter. He also got 3 successive green drops, the other guildie got one green, me- no green. On that trip I maintained the lowest dp and probably delved out more damage then my mates, as I was usually last man standing. I was later told by another player that GW has drops set to players who take the most damage- but that doesn't seem right. Was it just a coinsedence that the "whippin boy" made out like a bandit?
...If you haven't read, loot IS Randomly dropped, but a bug in SF was making it so drops favored a person. This problem has been solved in SF. No worries. Bug fixed!

--The Shim