Is finding a good guild hard?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


The War Masters


For me, the best thing in GW is the guild I am in. Not that we are some uber elite guild or something, but many of my guildies have become friends and we try to work together to become better at the game. And the most fun I have had in the game has been playing GvG with people talking tactics and joking around on TS. A good guild makes tombs more fun (and a lot more accessible) and the same goes for PVE.

Many people seem stuck in guilds with too few members online at any time for 8vs8 pvp, because their guild is too small (maybe they even started it themselves), members are not on often and all that. Some people join guilds that will not let them participate in anything. Others join unpleasant guilds that spent their time getting angry with each other. Still other are not in a guild because they were never invited into one or at least not one to their liking.

GvG is closed to these people. Tombs pretty much is too, unless they have a lot of friends in the game or are very, very determined (Trying to find your way into good tombs-groups alone and without rank is hard). And PvE may be less fun too (no friends to help you). I think these people are missing out on a big part of GW.

So I am wondering: how many of you find it hard to get into a guild that they are happy with? If this a problem for the (casual) gamer, maybe Anet should implement some sort of guild wanted/billboard in the game (maybe as part of that Auction House which I am hoping they are putting in the game).

I am interested in hearing what you think (and moderators, please just close this threat please if this topic has been covered too often already.)

Lord Oranos

Lord Oranos

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fort Aspenwood

For me yes, Ive had a hard time finding a good guild, or one that actualy lasts more than a couple months. My first guild [Kta], was a great guild, we gvged and helped each other out with quests and missions. But, of course, it eventualy ended... people left the guild to make a hoh only guild [yak], it didnt last long at all and kta pretty much collapsed after that...

My new guild is decent, but Im finding all people do is ignore people asking, or offering help, and seems to be a tight knit group for some, but for others,they are left out(including me). And they also talk on vent... id rather see type.

So.... yeah like I have said before I have had a hard time finding a good guild.
I wish I had one with people that can be trusted and are balanced pvp/pve wise, but I havnt found one yet.

Iono about anet taking action though, its our problem not theirs if we cant find a good guild.

LiQuId StEeL

LiQuId StEeL

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005


Ego Trip From Rank [ZERO]


It has been so long since I was looking for a guild, I almost forgot how bad I used to have it.

First guild was just a random invite (I wanted a cape... release day, lol), Left that, and made a guild with a bunch of people from a general forum I used to get in. After a week or so, it more or less died, so I was left looking for a guild.

I hopped around for a week or two before getting into a Fissure Run with my present guild (only ~5 of the original people are still here ), and have been here since. At first, I had no intention of doing PvP, so I was comtent to be the PvE guru in a PvP-based guild. It was fun, and now I know everyone, and get into tombs a lot of the time.

If by good, you mean stat-wise, then it is all based on luck a bit. My present guild is great, and we have beaten r9+ groups quite a few times, and beat a ~20rank guild with our alternates. Personally, I think we should be in the top 150, but we don't get enough of our "core" on at a time anymore to get a group running for more than an hour.

If you are just looking for people, go guildless, and play some of the harder sections with groups primarily all from the same guild. Eventually you will find a group that you like, and might get an invite.

Myabe I'm just rambling, but too bad... I already typed this, and so I'm going to hit post reply :P



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Quite Vulgar [FUN]

this is the hardest task on GW right now.

people ask for help right away when they have been just invited. they never offer to help. 15 people on and no one talking in guild chat or logged on ts. our guild has strict rules that make it better for everyone. b/c of those rules we lost about 20 members recently. simple rules really. don't be inactive for more than 1 week w/o letting guild leader or an officer know about it. register on forums. yet we had to kick 20 people for not registering.

i think finding good people for your guild is the hardest thing. hard to know who (or how old) is sitting on the other side of the computer.

Meta Physical

Meta Physical

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Between heaven and hell - my own, personal limbo...

Currently in EoG


Personally, I see... quite a few flaws in my own Guild. We are all extremely good playes- most of us know each other from beta, but there is just too little activity lately. With many of our "guildies" finishing high school, or starting jobs, the pressure doesn't allow them to goof oof with us in GW for a bit. We aren't too caught up about the inactivity lately, however, because... *dramatic pause* ... when Chapter 2 comes out, we expect to be back in full swing. Sadly, we are missing out on much, lately - not enough GvG games, hardly any organized Guild gameplay, and just hardly any interaction. We are too stubbort to completely join another guild, and too tightly-knit to leave to pursue other guilds. It's... sort of like a marrige, in a way

But all this talk of guild brings me to a topic I had before writing the above rant: How about a "recruitment" section on GuildWarsGuru? No, it doesn't have to be a WHOLE new section (Though it'd VERY, VERY, VERY, much help...) but it'd be nice to have an area where newcomers and elitists looking for a PARTICULAR type of guild can have a place to go to fulfil this search.
Just a little thought of mine Of course, there would have be guidelines warding against "Godly Guild 4 All You 1337erz!!!" propoganda, and much work would have to be put in to keep the "Guild Recruitment" section running, there is a great amount of good that it can do... think about it




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

You just gotta keep PuGing it till you hit the jackpot. If you know your stuff and your pleasant to play with you'll get one eventually.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Quite Vulgar [FUN]

Originally Posted by Meta Physical
Personally, I see... quite a few flaws in my own Guild. We are all extremely good playes- most of us know each other from beta, but there is just too little activity lately. With many of our "guildies" finishing high school, or starting jobs, the pressure doesn't allow them to goof oof with us in GW for a bit. We aren't too caught up about the inactivity lately, however, because... *dramatic pause* ... when Chapter 2 comes out, we expect to be back in full swing. Sadly, we are missing out on much, lately - not enough GvG games, hardly any organized Guild gameplay, and just hardly any interaction. We are too stubbort to completely join another guild, and too tightly-knit to leave to pursue other guilds. It's... sort of like a marrige, in a way
i know exactly what you mean. i want to leave my guild right now to find a pvp guild. alot of my real life friends are in my guild now and don't want to leave them. we just have different schedules from work, relationships, and real life in general.

after the kick we get about 5 people on at one time. we have people wanting to pvp but then when we schedule a date no one shows up.

recruiting for pvp is near impossible. what's your guild rank? N/A this is a new guild wanting to climb the ladder. oh sorry you have no rank. tired of finding people that want that high rank guild just so they can have a free ride. rank really means absolutely nothing its all about the rating. if they ask for guild rank you probly don't want them in the first place.

this one is my fav. i'm looking for a guild. ok i'll send invite. show me cape. ok, here. oh that's an ugly cape nvm.

oh how about this one? show me your rank. i have no rank this is for GvG. so why don't you have any rank? uh......should i even go any further.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

An in game guild listing and finding option would be terrefic.

Im not sure it would be a large step, but it would certainly be a significant step in bringing players together.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


The War Masters


Originally Posted by Goonter
An in game guild listing and finding option would be terrefic.
That is what I was thinking. Sure, you can look for guilds on the internet, but I am sure that that would be a little too much hassle for a lot of players. I am not sure what the auction house system or Anet's alternative for it would look like, but I imagine it would involve some sort of Global in-game posting (like a bulletin board, maybe?) So maybe the same programming could be used for a guild/member finding board. Or maybe anet could give every guild a field in which to describe themselves, and some options to tick (pvp, pve, both, currently recruiting, time-zone, open to merge-offers, person(s) to whisper, etc.) and a screen in which players can browse the pages of guilds (using the added info to allow for a more specific search) or a button to apply or something.

Just a thought. I sort of feel for players in inactive or unpleasant guilds (or worse: not in any guild at all).

Originally Posted by twicky_kid
recruiting for pvp is near impossible. what's your guild rank? N/A this is a new guild wanting to climb the ladder. oh sorry you have no rank. tired of finding people that want that high rank guild just so they can have a free ride. rank really means absolutely nothing its all about the rating. if they ask for guild rank you probly don't want them in the first place.
Yes, I agree. Our rank is not bad and we have been able to recruit a few players with rank +3. But these players are not always pleasant (they tend to have very little tolerance for people that do not possess all the l33t knowledge). Also, these players tend to leave again soon, as they seem to expect GvG's battles 24/7 and if they do not get a lot in a very short time, they get bored and go back to playing with their tomb buddies or back to bossing around tomb PuGs. In our guild, we had much more succes with long time-members being lured away from pve and getting a taste for pvp, eventually becoming quite good at it.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005



wouldnt it be interesting if every person you can find that experiences this problem (being in a guild thats too small/inactive/other problem, to pvp often) were to band together and form their own guild? I mean, there are like 5 different people in this thread already and i have seen countless threads with people voicing the same problems... just an idea. if all the unlucky people were to find eachother they could form a decent guild


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Last Horadrim


Yes, and no.

For the casual guild seaker yes. However with ample searching you can find a good guild. The key is to find a guild with an active website. Any guild that has an active website will also have an active guild. Just tends to be the nature of the way things are.

Also, just make sure that thier goals are similar to yours. If you're looking for a good pvp guild, make sure that they're ranked decently on the ladder. If you're looking for an active guild, look for lots of gvg battles on the ladder. Look for guilds with active posters on a guild web forums. If a guild has a roster listed on thier website, add a bunch of those members to your friends list and see how many are online.

I hope these hints and tricks will help you.




Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

The best background is having likeminded players. And the pool of possible likeminded players should be big enough to take on any stopping players.
For instance, a guild of players from Kenia may have likeminded players and great fun, but the moment one falls away, there isn't much to recruit a new player to keep activity high.

my 2 cents.

Kariston The Swift

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sand Scorpions[SS]


I could probaly get into a guild with a higher guild rank. I could probaly get into a guild with some R8+s. Why don't I? Because I'm already in the best guild for me. One where I get along with all the members and have fun whether we win or lose. Even if someone is late and we have to wait we talk about whatever and always have fun passing the time. Sometimes I hope someone is late just so we can hang out for a bit just talking and joking around. Thats just my personal outlook. You may not be the same way but in any case I hope I offered some useful advice.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

It's a problem for both: players looking for a guild and guilds looking for members, too.

I have been in the same guild from day #1 I started to play GW. And while my guild had the luck to start out as a medium sized guild (most of us came from another game we played together for years), we now pretty much face the same problem you described in your OP since we lost some players to WoW and other games. We still have like 20 pretty active players who'd log in at least every other day, but they are scattered over at least 6 different timezones. At most times we have from 4-7 players on - which is (barely) not enough for GvG or Tombs. But barely not enough is still not enough and chances are that some of the people on don't want to do GvG or Tombs anyway (we're not a PvP only guild... ).

As I see it, the problems orginate in those things:
  • Too many guilds. Everyone and their mother starts their very own "3 Member Guild" when they get into the game instead of joining an existing one. Yes, running a guild can be fun and satisfying, but where is the fun when all you can lead is yourself?
  • No matching system for people to find appropriate guilds. There are so many guilds on GW (10,000+?). How is a player supposed to find the right one for them? We have
    - PvP guilds
    - PvE guilds
    - PvP/PvE guilds
    - fun guilds
    - competitive guilds
    - mature guilds
    - "non-mature" guilds
    - regional guilds
    - international guilds
    - [insert 1000 more types here]
    How is ANYONE supposed to look for a guild and find one that suits their tastes? Too much is left to chance here.
  • No help for guild leaders to recruit people who'd fit into their guild. See above. Same problem, only reverse perspective.

As I can see it, the only solution right now is to seek out other guilds with similar problems and form alliances since in the current state of the game, people leave more quickly than you can recruit them. I hope it will get better when Chapter 2 is out, but I am afraid that many smaller guilds will die in the meantime - not only the "3 Member Guilds".

We DEFINITELY need some in game support for guild matching in GW!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Outlaws Of Ascalon


ahh yes my guild is so fun. ppl always joke about the weirdest things Oo. and we all get a laugh. although seeing as only 1 girl is usually on vent and hearing all these guy i think she needs a day all to herself.
i think all ppl should in a fun wheter it is a guild that does all things or a guild that focuses on 1. as long as u can get along with ppl and have fun u are done. i mean GW is a game so if u get frustrated remember is a game and u can change wat u want in it.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

...deep within the sylvan splendor...

Order of the Migrating Coconuts [ALBA]

Part of the problem is that people seem to think that a guild *has* to GvG or Tombs or farm all the time or give members all sorts of gold and rare items on demand or they're not a 'legitimate' guild.

We have 5 members who have been together for several months. Because of time constraints, we don't get to adventure together much but tend to make the most of it when we do and, if we can't help out with weaps etc from our own drops, we at least keep our eyes open for things our guildmates need/want. We *are* a legitimate guild, but so many join (after we tell them we are only PvE, etc) and drop right away--apparently they don't understand that when we say all the above, we are describing our happy little group accurately.

So, if what you want in a guild is PvP, GvG or Tombs type of activities, I'd say that there is plenty to choose from. If, however, you are looking for something more PvE or role-play oriented, then there isn't *that* much available/advertised.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Edit by Billiard - please no recruiting - even in jest.

But seriously, it's damn near impossible to find decent, friendly, polite people who happen to belong to a good guild which happens to have a place for you... Not to mention the fact that people with small guilds (like my 5-man job) are, well, reluctant to part with their hard won Guild Hall and their stylin' capes. I've met people I'd gladly join up with had I met them before building the foundation of my own Guild, but I'm not the type who's willing to part ways with hard-won, time-invested, "possessions" (is that how to spell it? looks wrong...) as it were...

Lysander Freeman

Lysander Freeman

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Central PA, USA

Gladiators of Light in Darkness


I think finding a good guild is easy. Finding a good a bad guild is easier still. From what I've noticed many of the members simply get into a Guild and think they have to stay there. It's like buying a new car - find out what you want first. Maybe test drive a couple of them - but please let the Guild Leader and Officers know that's what you are doing so they don't wonder why you left if you don't think the Guild fits your style. I'm sure everyone here who cares about their Guild would agree that we'd really like to know why some people leave. Once you know what you want, don't settle for second best.



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


I think finding a good guild is hard myself...I am currently unguilded (I think thats the term) cause my last guild was a bunch of idiots who kicked people left and right...I just begged them to kick me...and they did so, no remorse. A good guild is one with people online a lot and active as well as friendly with one another. If you want to leave, they will ask why, not kick you without asking. Also, I think leading a guild is probably harder, but if you can't find a decent pug out there, then create one of your own, and get some friends to join, pitch in some gold, and buy a guild hall and form a good bond with one another as well as outside members you may invite. Also, capes are big, so make it to your liking. Who the heck cares what your cape looks like? If they don't like it and won't join your guild cause of it, well then see ya, you like it, your guild, not theirs, if thats how they judge guilds. But also all good guilds don't neccesarily have a website, and some smaller guilds in cases can be better than the larger guilds. And I still have yet to find a guild that does everything, and advertises everything on the chat log, not just gvg, pvp, pve...etc....

Thats my opinion.
