Automatic Dispersal of Gold Drops Among Party
Red Sonya
Gawd what a lazy player, if you see a dime on the street in real life does it automatically jump in your pocket and if you are in a group of two, wouldn't that other person want a nickel of it?
Pick up the change, quit being so lazy. Man I swear everyone wants everything so EASY in this game and every other game. Would you like an auto seller for you also, put all your goods into it an tell it to get you the best prices? lol Some people are just so rediculous.

/not signed
-Loviatar is my homie
-It seems pretty lazy, LET ME REPHRASE! IT IMPLIES THAT YOUR LAZY! LET ME SAY IT ONE MORE TIME! IT IMPLIES THAT YOUR LAZY! Immitation *sheesh* heheh... I want to feel a sense of accomplishment! I want to feel what its like to pick up money just as gold and purple items! A-net clearly wants to make you work for your rewards... they don't give it to you on a silver platter. They made the A.I. smarter so you can work harder for it. They might not make it easier or more convienient anytime soon... I don't think they'll put in the /pizza command either. :rollseyes:
-If the game ain't broke don't try and fix it! Why make a certain bunch of people happy with this "Lazy distribution" while making others sad. I know it makes me feel happy when I pick up stuff...
-It's about 5 seconds shaved of my life. In that time I could chug a beer.
-Ummm... If the gold is in the middle of monsters, do you think guild wars is going to make the gold go through the monsters and into your pocket? Unless your an assasin and use your sticky arrow to retrieve the gold/item from the middle of the monsters, *Talk about another suggestion*.
-It saves time... Okay?
-I don't think I can think of anymore... Maybe its my mind set. Oh well.
And lookie here! Guest wants it in!
Fight me! Fight me!
-Loviatar is my homie

-It seems pretty lazy, LET ME REPHRASE! IT IMPLIES THAT YOUR LAZY! LET ME SAY IT ONE MORE TIME! IT IMPLIES THAT YOUR LAZY! Immitation *sheesh* heheh... I want to feel a sense of accomplishment! I want to feel what its like to pick up money just as gold and purple items! A-net clearly wants to make you work for your rewards... they don't give it to you on a silver platter. They made the A.I. smarter so you can work harder for it. They might not make it easier or more convienient anytime soon... I don't think they'll put in the /pizza command either. :rollseyes:
-If the game ain't broke don't try and fix it! Why make a certain bunch of people happy with this "Lazy distribution" while making others sad. I know it makes me feel happy when I pick up stuff...
-It's about 5 seconds shaved of my life. In that time I could chug a beer.

-Ummm... If the gold is in the middle of monsters, do you think guild wars is going to make the gold go through the monsters and into your pocket? Unless your an assasin and use your sticky arrow to retrieve the gold/item from the middle of the monsters, *Talk about another suggestion*.
-It saves time... Okay?
-I don't think I can think of anymore... Maybe its my mind set. Oh well.
And lookie here! Guest wants it in!
Fight me! Fight me!
I am afraid that I happen to like seeing stacks of gold on the ground after finishing a hard battle, and would rather it not, for reasons unknown, jump into my pockets. I enjoy killing that group of titans and having 400 gold coins sitting on the ground.
/not signed
/not signed
Retribution X
another good idea is just whoever picks up the gold gets hald, the rest is split. so those ppl that are too lazy won't complain, those that do are considered cooler and richer.
another good idea is just whoever picks up the gold gets hald, the rest is split. so those ppl that are too lazy won't complain, those that do are considered cooler and richer.
Originally Posted by Retribution X
another good idea is just whoever picks up the gold gets hald, the rest is split. so those ppl that are too lazy won't complain, those that do are considered cooler and richer. |

Oh well suit yourself.