Everyone knows it and hates it (well most people). People leave after capping an elite skill like in the dragons lair so here is a solution.
If a person captures an elite skill and they leave during the mission, the skill should be deleted from their skill list until they finish the mission.
If this is someones idea already Im sorry.
Stop Mission Leaving Fix
I wish there is a way to counter players leaving the game. I hate leavers but as far as I know, there is no fix.
You don't know why the person leaves the game. It could be lag out, it could be an emergency or it could the person is just a dick.
You don't know why the person leaves the game. It could be lag out, it could be an emergency or it could the person is just a dick.
You know, everytime somthing bad happens to someone they yell NERF!!
I had to leave a party once because my cat was hit by a car.
Not everyone is a jerk.
I had to leave a party once because my cat was hit by a car.
Not everyone is a jerk.
Don Vito Corleone
u r right but many leave because of error=7 or another
but there r more got crash because an error with the graphic card driver and happened to me many times
i know leavers r big problem in this game but hard to fix but...the only solution for this is that u can invite another person into the place u r playing in maybe those who got error=7 or crash blue screen or whatever can back again to the group
but i thought of the solution but not sure if its enough or not
ofcourse for those who leave with no technical reason must got a msg to confirm their leaving from group.
but there r more got crash because an error with the graphic card driver and happened to me many times
i know leavers r big problem in this game but hard to fix but...the only solution for this is that u can invite another person into the place u r playing in maybe those who got error=7 or crash blue screen or whatever can back again to the group

but i thought of the solution but not sure if its enough or not
ofcourse for those who leave with no technical reason must got a msg to confirm their leaving from group.
hmmmmm. What if an emergency happened like it was already stated??? mabye someone had a heart attack or was struck with an illnes??? you cant punish the player because their cat got hit by a car now can you

honestly yes i could but than again alot of ppl call me heartless that and i hate cats
Originally Posted by darkdragon99
honestly yes i could but than again alot of ppl call me heartless that and i hate cats
maybe they could be replaced by a henchman. like in pvp. i know we all hate henchies, but it would solve the problem of trying to win a mission with 7 people.