does each peice of armor need it?
when u put a major abs on a knight armor curiass, does it make only the curiass have more dmg reduc?
and what are the reductions?
so when u have sup and major on a platemail chest then do u only have 5 dmg reduc on the chest or is it universal?
Warrior runes of absorbtion
Runes of the same type don't stack. If you have a minor, major and superior absorbtion, only the superior will work. The other two are a waste. You only need one of each type of rune and it doesn't really matter which piece of armor you put it on. The benefit is universal.
No you can only have 1 absorp rune to be affective. You can't stack absorption either. So you don't want to put it on all your armor. Just put it on one piece and it covers all your armor. As far as the reductions I am not totally sure. I just know that it is hard for ranger spike to spike down a warrior with good runes up. (unless you use double orders or something for the spike)
thanks, i read somewhere that u could stack them and someone told me that u had to stack up each piace of armor but i wasnt sure because my runner takes less dmg with a sup on only his boots wich is like 17% to hit just the boots and every ice imp was doing like -1 -2 -0 now (i also have enchant +30hp -2dmg shield)
thanks for the fast response
thanks for the fast response
You cannot stack any of the runes period. Also, if you are upgrading your armor ( not you but other ppl reading this ) becareful about putting your expensive runes (ie sup absorption ) on the gauntlets. Every rune to date that I have put on the gauntlets and then upgraded my armor, of course salvage it to get the runes back, I have lost the runes on the gauntlets. Now you can get a say...+1 swordmanship helm and put a + whatever in swordmanship on top of that and it stacks if I remember correctly.
Search around for "absorption" and you'll find a few topics.
Here's one of the major topics, with most of the points covered:
Here's one of the major topics, with most of the points covered: