New professions = impossible party formation?
Depending on how chapter 2 is handled, whether you can use old players or not, when it comes out, practically everyone will be using one of the three new professions.
So, if that character begins in pre-Searing, begins in post-Flameseeker Tyria, or wherever else, imagine, if you will, this: "A/Mo LF healer!"
Even if there's another healing class added to the game, when the new chapter is first released, this inevitably will be a big problem, parties being composed of these and combinations of these three professions.
So, if that character begins in pre-Searing, begins in post-Flameseeker Tyria, or wherever else, imagine, if you will, this: "A/Mo LF healer!"
Even if there's another healing class added to the game, when the new chapter is first released, this inevitably will be a big problem, parties being composed of these and combinations of these three professions.
A problem yes, but not a big problem. As you have said yourself, this will be in the beginning of the game when the new classes have not been explored. Also, most of the people who do take the new professions will be players who have already played Chapter 1, new players will still take whatever profession suits them. I expect that if there is a problem, it will subside soon enough. We really dont know enough about Chapter 2 to say anything yet though.
aron searle
Originally Posted by fallot
A problem yes, but not a big problem. As you have said yourself, this will be in the beginning of the game when the new classes have not been explored. Also, most of the people who do take the new professions will be players who have already played Chapter 1, new players will still take whatever profession suits them. I expect that if there is a problem, it will subside soon enough. We really dont know enough about Chapter 2 to say anything yet though.
wouldnt players more rather play the new profs to learn how to play those and learn strengths weaknesses builds ?
parties being composed of these and combinations of these three professions. |
Anyways, what do you want ANet to do about it? Limit party combonation possibilities - HELLS NO.
The problem you percieve is a result of player behavior and not by bad code or design.
I'm sure every MMORPG goes through this with every expansion. Everyone wants to try the new things.
henchies for the win.
guildgroups for the win.
friendslist for the win.
If there is a true shortage, then I'm sure we'll see some entrepeneurs that will offer 'heals for money'.
Enough opportunites to solve it. I won't use the 'heals for money', but some may.
guildgroups for the win.
friendslist for the win.
If there is a true shortage, then I'm sure we'll see some entrepeneurs that will offer 'heals for money'.
Enough opportunites to solve it. I won't use the 'heals for money', but some may.
So much worry, concern and even a little whining and we don't even know for sure just what will and won't be in chapter II. I'll just wait patiently and see what comes.
I'm beginning to think that article in Play mag was a bad idea. It's spawned a lot of doomsday scenario threads. The less we know about Chapter 2 the better IMO.
Maybe this time they'll give all the professions some real healing spells so monks won't be so important.
I'm going to start worring about this now.....
give me a break
give me a break
Originally Posted by Dax
I'm going to start worring about this now.....
give me a break |
But anyway I will conitinue playing with my main character in chapter 2 while creating a new one from one of the new professions.
Originally Posted by Mysterial
Maybe this time they'll give all the professions some real healing spells so monks won't be so important.
Originally Posted by ether
so everyone should be able to heal as good as monks? isnt that what monks are for...?

Maybe in a more perfect game.
only 2 new classes, as far as i know
If you must complain about possible Chapter 2 problems, post there. Closed.
If you must complain about possible Chapter 2 problems, post there. Closed.