i found a dragon sword and it has a of swordsmanship at the end so its adds +1 shordsmapship 10% of time when using a skill if i were to use a sword pommel that adds +10% enchant lentgh would it remove the +1 swordsmanship?
Second question where is the best place for a lvl 20 w/mo to farm for rares?
Upgradeing sword
can anyone help?
Dr Reaper
Not sure, i think they would add together. I need a sword like that. I still have a Rinblade.
well thxs but that really doesnt answer my question
Harvey Blade
The easiest way to find out is to try and add the component. If it would overwrite the stat it you will get a dialog box asking you to confirm. If that happens, just click no and you'll be back where you started. I can't tell you here whether or not it will overwrite it because I don't know which of the two component upgrades caused the +1 in the first place. There is an additional snare in that Dragon Swords do not accept all upgrades, and I don't know what the criteria for that is.
thank you for that reply!!! helps a ton