I did check the index of ideas to see if this was listed, but didnt see it. Im sure some other has had this idea as well
Have a redoable pvp arena in pre-seering.
This also gives people some better pvp experience , than the current one shot -that most ppl dont wholeheartedly fights in
Droknar armors and Lionforge skills wouldnt be a problem for the low lvls, and with lvl req not the few high lvls there either.
redoable PVP arena in PRE
Good idea, perhaps have 2, a normal 4v4 and also a 2v2 for levels 1-5?
I've seen level 19 people in pre searing. Don't know how fair this would be unless there was a level cap on it as well.
Yes, there are some high lvls in pre, so some sort of protection or sorting system, to prevent high lvls from facing lov lvls is needed. As i vagly mentioned lvl req (can be a lvl cap) in my previous post.
a sorting system that only allowed ppl teaming and facing the same lvl may be an idea, to ensure better balance.
a sorting system that only allowed ppl teaming and facing the same lvl may be an idea, to ensure better balance.