I kept having a NetErr=7 disconnect when playing the game .. so frequest that I could only log in long enough to basically 'farm' (10-15 minutes). After talking with my ISP (and shockingly finding out that it was not them for once) I Discovered MY problem.
It would seem that with my Linksys router (BEFSR41) every 10-15 minutes the router renews the WAN (internet) IP address. Now while the address may be the same, the server thinks that you disconnected (or so I believe).
So I thought I would put this here for anyone else that may be having a similiar issue as I now have to get a new router (mine does not allow you to set the renew time other then for LAN (Local Traffic)).
You can check this the next time you get a disconnect. Log into your router right away and check the DHCP Lease time. Mine always resets to 4 Days countdown, and by no surprise also when I get disconnected to the GW server.
Happy hunting
Discovered my Neterr=7 Problem ...
The Halo Bender
Thanks for posting that. I'm sure that a lot of people simply assume that err7's are always ANET's fault.
Not to thread-jack, but I thought I'd post my err7 solution here. I was getting disconnected often during the past 2 weeks. Turned out it was a router problem and I simply had to download the latest firmware for the router. Problem solved
Not to thread-jack, but I thought I'd post my err7 solution here. I was getting disconnected often during the past 2 weeks. Turned out it was a router problem and I simply had to download the latest firmware for the router. Problem solved
I've been expiriencing the same problem i'll try it and see if it works
Nice post, I'll have to tell some of my friends who have frequent err=7 problems. Now... is that wireless or wired, I'm no good with hardware jargon.
Mine is wired, but any router could have the same effect.