Something about Level relating to armour



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

I remember seeing something stated a while ago (unsure if I remember it out of context or not) that you don't get the full benifit of the armour until you're level 20.

Such as if you were run to Droknar's Forge at level 5, got the armour, you wouldn't get the full 60/70/80AL until you hit level 20.

If this is the case, does someone have a chart or anything that shows this relation or something?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA


That is a myth I belive. Armor does not have any requirments (unless you count money and/or items for collectors requirments).


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

Well, you do take more damage if you're lower level, but I don't think it's armor related, so to speak.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA


Originally Posted by tuperwho
Well, you do take more damage if you're lower level, but I don't think it's armor related, so to speak.
Thats not true, you just have less health.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


go read the armor articles linked on the sidebar of the main page.

you get the full benefit regardless of level, but what you might be thinking of is the base illustration that gets used --- which is a level 20 character.

Auntie I

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Veritas Invictus


Actually, way way back in the Betas armor did have level requirements. It was removed about in about the February or March Beta Weekend. If I remember correctly. I remember because I wanted to get the armor that had a Level 15 requirement and couldn't because I was only level 12. I whined and cried then gained 3 more levels and got my armor. I'm really glad Arenanet removed the requirement from armors.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005

London, UK

Town Square


I should notice this, I have a W/Mo 12, and I just bought my 80AL armour, and Im sure it has the same effect as it would if I was level 20, but if I notice a difference, I'll let you know


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


The only possible level thing regarding armor currently is that a mob of higher level than you will hit you harder than a mob of the same level as you. For example, take two rangers, bow with the same equipment, one is level 20, the other is level 10. The level 20 can kill a level 10 charr a lot faster than the level 10 will kill that charr. Level difference between you and your target will affect the damage you cause and take.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Jul 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by dargon
The only possible level thing regarding armor currently is that a mob of higher level than you will hit you harder than a mob of the same level as you. For example, take two rangers, bow with the same equipment, one is level 20, the other is level 10. The level 20 can kill a level 10 charr a lot faster than the level 10 will kill that charr. Level difference between you and your target will affect the damage you cause and take.
The only time your level impacts your damaging capabilities is with skills. Regular attacks will take into consideration your weapon mastery attribute instead of your level. It's a minor clarification, but I thought I'd mention it.



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Sekkira
I remember seeing something stated a while ago (unsure if I remember it out of context or not) that you don't get the full benifit of the armour until you're level 20.

Such as if you were run to Droknar's Forge at level 5, got the armour, you wouldn't get the full 60/70/80AL until you hit level 20.

If this is the case, does someone have a chart or anything that shows this relation or something?
You get the full benefit vs. Melee and Ranged weapons, but against casters using spells/skills, you will take more damage than a level 20. Sort of like how at level 20 I can hit the Great Northern Wall Charr up for 200+ dmg.