i got 2 questions for the w/mo running build
first all which armor do runners take?
2nd question: how can i stack sup absoprtion with knights armor so it stacks on reduced dmg?
IGN Small P P Man or Drunk Papa Smurf
bit confused
2. It doesn't matter where you put the rune, it'll stack with the armor. And you only need 1 piece of Knight's/Ascalon armor for the effect.
Shimus DarkRaven
Originally Posted by Savio
2. It doesn't matter where you put the rune, it'll stack with the armor. And you only need 1 piece of Knight's/Ascalon armor for the effect.
Savio beating me again FTW. To add: Yeah, unless you like Aesthetics, don't buy the full set. You only need one for the effect, unless you just want to look cool.
--The Shim
so all i need is 1 piece of knights armor for the reduce dmg effect
and can i put the sup absorption rune on it?or does the rune have ot be on a diff piece of armor?
and can i put the sup absorption rune on it?or does the rune have ot be on a diff piece of armor?
Shimus DarkRaven
Originally Posted by Gary
so all i need is 1 piece of knights armor for the reduce dmg effect
and can i put the sup absorption rune on it?or does the rune have ot be on a diff piece of armor? |
Damage is calculated like so: You are dealt suchandsuch damage and THEN the reduce kicks in. It doesn't reduce by piece/hit. IT reduces on a whole.
Example: You are hit totally for 12 melee. It reduces that number, not if you'd be struck insuchansuch a location and reduce like that.
--The Shim
For armors i suggest All gladiadors except knights helm.
Knight's Helm doesn't have damage reduction (or at least it doesn't iirc), strangely enough, only the other pieces do, so I'd suggest gladiators with ascalon helm.