If signatures weren't disabled...... [Post your sigs] ^_^
thor hammerbane
Originally Posted by Zhoul
Something like this:
stolen :3
very nice looking sigs
stolen :3
very nice looking sigs
Boom Shacka Boom
Probably this one I whipped up like two nights ago (Haha this is my first post on the site!)
Sometimes I wonder how I have enough time for school, guild wars, friends and graphics o.o
Sometimes I wonder how I have enough time for school, guild wars, friends and graphics o.o
Originally Posted by Oukanna
Originally Posted by FlamingMetroid
stolen :3
very nice looking sigs Heh thanks (no stealing plox ) h4ku Mine. I'm still learning so it's not as good as I'd like it to be. **Added: Scrin
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
Whoa how did you do that (make it animated)?! I wanna know! lol It looks great! you like my sig then? at least some poeple like it then. i always post it on my posts so it can be seen instead of that crap disabled stuff bathazard
^ amazing talent there
this is what i think guildwars banner should look like if it twas a sig for some reason the transperant effect doesn't like guru but thats it! Chronos the Defiler
Originally Posted by Scrin
you like my sig then? at least some poeple like it then.
i always post it on my posts so it can be seen instead of that crap disabled stuff Well considering it is a 616kb image that needs to be loaded, I can imagine some dial-up users might not be too happy Scrin
Originally Posted by Chronos the Defiler
Well considering it is a 616kb image that needs to be loaded, I can imagine some dial-up users might not be too happy
oh well lol im sure there ok with it :P
just a question the rain is easy to do but the rippling water how do you make that so clean?
@up: There's a very easy to use programme called Sqirlz Water Reflections. You can download it and use for free. Next Signature, this time made for my brother. I quite like the effect.. EDIT:*** Next signature: Animated Version: Swordbeta CagedinSanity
I probably would have my xfire + Some random quotes.
"Prayer is when people do nothing and still think they're helping." Or this that I actually made up myself; "If they pull the "it's just a game" card on you, Stab them in the eye with a rusty fork. Nothing can beat the rusty fork rebuttal. Except maybe bullets. And cake." beregond
Something like this, but I made it a long time ago, I could probably make a much better one nowadays.
Eh, Next one:
Looks cool, but as ussual I've forgotten to change the font (Ruined this signature :/). Enjoy. payne
aen't got access to adobe here so cant post pic buts its along the lines of:
"sarcasm is the wit of stupid people - ursan is the skill of stupid players" with a "floaty" looking silvery background - wil try posting it once I get properly home ^^ no flaming over ursan comment as I know all you noobs like to do it! h4ku
aen't got access to adobe here
Yeah, me neither! Use GIMP.. www.gimp.org
let's make a petition to allow us to show signatures
There are so many cool ones and would be cool to show them under every post Shuuda In case you couldn't tell, I'm a Kefka fan. Mystica
Gaile > QQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DC_Ross_Dark
Been a long time..
This is my only real "sig" i have. Made by an old gamer friend a couple years ago. Based on ut2004 and one of my oldest names.
My BF2142 sig:
And my GW sig lol BUD (BlowUpDolls) h4ku
Hey! Well, it's been a while since I've posted my last sigs.. I've been working hard and done something new! Check it...and enjoy
Oh, and GREAT works DC Ross Dark. **Do NOT Steal my works plz** 1.00. 2.01. 2.02. 2.03. Ohhhh, PS. I've done much more sigs, but those are the best of them. ~~Aun. Thierry2 This i think :O. It's kinda funny [DE]
Here are a few I've done. As you can see, I'm horrible at Fotoshape.
I MClassic
Not among my best, but then again, I haven't done very many.
^^^ This one I followed a little tutorial...I think it's okay. ^^^ Just about the second signature I've ever made. ^^^ Just made this one like two hours ago, lol. I mashed everything I learned from signature tutorials into one banner xD note: b2yb is a name I use for deviantart. It means brought2youby. DarkGanni
Still not that pro as you guys are, however here I am, finished my first
gental elemental made it from scratch orgeron
guru, meet orgeron
This is my signature, made originally by shrouded^god, but I edited the LJ logo in the back and the text a bit.
This is a sig i made. its quite good considering i don't have PS.
My sig, made it in few minutes (excluding downloading wallpaper from DMC4 - 56 kbs sucks). Of course in PS, but not even half good compared to my guildmate. But hey, my 6th sig I made in over a year ;p
Mr Joshua Strange
Let's see. I have quite a few:
I'll link to the average, and post my favorites: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y65...fPoisonPNG.png http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y65...ssassinPNG.png And here's nine more for you: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y65...lleryimage.png I have some more on my laptop that I still need to upload. EDIT: Got them: Hyper.nl
_________Alter your reality...Forever. http://www.hyper.nl.tt ^Is my signature at many forums. *Hyper.nl does not like image signatures. Operative 14 Just a simple little homage to my characters and intrests. |