Offensive Name
well, it seems as if a few ignorant nutsacks sent complaints about my name. They probably think everything that comes out of the middle east is made of terrorism. Here is the result of THEIR ignorance.
I say i get the chance to rename myself. I dont mind doing that. But i've taken this character all the way to ascencion and im on my last mission (The river)
I wanna know who complained, because its just bullshit. Flat out bullshit.
I say i get the chance to rename myself. I dont mind doing that. But i've taken this character all the way to ascencion and im on my last mission (The river)
I wanna know who complained, because its just bullshit. Flat out bullshit.
I agree with you there, I find no offense with that name, and even after doing a *quick* search on google and finding something about some guy in France I still have NO problem with that name.
People are way to uptight about the Middle East, all I will say.
They do need to change their Improper Name Policy quite a bit, I saw SO many Level 10+ names that are 1000 times worse than yours just last night, and it makes me wonder just who is getting the last choice on names.
People are way to uptight about the Middle East, all I will say.
They do need to change their Improper Name Policy quite a bit, I saw SO many Level 10+ names that are 1000 times worse than yours just last night, and it makes me wonder just who is getting the last choice on names.
i did send them an email, asking them if i could simply rename myself, or if they could give me a rename. I also sent them a link to viewing the word "Allah".
I also included other names for the word god that no one would consider offensive. Like, the hindu god word, chinese, and i kinda included "Jahovah Mode" just to tease them alittle. It really pissed me off, I just got my guild caught up to me at ascension; and now, this.
I also included other names for the word god that no one would consider offensive. Like, the hindu god word, chinese, and i kinda included "Jahovah Mode" just to tease them alittle. It really pissed me off, I just got my guild caught up to me at ascension; and now, this.
Thats sucks... really bad. I don't know what to tell you, man, but that isnt offensive at all. If their going to ban that, they might as well not even use the word "God" in any of their stories,NPC's, titles (etc.), becuase when Mohammed saw Allah, he thought it was the Christian God, but he named it diffrently.
How could anybody find that offensive?
That is just ridiculous...
That is just ridiculous...
So, here is the question...... Does your character come with a side of vanilla ice cream?
yes it does... And its tasty! That was also another thing about my name, it also means, "With Ice Cream".
So who specifically is asking you to change your name... Is it some ahole playing the game or is it the guys from Arenanet? I would tell the people running the server it means "With Ice Cream" and see what they say. they may want you to change it Alla Mode or something like that.
I'm going to have to go against you because you use TS.
EDIT: My friend also knows you on markhov (JamQ)
EDIT: My friend also knows you on markhov (JamQ)
Principa Discordia
As a liberal type of person this makes me sick. This is censorship to a revolting extreme and Arenanet owe you an apology.
If someone named their character Odin, Loki, Discordia, Lilith, Hecate, Tyr, Fenris, Satan, Asmodeus, then there wouldn't be a problem. How do I know this? I have seen every one of these names in Guild Wars so far. (Note: I'm not saying any of these names are bad, a few are regarded as heroes in mythology/religion, I'm just saying a single name shouldn't be singled out because of pathetic politics.)
I even saw someone named God earlier, and I can't wait to see my first Jesus. No doubt these names wouldn't be complained about.
If someone named their character Odin, Loki, Discordia, Lilith, Hecate, Tyr, Fenris, Satan, Asmodeus, then there wouldn't be a problem. How do I know this? I have seen every one of these names in Guild Wars so far. (Note: I'm not saying any of these names are bad, a few are regarded as heroes in mythology/religion, I'm just saying a single name shouldn't be singled out because of pathetic politics.)
I even saw someone named God earlier, and I can't wait to see my first Jesus. No doubt these names wouldn't be complained about.
Damn thats really messed up to have your actual character deleted because of that name, which to me isn't offensive at all. As a previous poster said, i too have seen many names which are many many times worse then your name, and your name isn't even bad at all!
It's such ashame that people have to go to such extremes, how bout reporting someone doing something bad in the game like hacking or some crap like that instead wasting peoples time by complaining about a name that isn't offensive in the least!
Sure has made me make sure i rethink about any names i will make my characters with in the future.
If by chance you want to get a few people to sign a petition about this, i'll support it all the way, this isnt fair, you SHOULD have the right to be able to change your name as you are willing to do so, to just remove your character is completely unfair ><
I hope you get this resolved in your favour and get your character back!
It's such ashame that people have to go to such extremes, how bout reporting someone doing something bad in the game like hacking or some crap like that instead wasting peoples time by complaining about a name that isn't offensive in the least!
Sure has made me make sure i rethink about any names i will make my characters with in the future.
If by chance you want to get a few people to sign a petition about this, i'll support it all the way, this isnt fair, you SHOULD have the right to be able to change your name as you are willing to do so, to just remove your character is completely unfair ><
I hope you get this resolved in your favour and get your character back!
Oh and by the way, you mentioned in your post 'nutsacks' i've actually seen a character with that name lol and to me 'nutsacks' would be seen more 'offensive' then your name ever could be, but crap i wouldn't even care about that name as you can see its just in fun ><
i say everyone spam their mailbox asking to give my character back..
if my character is going down, i hope they get their ass spammed off for it!
if my character is going down, i hope they get their ass spammed off for it!
Hell, I'll e-mail them over that.
That's PURE bullshit man
That's PURE bullshit man
Not saying its right or wrong here, but maybe it actually offended someone? People can be stupid. But you cant judge who gets offended by what. Im sure you knew what the name meant to when you made it.
Principa Discordia
Originally Posted by Ramus
Not saying its right or wrong here, but maybe it actually offended someone? People can be stupid. But you cant judge who gets offended by what. Im sure you knew what the name meant to when you made it.
There's a difference between being offended, and being an offended retard.
Eskimo Bob
Wow, that is some hardcore bullshit there. Offended by that name? If you are offended by that I would hate to see them come across someone named "Hi", they would probably spaz out like a monkey on drugs.
So what is this e-mail you want us to spam? Give me the e-mail address and I will ring their ears out.
So what is this e-mail you want us to spam? Give me the e-mail address and I will ring their ears out.
Here is a thread over at GWOnline where they discussed the deletion of characters with bad names. Gaile Gray responds a number of times in it.
I don't find your character name offensive, but I have seen some that were quite bad though.
I don't find your character name offensive, but I have seen some that were quite bad though.
you must spam here: [email protected]
report names like, Happy Guy, and Super Man
I saw a name of Big Ol Tits
I've emailed that address, and sent a message to customer support. So, I'm hoping I can have my account back soon so I can catch the rest of my guild up to ascension with me, and we can bust ass! We are PvP bound!
They just disabled my only other character that has made it past pre-searing...
"Allah Mode The Dos" has been banned.
report names like, Happy Guy, and Super Man
I saw a name of Big Ol Tits
I've emailed that address, and sent a message to customer support. So, I'm hoping I can have my account back soon so I can catch the rest of my guild up to ascension with me, and we can bust ass! We are PvP bound!
They just disabled my only other character that has made it past pre-searing...
"Allah Mode The Dos" has been banned.
Ever possibly think that using a cheap pun involveing the primary diety of a major world religion might offend somebody? Islam tends to be pretty protective of their scriptures & mythology - remember the problems that the author of The Satanic Verses (BTW - a very funny & well-written book) had because he talked about The Prophet, Mohammed (if you forget, there was an order for him to be brought to death)?
It's far more likely that an observant Muslim took offense to your disrepectful use of the proper name of their god than some uptight righwing christian fundamentalist was complaining about Middle-East=Terrorism. Even more likely that they just started searching for names that words on a blacklist and did them in.
Unfortunately, I can't find a specific set of guidelines for naming in GW, but World of Warcraft has a pretty detailed list of the different ways you can be offensive :
It's far more likely that an observant Muslim took offense to your disrepectful use of the proper name of their god than some uptight righwing christian fundamentalist was complaining about Middle-East=Terrorism. Even more likely that they just started searching for names that words on a blacklist and did them in.
Unfortunately, I can't find a specific set of guidelines for naming in GW, but World of Warcraft has a pretty detailed list of the different ways you can be offensive :
The point is, this was caused by 2-4 overly sensitive people. I have seen some seriously offensive names involving molestation, catholisism, rape, sexually natured names. I chose not to report them because I can see the comedy in them and I personally find that a persons name is a expression of their personality and shouldnt be dicked with.
its like saying, I saw the name Titanic sword. Tit is the first 3 letters of that name, plz ban it.
Also, what if i just used the name "God Mode", would that offend anyone? Definantly, what about "Jahovah Mode", yes. No matter what kind of religious association your name has its going to be offensive to someone. The name "Broken Christopher Reeves" is pretty offensive! Though, I understand the comedy and wouldnt like that person to lose ALL THEIR ****ING WORK FOR THE PAST 2 WEEKS WHILE LEADING A GUILD AND DOING THE WHOLE GAME 3 TIMES OVER CATCHING PEOPLE IN THEIR OWN GUILD UP TO YOUR LOCATION FOR 5 STRAIGHT ****ING DAYS! Why not just a rename?
its like saying, I saw the name Titanic sword. Tit is the first 3 letters of that name, plz ban it.
Also, what if i just used the name "God Mode", would that offend anyone? Definantly, what about "Jahovah Mode", yes. No matter what kind of religious association your name has its going to be offensive to someone. The name "Broken Christopher Reeves" is pretty offensive! Though, I understand the comedy and wouldnt like that person to lose ALL THEIR ****ING WORK FOR THE PAST 2 WEEKS WHILE LEADING A GUILD AND DOING THE WHOLE GAME 3 TIMES OVER CATCHING PEOPLE IN THEIR OWN GUILD UP TO YOUR LOCATION FOR 5 STRAIGHT ****ING DAYS! Why not just a rename?
Pevil Lihatuh
you know, if it was Osama BinLaden I could understand it being banned. Or something like "Allah Is Shit". But people are called Allah in real life for gods sake (no pun intended); what, should we all complain to the government to either change their birth certificates or 'delete' them?
That really is daft. And besides they should be less bothered about someone called e.g. nutsacks and be MORE worried about the people who stand around in town dancing going "LOOK AT MY STRIPPER DANCE! TOUCH MY BIG BOOBIES!" if they really want to worry about things that could seem offensive. (not that it offends me, just kinda out of place lol)
Perhaps they should offer a rename for 'first offence' and if you have a second name that is reported as offensive THEN the character should be deleted?
That really is daft. And besides they should be less bothered about someone called e.g. nutsacks and be MORE worried about the people who stand around in town dancing going "LOOK AT MY STRIPPER DANCE! TOUCH MY BIG BOOBIES!" if they really want to worry about things that could seem offensive. (not that it offends me, just kinda out of place lol)
Perhaps they should offer a rename for 'first offence' and if you have a second name that is reported as offensive THEN the character should be deleted?
Shit, it would be like people being offended by a name such as mine!
"OMFG, itz a referenss to sexxah11!!!1"
No it's not.
If you've played Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, you'll know where the name comes from.
"OMFG, itz a referenss to sexxah11!!!1"
No it's not.
If you've played Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, you'll know where the name comes from.
Principa Discordia
Originally Posted by ameoba
It's far more likely that an observant Muslim took offense to your disrepectful use of the proper name of their god than some uptight righwing christian fundamentalist was complaining about Middle-East=Terrorism.
2.) I don't think any "observant Muslim" should find it offensive either. Like I said earlier, there's a difference between being offended and being an offended retard. If something like that offends you, sit back and have a think about why it offends you. More often than not you'll find that you're not offended at all, just over-reacting.
3.) Far more likely that an observant Muslim took offense over a right-wing witch hunter who thinks that Muslims are evil? I'm sorry, but with the current political climate and the number of retards currently occupying this planet, I'm finding it more believeable that a witch hunting pro-war type of person reported his character's name.
Edit: By the way, I just thought of something... I'm pretty sure an observant Muslim would be more offended at the word Allah being censored than it being used. Don't ya' think?
Originally Posted by Principa Discordia
If I requested that every player with a name that offended me got banned, there'd be hardly anyone left.
There's a difference between being offended, and being an offended retard. |
Principa Discordia
Originally Posted by TCP_Leader
Also, what if i just used the name "God Mode", would that offend anyone?
In the case of Allah Mode though, it's definitely some retard who only sees the connection to what's happening in the middle-east, and that person needs to take their head from their arse and realise that not everything is about politics.
Double post content:
Originally Posted by Ramus
If something offends you, you have every right to report it. All I am saying is that the player who did it is not at fault. If anything its the GW staff. (And what is with banning for it? At least in WoW they change the name of the player only.)
Does that mean I have to report absolutely everything no matter how much of a bitch that makes me? Absolutely not. Especially when it's not something so broad in definition and in usage as the word "Allah".
Seriously. It's just someone who probably spends 90% of their time glued to CNN who thinks that the only connection is political.
It's witch-hunting, scare-mongering, and demonisation. Nothing else. If anything I would call the censoring of the word "Allah" a case of slander.
Druadan Winterblade
You got banned for that? That's crazy. It's like how my college's headmaster wouldn't allow me to have 'Just Call Me Jesus' as my fantasy football team name, despite there being million of people with that as their first name in the real world. Gmail sure as hell don't get pissed at me for having it as my e-mail address, why should anyone give a damn?
I call myself Jesus all the time 'cause of my long hair and beard, but none of my Catholic friends find it offensive. Hell, if I saw someone with an offensive name, even if it was something direct like "Druadan is a Moron", I wouldn't even report it. I'd simply think "Haha, what an idiot" and move on.
I sense these people are insecure about their faith, having put so much of their lives into something so fundamentally wrong, and are lashing out. I'm just waiting for the Rapture of Christ to come, and all the Christians end up burning him at the stake for blaspheming and pretending to be Jesus.
[P.S.: Yes, I'm a commie pinko liberal, so I instictively attack religion whenever I see the word, sorry, it's like a condition.... Marxism-tourettes or something.]
I call myself Jesus all the time 'cause of my long hair and beard, but none of my Catholic friends find it offensive. Hell, if I saw someone with an offensive name, even if it was something direct like "Druadan is a Moron", I wouldn't even report it. I'd simply think "Haha, what an idiot" and move on.
I sense these people are insecure about their faith, having put so much of their lives into something so fundamentally wrong, and are lashing out. I'm just waiting for the Rapture of Christ to come, and all the Christians end up burning him at the stake for blaspheming and pretending to be Jesus.
[P.S.: Yes, I'm a commie pinko liberal, so I instictively attack religion whenever I see the word, sorry, it's like a condition.... Marxism-tourettes or something.]
Does GW even have an official naming policy? I've been trying to find the god damn(hope that doesn't offend anyone) thing on their site.
Originally Posted by Principa Discordia
If something offended me, I would be in my rights to report it. I agree.
Does that mean I have to report absolutely everything no matter how much of a bitch that makes me? Absolutely not. Especially when it's not something so broad in definition and in usage as the word "Allah". Seriously. It's just someone who probably spends 90% of their time glued to CNN who thinks that the only connection is political. It's witch-hunting, scare-mongering, and demonisation. Nothing else. If anything I would call the censoring of the word "Allah" a case of slander. |
If they are going to ban and delete characters with witty names then they might as well ban and delete all characters with names and make it so characters can only be represented by number strings because anything and everything can be found offensive by at least 1 person.
My handle on GW is Devious Vixen.
Newb: Oh Noes! That person's name is remeniscant of an overtly sexually active woman! and plus she is devious! so she must be pure EVIL!!
It would be much more enjoyable if Arenanet could release a game-wide text filter that can be edited from person to person so, if someone is easily offended, they can add the words that they do not want to see and they will simply be filtered out, while those that are not sensitive to "creativity" can enjoy the ingenious minds of their peers. A simple fix that can add to the overall wonderful effect of this game; everyone will satisfied if this could be implemented.
My handle on GW is Devious Vixen.
Newb: Oh Noes! That person's name is remeniscant of an overtly sexually active woman! and plus she is devious! so she must be pure EVIL!!
It would be much more enjoyable if Arenanet could release a game-wide text filter that can be edited from person to person so, if someone is easily offended, they can add the words that they do not want to see and they will simply be filtered out, while those that are not sensitive to "creativity" can enjoy the ingenious minds of their peers. A simple fix that can add to the overall wonderful effect of this game; everyone will satisfied if this could be implemented.
Teufel Eldritch
Heh ya I had someone report(or he sed he did) the other night for calling the NPC dwarf that got caught by the Storm Summit a dumbass. I was kidding around I said...."Well next time don't get caught dumbass!" Someone got all pissy & told me not to cuss. Now I could understand if I dropped the F bomb or something but 'dumbass'? If 'dumbass' is cussing then I spose 'jackass' is too. Some ppl are just a weee bit to sensitive.
Originally Posted by TCP_Leader
well, it seems as if a few ignorant nutsacks sent complaints about my name. They probably think everything that comes out of the middle east is made of terrorism. Here is the result of THEIR ignorance. I say i get the chance to rename myself. I dont mind doing that. But i've taken this character all the way to ascencion and im on my last mission (The river) I wanna know who complained, because its just bullshit. Flat out bullshit. |
Perhaps the person who sent in the complaint was lactose intolerant or has something against dairy in general.
While I can't be much of assitance in the form of solving your problem, I decided to help you out by compiling a list of names that will surely not be banned.
If you decide to roll a new character, try one of these names:
Fantasy Names:
Leggolass Daelf
Gimmmli Omguber
Frrodo Baagins
Drizzzzt Dourden
Lord Sott
Lord Arriaken
Lord Saarevok
John Irrenicus
Hary Powter
King Arrthur
Princess Liiea
Witty Names
Supper Mega Warrior
Heal Master
I Am Leet
Longest Name Poss
Pie Crumbs
Original Name
And Another One
Pokemon Rullz
I Like Taco Bell
If you decide to roll a new character, try one of these names:
Fantasy Names:
Leggolass Daelf
Gimmmli Omguber
Frrodo Baagins
Drizzzzt Dourden
Lord Sott
Lord Arriaken
Lord Saarevok
John Irrenicus
Hary Powter
King Arrthur
Princess Liiea
Witty Names
Supper Mega Warrior
Heal Master
I Am Leet
Longest Name Poss
Pie Crumbs
Original Name
And Another One
Pokemon Rullz
I Like Taco Bell
Serafita Kayin
I must concur.
I found things in this thread to be offensive, but will I report it? Nah. Fact is, if I take their right, I take mine too. Just like Voltaire said, I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Honestly folks, when I know kids play this game, and people run around with Dixie Rected, Lady Kweefe (some of you will get that...), or Tig ol Bitties, I'd take Allah Mode any day. Hell, it's even clever. Kudos for that.
They have a hard line to toe, censorship for the good of the game versus impinging on personal freedom, but at the end of the day, erring on the side of caution may yet be more harmful...
(words of support from a right wing conservative Christian. Rock on.)
I found things in this thread to be offensive, but will I report it? Nah. Fact is, if I take their right, I take mine too. Just like Voltaire said, I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Honestly folks, when I know kids play this game, and people run around with Dixie Rected, Lady Kweefe (some of you will get that...), or Tig ol Bitties, I'd take Allah Mode any day. Hell, it's even clever. Kudos for that.
They have a hard line to toe, censorship for the good of the game versus impinging on personal freedom, but at the end of the day, erring on the side of caution may yet be more harmful...
(words of support from a right wing conservative Christian. Rock on.)
the one voice we havent heard from is how offended a devout muslem would be
Principa Discordia
Originally Posted by Loviatar
the one voice we havent heard from is how offended a devout muslem would be
I think most people, Muslim or not, have the mental capacity to ignore something like that instead of throwing a hissy-fit and going on a banning crusade.
Principa Discordia
Originally Posted by Spartan2
...My handle on GW is Devious Vixen...
Edit: I just quoted in seperate posts again, didn't I. I promise I won't do it again, I'm stupid. lol.
Oh teh noes! I might get teh ban hammer if I hold ideas outside of what is politcally correct! Oh please help me Constitution! |-Denied-|
Self imposed edit: I had more to say after the Denied! but yea.... the deep feelings that I have against all forms of imposed censorship flow nicely into rant form and can be construed as being Anarchistic or Communistic. I do believe Communism, without those that lust to corruptly take over the seat of power and then horde all of the people's money, is the perfect government, it will never work in the real world due to the inherent flaw of human nature: corruption and ignorance will always be a part of the world, no matter how intelligent we, as a species, become.
Anyway, I just hope Arenanet doesn't turn this into a witch hunt. We all know how that turned out with McCarthy in the 50's
Self imposed edit: I had more to say after the Denied! but yea.... the deep feelings that I have against all forms of imposed censorship flow nicely into rant form and can be construed as being Anarchistic or Communistic. I do believe Communism, without those that lust to corruptly take over the seat of power and then horde all of the people's money, is the perfect government, it will never work in the real world due to the inherent flaw of human nature: corruption and ignorance will always be a part of the world, no matter how intelligent we, as a species, become.
Anyway, I just hope Arenanet doesn't turn this into a witch hunt. We all know how that turned out with McCarthy in the 50's
"If you should develop concerns about a character name that you see -- if you feel it is extremely offensive or inappropriate -- we've made it easy for you to get in touch. Simply drop an email to us at [email protected] and we will investigate your concerns and take the appropriate action."
It seems that they didn't investigate!
It seems that they didn't investigate!
If you want to know what's the reaction from a Moslem, I can share... To us God (Allah) is not comparable to any being (including human), so any being that tried to be 'comparable' to Him is cursed.
I believe that the guy who try to use Allah as a character in a game may be just joking, but I myself will not use any of other God's name (Christians, Budhist, Hindus, etc) as my character. It's just too sensitive to others. Because I believe their gods are also sacred by their believers, not for joking purposes.
Well, if you don't believe in any religion, don't insult others who believe. As if you're straight, it's wrong to disrespect homosexuals.
So I think, like WoW, ban all religious related name...
I believe that the guy who try to use Allah as a character in a game may be just joking, but I myself will not use any of other God's name (Christians, Budhist, Hindus, etc) as my character. It's just too sensitive to others. Because I believe their gods are also sacred by their believers, not for joking purposes.
Well, if you don't believe in any religion, don't insult others who believe. As if you're straight, it's wrong to disrespect homosexuals.
So I think, like WoW, ban all religious related name...