1337 go red .... etc ?'s on stuff i see
OK, what the hell is...
go red engine gored...etc?
and any other witty little saying that i see all day in chat???
i know what noob is, but feel free to throw in any other sayings that you see or here on GW.
go red engine gored...etc?
and any other witty little saying that i see all day in chat???
i know what noob is, but feel free to throw in any other sayings that you see or here on GW.
1337 = "leet" = good
Go Red Engine = Filter on GWGuru for Swears
These two are the ones i didnt know for a while:
FTW - For The Win
FOTM - Flavor of the Month
Go Red Engine = Filter on GWGuru for Swears
These two are the ones i didnt know for a while:
FTW - For The Win
FOTM - Flavor of the Month
lol...FTW confused me 4 a while
1337 = leet ~ elite
that is soooo f'ing funny = elite
anyways, thanks
keep them coming
that is soooo f'ing funny = elite
anyways, thanks
keep them coming
Fear The Destroyer
FTL = For The Loss
Former Ruling
the capped GO RED ENGINE is just this forum's excuse for a kiddy filter.
I copied this a long time ago and added to it some...credit goes to whoever/wherever I stole it from!
adrenaline: a warrior exclusive feature used for some of their skills. Is built up by hitting foes and can be lost over time if you dont take action
AFK: Away From Keyboard
aggro: refers to aggresive mobs that will attack if you get close enough, also used as the action of mobs attacking
AL: Armor Level
all call: the name of the testing events run by ArenaNet for the alpha/beta players
alphas: the players in the closed test of Guild Wars
AOE(AE): Area of Effect(Area Effect)
Anet: shortned verion of ArenaNet
Arena: The Gladiator's Arena
Asc City: Ascalon City
atts: attributes
avatar: the character, or toon that the player uses in the game
beta: the stage of development after the alpha portion of the game
BiP: Blood is Power. One of the most popular skills in the game, belongs to Necromancers
brb: Be Right Back (ie, going away for a very short period of time)
caller(target caller): the person in the group who selects targets
cap: refers to the level cap of 20 in the game. Also used to tell a teammate to capture the relic on a PvP map
cape: players participating in PvP will have these on. If that player is in a guild their guild colors and logo will be part of the cape(tabard)
chat channels: refers to the areas of the UI used to communicate with other players. It's seperated into Local, Guild, Team, Trade, and Whisper chat channels (each can be filtered out).
CC: Crowd Control
Crafter: NPCs that make weapons, armor, or charms in the game
CTF: Capture The Flag
Collector: NPC that collects items in trade for something else
dd: direct damage
DF: Divine Favor. The primary attribute for a Monk
dias: the small platform on some PvP maps where you must escort the ghostly hero
district: The instanced area of the game world where people are. For example, there may be a person in Lion's Arc European District 1 and another in Lion's Arc European District 2 (often short-handed to LA EU#1 and LA EU#2)
dmg: Damage
DOT: Damage Over Time
downtime: the amount of time when a skill cannot be fully used. In most cases it is the addition of the recharge time of the skill and the casting time. For example, the Mesmer's Diversion skill has a 2 second casting time and a 5 second recharge time. It has a 7 second downtime till its in play
DP: Death Penalty. The opposite of morale. A loss in HP and Energy. There are two ways to gain DP. Rangers that use nature rituals will obtain 5%DP. Dying in PvP or PvE missions give you a 15%DP. The maximum DP you can have is 60%. Killing players in PvP or monsters in PvE will lower your DP. Morale boosts also will lower it
DPS: Damage Per Second
EA: Explorable Area. The areas outside of the main cities and mission outposts
elite skills: skills in the game that have this tag can be the only one of this kind in your skill bar. Basically you can't have more than one elite skill in your skill bar at a time, even if they are from different classes. For example, the Monk spells Healing Hands and Aura of Faith both can't be on your skill bar. Likewise Healing Hands and Throw Dirt, a Ranger skill, both cant coexist on your skill bar
energy: the resource used to cast spells and use skills by all classes in the game (sometimes called mana in other RPGs). It can be regenerated
EoE: Edge of Extinction, a Ranger's nature ritual. Got its own spot here since you will hear people complain about it alot in PvP
ES: Energy Storage
exhaustion: a self-inflicted condition on some of the Elementalist's spells. It lowers their maximum energy supply by 10. It is a temporary status and 1 point of maximum energy is regenerated every 3 seconds
fame: points given to players for winning battles in the Tombs. There are also fame ranks for whenever your character hits a certain number of fame points. The staff they are wielding in the outpost of the tombs will change appearance
FC: Fast Cast
flag runner: the person on the team designated to carry the flag on King of the Hill type maps
focus: equipment that grants the user extra energy to their maximum energy pool
FS: For Sale
FT: For Trade
ganking: (priest)-killing of the enemy teams' priest. also called ninjaing, or to ninja a priest
gimp: classes or class combination that is weak in some way and is hard to play effectively
gpu: Gold Per Unit
grip: the part you hold of a bow
GUI: Graphical User Interface. Basically the interface that the player uses to get things done in the game
GvG: Guild vs Guild
GW: Guild Wars
h5: Hang Five (wait 5 seconds)
haft: handle for an axe
hex: a skill or spell that causes negative status
HH: Healing Hands, a popular Monk spell
HoH: Hall of Heroes
HOT: Health Over Time
HP: Health Points
instance: refers to the area of the game where only you and a group of people are seperate from others
interrupt: using spells or skills to stop an enemies action
irc: Internet Relay Chat. Fansites and guilds use this for communication among members. Alot of guilds and players hang out on irc
kiting: the art of avoiding damage by manually dodging, while still attack your enemy
KoTH: King of the Hill
LA: Lions Arc. One of the major cities in Guild Wars
ladder: refers to the GvG ladder in the game and on the Guildwars.com website
lfg: Looking For Group
LIFO: stands for Last In, First Out. Usually used in reference to how enchantment removal targets a player with mulitiple enchantments running
LoS: Line of Sight
mob: a group of monsters
morale: a boost to hp and energy. Acquired in various ways such as rifting or having your Ghostly Hero hold the dias for a preset amount of time. You can lose morale by dying and getting DP
nerf: the action of weakening a something in the game
np: No Problem
npc: Non Player Character
nuke: the action of unloading alot spells causing high damage to a target
outpost: the places where players will meet to form groups for missions or PvP competition
patrol(mob): that starts to attack you while you're already in a fight.
PBAoE(PBAE): Player Based Area of Effect (Area Effect). Sometimes also called Point Blank Area of Effect
pips: these are the arrows on your health and energy bar. They can be positive(>>>) or negative(<<<), and a maximum of 10 arrows either way
pommel: the handle for a sword
prep: preperation
PvE: Player vs Environment
PvM: Player vs Monster (see PvE)
PvP: Player vs Player
PUG: Pick Up Group. A group of players who've formed a team without knowing each other beforehand or a team that includes such players
pull: the action of drawing attention from a monster towards a character. Used to weaken mobs by attracting individual monsters and killing them
r?: inquiring if everyone (in team) is ready to go
r: replying to a 'r?' prompt, meaning ready to go
recharge(cooldown): the amount of time until a skill can be casted
regen: refers to getting back energy or HP over time
rez: resurrect
rifting: refers to hunting Rift Wardens on the first map of the Tomb of Kings
rituals: short for nature rituals that the Ranger uses
rof: Rate of Fire
snare: a skill or spell that slows the movement of an enemy
spam: casting the same spell over and over. Usually spells that have low cooldown are spammed
SR: Soul Reaping
tank: the character that will be absorbing damage for your team. Will usually aggro also
tombs: short for the Tomb of Kings
train: the act of aggravating too many monsters and then running into the path of other players hoping they will get attacked also
TS: TeamSpeak
twink: outfitting a new character in top notch gear
WaW: Worlds at War. A system where different worlds need to earn access to certain bonus content in-game and are, therefore, in competition with each other.
wtb: Willing To Buy
wts: Willing To Sell
Vent: Ventrillo
adrenaline: a warrior exclusive feature used for some of their skills. Is built up by hitting foes and can be lost over time if you dont take action
AFK: Away From Keyboard
aggro: refers to aggresive mobs that will attack if you get close enough, also used as the action of mobs attacking
AL: Armor Level
all call: the name of the testing events run by ArenaNet for the alpha/beta players
alphas: the players in the closed test of Guild Wars
AOE(AE): Area of Effect(Area Effect)
Anet: shortned verion of ArenaNet
Arena: The Gladiator's Arena
Asc City: Ascalon City
atts: attributes
avatar: the character, or toon that the player uses in the game
beta: the stage of development after the alpha portion of the game
BiP: Blood is Power. One of the most popular skills in the game, belongs to Necromancers
brb: Be Right Back (ie, going away for a very short period of time)
caller(target caller): the person in the group who selects targets
cap: refers to the level cap of 20 in the game. Also used to tell a teammate to capture the relic on a PvP map
cape: players participating in PvP will have these on. If that player is in a guild their guild colors and logo will be part of the cape(tabard)
chat channels: refers to the areas of the UI used to communicate with other players. It's seperated into Local, Guild, Team, Trade, and Whisper chat channels (each can be filtered out).
CC: Crowd Control
Crafter: NPCs that make weapons, armor, or charms in the game
CTF: Capture The Flag
Collector: NPC that collects items in trade for something else
dd: direct damage
DF: Divine Favor. The primary attribute for a Monk
dias: the small platform on some PvP maps where you must escort the ghostly hero
district: The instanced area of the game world where people are. For example, there may be a person in Lion's Arc European District 1 and another in Lion's Arc European District 2 (often short-handed to LA EU#1 and LA EU#2)
dmg: Damage
DOT: Damage Over Time
downtime: the amount of time when a skill cannot be fully used. In most cases it is the addition of the recharge time of the skill and the casting time. For example, the Mesmer's Diversion skill has a 2 second casting time and a 5 second recharge time. It has a 7 second downtime till its in play
DP: Death Penalty. The opposite of morale. A loss in HP and Energy. There are two ways to gain DP. Rangers that use nature rituals will obtain 5%DP. Dying in PvP or PvE missions give you a 15%DP. The maximum DP you can have is 60%. Killing players in PvP or monsters in PvE will lower your DP. Morale boosts also will lower it
DPS: Damage Per Second
EA: Explorable Area. The areas outside of the main cities and mission outposts
elite skills: skills in the game that have this tag can be the only one of this kind in your skill bar. Basically you can't have more than one elite skill in your skill bar at a time, even if they are from different classes. For example, the Monk spells Healing Hands and Aura of Faith both can't be on your skill bar. Likewise Healing Hands and Throw Dirt, a Ranger skill, both cant coexist on your skill bar
energy: the resource used to cast spells and use skills by all classes in the game (sometimes called mana in other RPGs). It can be regenerated
EoE: Edge of Extinction, a Ranger's nature ritual. Got its own spot here since you will hear people complain about it alot in PvP
ES: Energy Storage
exhaustion: a self-inflicted condition on some of the Elementalist's spells. It lowers their maximum energy supply by 10. It is a temporary status and 1 point of maximum energy is regenerated every 3 seconds
fame: points given to players for winning battles in the Tombs. There are also fame ranks for whenever your character hits a certain number of fame points. The staff they are wielding in the outpost of the tombs will change appearance
FC: Fast Cast
flag runner: the person on the team designated to carry the flag on King of the Hill type maps
focus: equipment that grants the user extra energy to their maximum energy pool
FS: For Sale
FT: For Trade
ganking: (priest)-killing of the enemy teams' priest. also called ninjaing, or to ninja a priest
gimp: classes or class combination that is weak in some way and is hard to play effectively
gpu: Gold Per Unit
grip: the part you hold of a bow
GUI: Graphical User Interface. Basically the interface that the player uses to get things done in the game
GvG: Guild vs Guild
GW: Guild Wars
h5: Hang Five (wait 5 seconds)
haft: handle for an axe
hex: a skill or spell that causes negative status
HH: Healing Hands, a popular Monk spell
HoH: Hall of Heroes
HOT: Health Over Time
HP: Health Points
instance: refers to the area of the game where only you and a group of people are seperate from others
interrupt: using spells or skills to stop an enemies action
irc: Internet Relay Chat. Fansites and guilds use this for communication among members. Alot of guilds and players hang out on irc
kiting: the art of avoiding damage by manually dodging, while still attack your enemy
KoTH: King of the Hill
LA: Lions Arc. One of the major cities in Guild Wars
ladder: refers to the GvG ladder in the game and on the Guildwars.com website
lfg: Looking For Group
LIFO: stands for Last In, First Out. Usually used in reference to how enchantment removal targets a player with mulitiple enchantments running
LoS: Line of Sight
mob: a group of monsters
morale: a boost to hp and energy. Acquired in various ways such as rifting or having your Ghostly Hero hold the dias for a preset amount of time. You can lose morale by dying and getting DP
nerf: the action of weakening a something in the game
np: No Problem
npc: Non Player Character
nuke: the action of unloading alot spells causing high damage to a target
outpost: the places where players will meet to form groups for missions or PvP competition
patrol(mob): that starts to attack you while you're already in a fight.
PBAoE(PBAE): Player Based Area of Effect (Area Effect). Sometimes also called Point Blank Area of Effect
pips: these are the arrows on your health and energy bar. They can be positive(>>>) or negative(<<<), and a maximum of 10 arrows either way
pommel: the handle for a sword
prep: preperation
PvE: Player vs Environment
PvM: Player vs Monster (see PvE)
PvP: Player vs Player
PUG: Pick Up Group. A group of players who've formed a team without knowing each other beforehand or a team that includes such players
pull: the action of drawing attention from a monster towards a character. Used to weaken mobs by attracting individual monsters and killing them
r?: inquiring if everyone (in team) is ready to go
r: replying to a 'r?' prompt, meaning ready to go
recharge(cooldown): the amount of time until a skill can be casted
regen: refers to getting back energy or HP over time
rez: resurrect
rifting: refers to hunting Rift Wardens on the first map of the Tomb of Kings
rituals: short for nature rituals that the Ranger uses
rof: Rate of Fire
snare: a skill or spell that slows the movement of an enemy
spam: casting the same spell over and over. Usually spells that have low cooldown are spammed
SR: Soul Reaping
tank: the character that will be absorbing damage for your team. Will usually aggro also
tombs: short for the Tomb of Kings
train: the act of aggravating too many monsters and then running into the path of other players hoping they will get attacked also
TS: TeamSpeak
twink: outfitting a new character in top notch gear
WaW: Worlds at War. A system where different worlds need to earn access to certain bonus content in-game and are, therefore, in competition with each other.
wtb: Willing To Buy
wts: Willing To Sell
Vent: Ventrillo
If you go into Temple of ages... you'll see a lot of those:
SS = Necro with Spiteful spirit
SV = Sympathetic Visage (Mesmer skill)
SB = Spell breaker (Monk skill)
SS = Necro with Spiteful spirit
SV = Sympathetic Visage (Mesmer skill)
SB = Spell breaker (Monk skill)
what about 'rolf"??
what does it mean?
what does it mean?
roll on floor laughing!!
or what i use sometimes.
lawl is the pronunciation of lol = laugh out loud
omg = oh my god
and i think thats it everything else should be covered
lawl is the pronunciation of lol = laugh out loud
omg = oh my god
and i think thats it everything else should be covered
laugh my ass off
laugh my ass off
expanding on some of these for what they really mean:
omg - Who is the dipshizzle who agro'd that second mob?!?
rofl/roflmao - You're a noob, you didn't know Vengeful Aatxe are invulnerable!?!
wtf - Why does this staff have 3 class requirements on it?
noob/newb/nub - Players spam shouting "WTS Godly offhand w/ +27E +30Hp -1 E regen 15k"<--collector items that are available to all players.
omg - Who is the dipshizzle who agro'd that second mob?!?
rofl/roflmao - You're a noob, you didn't know Vengeful Aatxe are invulnerable!?!
wtf - Why does this staff have 3 class requirements on it?
noob/newb/nub - Players spam shouting "WTS Godly offhand w/ +27E +30Hp -1 E regen 15k"<--collector items that are available to all players.