Heroes in Cantha - RPing session.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Hey all, just want to say I really enjoyed reading that 27-page thread that has been going on for months. It started good and was a for a while a good RPing session but by the end I thought it to have petered out.

I'm fairly new to the idea of RPing but it attracted me. I've decided to make a new thread and see if some of the guys that were on the old thread and others, will join in.

I might say that as this will be about Cantha, it is really half and half between a story and ideas!

Firstly, the background story.


Since the Vizier was defeated, several changes have occurred in Tyria. The White Mantle and Mursaat were overthrown in Kryta, and lost all their possessions in Tyria. Salma, the only known descendant of the old monarchy, has been placed as Queen of Kryta.
Meanwhile, in Ascalon, the Charr were defeated as forces from around the world combined in a fatal assault on the beasts. Ascalon has now begun a recovery to becoming a better country.
With the Mantle's absence, the Maguuma Jungle is now safe, and various factions are now working to open it up more to the outside.
And in the Crystal Desert, work is being done to try to restore the old Elonian ghosts to proper bodies and rebuild on the ancient ruins so they can live as a country again. West of there, teams from around the world are working to try to open up the ancient ruins of Orr, if there is any.

The Tyrian continent is a safe place.

However, nothing stays safe for long. In a sudden flurry, hundreds of Canthan and Xunlai traders and diplomats in Tyria poured into Lion's Arch to see Queen Salma. She gave them audience, and they informed her of a dreadful situation the far south, in the Canthan continent.
Cantha, a once great trading empire ruled by a dynasty for a thousand years that had claimed to be descended from the Sun God Taozing Pe, is in great danger. In their preference of trade than building up defences, the Canthans had thought they were safe and not built very effective walls. Now, as an enemy comes, they are proved foolish.
The Sengii, a race from even further south that by legend were believed to be a mix of bear and human, have suffered a great earthquake. In their culture, they believe such disasters to be the doing of the Gods to make them seek a new land. So that is exactly what they do. In their hordes, they stream up the valleys to Cantha, driving with them many other creatures from all over the land. Many towns have been burned, sacked, people massacred. Cantha is fighting a losing battle.
They beg for help.


Here is where we come in. Queen Salma is calling upon fighters of all kinds to board fleets to Cantha, to rescue a continent in peril. It is the day before the ships are due to part.
So now, pick your favourite character of your own from Guild Wars. You have heard the call, and are going to go. To start off with, we will do the story of preparations, then going on the ship, and so on from there.
And remember, do not demote other characters. We are all dear friends as heroes and must be together in our adventure. Make it as compelling as you like, so long as it sticks to this overall story of going to Cantha.

EDIT: Please no more characters now, we have enough, let us continue with this amount. Unless you wish to enter the story briefly as another character (say a Canthan), we have enough characters and the story is closed to new entrants.

Remember, before you enter, give a BRIEF bio of yourself, and details etc.

I will use a model similar to the one on the previous thread's.

Here is my example:

Character name
Worshipped Gods

Here I go.


Name: Symeon Aethril
Age: 35
Profession: Warrior/Ranger with tiger's fury skills, fights by the passion of the link of Balthazar and Melandru.
Gods: All but Grenth, for Symeon hates death and evil.

Bio: Symeon was born in Kryta, and grew up in a period of turmoil. As a child, he was a natural fighter, and as soon as he was old enough he joined the Lionguard. He quickly became an acclaimed soldier of Kryta, though he detested the Mantle government. He joined the heroes of Ascalon in their quest, and it was certainly a long adventure, during which he changed many of his beliefs and attitudes. He took part in the great revolt against the Mantle, and is now seeking more adventure.

Story (this will be short and updated more later as I do not have much time)

Symeon heard the calls of the Queen to rescue the far off empire. He knew it would be his chance to seek further adventure with his comrades.

So he packed his belongings on the day before the ships would sail, thinking intensely of what lay ahead for him. He was in fact very excited about going to a far off place that almost none from Tyria had gone to before.
And he was looking forward to fighting alongside his comrades once more...
he thought of them greatly. He thought how they would now be preparing. He knew he would meet them at the docks or on the ship, but was filled with hope for them as well as himself.




Dun dun dun

Join Date: Aug 2005

Reddit Guild


Name: The Infamous Ranger
Age: 18
Profession: Ranger/Elementalist with preperations and nimble running skills
Gods: None, Infamous believes in absolutes. Things that he can see...

Bio: The Infamous Ranger, called Infamous for short, was born in Ascalon. He was a real troublemaker back then, before the searing when he was only 16. He would steal apples from the market and use them for target practice with his bow, given to him by his Grandfather, a famous marksman, rumored to have a knack with reading the wind . Everyday he would steal apples and use them as targets until... He was caught by the guards. Infamous was charged for stealing 1337 apples from the market and for sexually harassing girls. The sentence? He was sent to rehab with Elise Leefey for 3 months. While at the rehab Infamous had many friends who had nicknames. That's where he got the name. You see he wasn't called infamous for nothing... His friends gave him the name and it stuck. About 2 months into rehab, hell broke loose. It was the searing. Infamous got knocked out cold by a rock that day when a crystal crushed the ground near him. He forgets his real name. He finds out his grandpa died and vows to end the Charr once and for all!
Blah... Defend the wall
Blah... Henge of Denravi
Blah... Crystal desert
Blah... Lich is dead!
Okay... Infamous settles in his self made cottage near lion's arch for 3 months. He lives off apples from the market and meat from his kills. Infamous likes it here. He hears about Cantha and their problem but decides to rest a bit longer. But...

Infamous gets up and prepares for this special day. You know why?

"It's stealing apples day", says Infamous under his breath as he walks through the market. He comes to this one stall that is reknowned for the best apples in lion's arch. Infamous gets the apples and makes a run for it! He zigzags through the streets; At every turn is a roadblock!
"Someone's been spying on me... Someone ratted me out!", he says as he heads for the only open road. The road that leads to the docks...
He runs towards the nearest biggest boat and hides in it's cargo.
It's been a few hours and Infamous is relieve.
Then with a lurch the boat starts to move!

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

nin00, three words for you

grammar and punctuation



Dun dun dun

Join Date: Aug 2005

Reddit Guild


Storm... 1 word
Join in Stormy!!!!111one!!!11!!!!!shift!!!11!!

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

is it ok if I refuse? good



Dun dun dun

Join Date: Aug 2005

Reddit Guild


Originally Posted by Storm Crow
is it ok if I refuse? good I said no!

I mean typed.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

Droknar's Forge!

-No current guild.-


Heh. Nice one Storm Crow.

Now it be my turn!

Name: Eric Kasus, Monk of the Blue :O (I have RETURNED!)
Age: ??
Prof.: Healing/ Smiting Monk
Worshipped Gods: Dwayna (Not sure if that's the right way to spell her name) The Forgotten God, Amora (Made this one up. Basically she is believed to be Eric's Mother?)

Bio: Eric has had a very shaky past. He was long ago abandoned from his parents (who were never to be seen again.) He was left at the Grand Temple Of Dwayna. He was rised by the head-arch-monk, Mosto. After, sneaking out one night from his academy dorm, he was sentence to leave forever. As Eric walked the path of the Shamed, he couldn't help but feel something calling to him. He followed the path more and saw the statue. A rusty, broken down statue. He prayed to the statue (not knowing who he was worshipping to.) A faint image of a woman appeared. After talking for some time, Eric learned that the ghost could have been his mother, but she said he would learn in time. After gaining immense power from Amora's spirit, Eric felt strong enough to head back to the Acadmey. Eric was led by anger, and anguish from his recent exiled state. Eric soon challeged Mosto do a fight-to-the-death duel. Eric unleashed a orb of energy on his former master, and crushed him. Eric soon led destroyed all of the academy; nobody survived. Eric left the desturction of the academy. Drained of all his energy, he walked towards Ascalon, and thus the adventure began.

Eric:~weakly~ Asca...calon? *cough* I...think...*cough* I...may...find...help here *cough*

Eric walked quietly inside doing his best not to cough. He found himself collasping on the side of the road into the main square. The nearby guards took Eric quickly to see a doctor. The doctor quickly fixed up Eric in a matter of days. Eric had nothing to pay the doctor with. The doctor did not care, for his powers are good enough he said. Eric thanked him and left. Eric walked towards the market. There was fresh fruit abound; bananas, apples, Ascalonian Fruit Pies, everything was here. Eric soon saw a young boy trapped in a cage; the person wanted to sell him as a slave. The boy seemed to be 10-13 yrs old. Eric approached the slaverer.

Eric:~sadly~ Why are you selling this child?
Man:~angryily~ Because I can! Now your either buying or leaving!
Eric:*grinning* I'll buy him, but first I left my money to a guard to keep for safe keeping. I need to go get it.
Man: Fine, Fine *opens cage door and gives the boy to Eric* Now who has the money.
Eric:*laughs* I tricked you *laughs* *starts sprinting*

Eric ran with the boy in hand. The boy remained slient. In the meanwhile, the guards chased them. Bowmen shot arrows at them and quickly striked Eric down, stumbling, getting his face full of dirt. The boy ran from the city. Eric turned around.

Guard: Well, well. What we got here? Another rogue? *laughs*
Eric: ~sadly~ Darn, if only he thought it was a joke.
Guard: Huh? What you talking about?
Eric: I left my money outside the wall. Its hiding in a bush.
Guard: So? It doesn't matter. Off with his hand!

Eric tried to escape but it was too late. *swing* Off went Eric's right hand. Eric grinned.

Eric: Heh, thank you. That was my bad hand either way. *Says magic words and another hand takes its place.*
Guard: What the in the name of Baltharzaar????????
Eric: Not Baltharzaar, Amora

Eric took this moment and ran...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Guys, I'm just gonna say I'm not gonna start that we're all on the ship and sailing until some others *glares at storm crow, ownage* from the other thread get their wits about them and join in - go on.


Symeon walked out of his home in Lion's Arch, carrying a small weathered trunk that contained all his belongings that he wished to bring.

He made for the market, for he wished to buy a bit of food to take with him.
As he walked into the crowded marketplace, he looked about him. Normal stalls, normal wares, normal day. But then something else caught his eye.

A small figure had just turned from the apple stall and was dashing through the crowds. Symeon soon lost sight of him, but in one second he realised.

It was the guy he had met out in the woods the other day. Symeon had been taking a stroll, pondering whether to relieve the country of yet another inferno imp, when he saw a man walking towards him. It was a ranger, but no ordinary one. He was carrying a bow and a basket of apples.
The man had said hello to Symeon, and Symeon had asked what he was doing. The man merely crawled behind a tree, and pulled out a number of wooden posts with sharp ends. Symeon backed away, only to see the man sticking apples on the end of the sticks and placing them in the ground. When the man was done, Symeon watched him take his bow and pull an arrow out of his quiver, and begin shooting at the apples. He hit all of five apples in five shots.
Symeon was impressed. He asked the name of the man.
The man had said 'Call me Inf if you like. Don't ask what it stands for. I live in a house down the road from Lion's Arch. But we probably won't see each other again.'
And the man walked off in the direction he had come. Symeon watched him go, then had returned to the city.

So now, as Symeon recognised this figure, he darted through the marketplace. The road leading off it was almost deserted, but he glimpsed the man just heading round the corner. He ran after him, and turning the corner saw the man running straight into a roadblock. Then he turned at Symeon, but did not look long. He ran further, further, several times roadblocks in his way.
Then the man rushed into the docks. Symeon saw him leap onto one of the ships with the yellow and orange sails that were Canthan. He sighed, knowing not whether the man was simply on the run or really wishing to go to Cantha. He suddenly realised he'd left his trunk at the marketplace and so rushed back to fetch it. Then he bought a few things in the marketplace. It was early morning, but there were still a lot of people around. It would not be long till adventurers started boarding the ships. Symeon began to walk very slowly back towards the docks.


PS: everyone please join in.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

Droknar's Forge!

-No current guild.-


I really dont care if storm crow or ownage join in; threes good enough (I'm saying it in the most posistive way I can, NOT NEGATIVE!)


As Eric ran out of Ascalon, an obvious thought ran rampant in his head, I can never return there, I can never return there, over and over again. Eric soon decided to had to the Shiverpeaks, and cross it over into Kryta. Eric was hoping that the Krytan Guards have not heard about this yet.
Eric started to leave Ascalon when he heard something in the bushes. Eric hesistated to move. Then the boy whom Eric rescued ponced on him. Eric knew the boy was only playing.

Boy: Thank you for rescueing me.
Eric: Don't mention it. *Thinks* So, tell me your name.
Boy: ...
Eric: Hmm...you have no name don't ya?
Boy: No...
Eric: Can you tell me where you lived?
Boy: Kryta, I think.
Eric: *Nods head* I going there too. You coming along.
Boy: *Nods head*
Eric: Then let's go.

So the boy and Eric ran along. They reached Yak's Bend in a matter of hours.
Along the way, Eric told the boy his name and even taught the boy a few monk spells. Eric also gave the boy, a sword he had found on his journeys. When they arrived in Yak's Bend, many things changed. For one, there was now a passage way from Yak's into Beacon's Perch. Also Eric saw the same man, who had enslaved the boy right along side him. This time the man had enslaved a girl.She was around the boy's age as well. Eric got furious and walked over to him.

Eric:~madly~ Your the most dispicable man I have ever seen!
Man: *Turns his head towards Eric* YOU! YOU, STOLE MY LAST ONE AND YOUR NOT GETTING THIS ONE AT ALL!!! *smiles greedily* Unless you got some huge 'mounts of gold on ya.
Eric: Actually, I was thinking about stealing her, I was think more along the line of *Hits the man over the head with a staff and whistles while freeing the girl*
Girl: CHAPA!

It was obvious that the children were friends or family some how. Erictold them now is not the place. We have to head to Kryta and fast. They left with a quick speed to Kryta. They didn't stop in Beacon's Perch. They went all the way to Lion's Arch. When they arrived in Lion's Arch. They found two adults, male and female, asking people if they seen a boy or girl. Eric approached them.

Eric: Are these your children?
Lady: *Turns to the children* *Face lights up* Erika, Chapa.
Boy+Girl: Mom!
Lady: Thank Dwanya there home. Is there anyway we can repay-- *Guard approaches Eric*
Guard: Hey bub, Your sentence to death for stealing 2 children any last words.
Eric: *Smiles* Ok you can repay me by getting me on the fastest ship outta here.
Man: That be the ship to Cantha.
Eric: Very well then *waves good-bye*
Guard: *Other guards approach* Wait, let him flee. He won't make it back alive. *Cackling*

Eric board the ship to Cantha, not knowing what would happen.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Symeon knew he was quite early so he strolled around for a bit, visualising what he had in his trunk to check. After a while, he came out of a daze to be looking at a bunch of people talking.
There was a husband and wife that Symeon had seen around town before, and their children were standing opposite them. The children looked ragged and confused. They stood next to a a man who looked to Symeon like a monk, dressed in blue and looked serious but meaning well.

It looked like some kind of reunion, for the children hugged their parents and the parents were thanking the man. Symeon thought maybe this man had rescued them from somewhere. But then, a guard approached. One of them said a sentence which had the words 'sentenced to death' and 'any last words' in it. Symeon stepped back, as he saw more guards approaching.

The monk smiled and mumbled something to the husband. The man uneasily pointed towards the ships, and said something about Cantha. The monk said something, waved, and ran off towards the ships just as the other guards arrived. One of the guards said something but Symeon had already turned around and running as fast as he could with his trunk, he headed after the monk. He didn't care that anybody else was watching him.

He stumbled onto the ship about five seconds after the monk. The monk walked to the side of the ship, and Symeon walked over with him. He turned around to look at Symeon, with an inquiring look on his face.


Note to all who are joining in: remember to read the posts so you catch up with the story! And we're just boarding the ships now so if anybody else is gonna join in it need to be fairly soon, and if you do enter later it will have to start for you on the ship, or if you start even later in Cantha, you will have to be another character entirely. Let's make this work!


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Hold the boat, one more on the way within the hour!

edit: OK my first stab at this stuff - be gentle.

Name: Anna Mossity


Profession: Mesmer/Warrior

Worshipped Gods: Lyssa

Bio: Born in Ascalon and mostly shielded from direct combat during the events of the searing by a wealthy family. Finished her training in the New Ascalon settlement and participated in the mop up operations dealing with clearing Old Ascalon of the Charr. During this time she met some old warriors who knew her father and she learned of his many deeds. Anna's mother had always refused to speak of him and this new knowlege was exciting to Anna. She began dreaming of being a warrior herself. (more to follow)


Anna left a trail of swirling dust as she plodded along the road. Her father's huge Brute Sword and Ageis slung over her back made a stark contrast to her slight build and she struggled with the load. Her only other bag contained a few personal effects and the new Rouges set she had been secretly saving and buying a piece at a time until it was completed only yesterday. It seemed to be fate that her acquisition of the last piece of the armor and the news that a ship sailing for a far off land needing mercenaries all happened at the same time.
Anna was a Mesmer but she was going against her mother's wishes. Trained (and quite accomplished) as a Domination/Illusion mesmer, Anna had chosen another path. She chose to honor her deceased father and learn the ways of the Illusionary Warrior. Unfortunately, this made her les than popular with her sisters and mother and was the reason she was now headed towards the ship.
As she entered the market square her eyes caught a flurry of movement and the she heard some guards shouting. She saw from a distance, two men sprinting for the ship, they didn’t appear to be together as one was quite a ways in front of the other. “I hope I have enough coin left to pay for boarding “, she thought. It would be terrible to come all this way only to be denied passage.
Anna approached the great ship with trepidation and tried to blend with some of the hands that were carrying sacks of dry goods for the journey. But alas……..”You there!” “ Missy with the sword, where do you think you’re going?”



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

Droknar's Forge!

-No current guild.-


This is getting good

Eric got on the ship and looked around, a man stepped beside him. Eric gave him an inquiring look but said nothing. Eric heard the man mumble something but didn't saw anything at all. Eric snuck down below into the cabins. Eric looked around. There were many places to sleep but he picked one spot that seemed to be unoccupied. He laid all the personal belongings he had on a seperate bed and went up top. He saw a young lady, being denied entrance unto the ship. Eric approached the guard.

Eric: Why is she not allowed on this ship?
Guard: She has no note from the queen of this land. She may not enter.
Eric: Then, why am I aboard this ship; I have no connection to the queen.
Guard: Heheheh, this is your reward for stealing. You get sent to Cantha.
Eric: So? I faced mighty creatures of my own. I even faced off against Glint and defeated the dragon with my bare hands. *looks at the young lady* And besides, she is one of my clients. A partner-in-crime you could say.
Guard: Is that so? Very well then get on this ship young lady. I hope you two enjoy your stay in Cantha.

The young woman gave Eric a perplexed look, but went downstairs to the cabin. Eric looked out into the sea. Then, he saw a vision of Amora, beside him.

Amora: You have done great deeds today.
Eric: So it seems...
Amora: I hope you know what your getting into
Eric: Yes...I do...I will not let anyone down on this ship.

Amora's vision disappeared. Eric looked out to sea, solemly. Thinking...



Dun dun dun

Join Date: Aug 2005

Reddit Guild


Infamous enters the cargo section of the ship and stays there for a few minutes... Suddenly,

"Oh shiznit, The boat is moving! I don't want to go anywhere! What to do, what to do? I cant go back out. The guards will find me!"
Then Infamous realizes the boat isn't 'moviing' but instead rocking back and forth...with the sound of foot steps out the door.

"It's a search. I thought I lost those guards back at the last roadblock!"
Infamous slowly opens the door he came through, listening and looking for any signs of a search...
It's a middle aged monk that looks friendly, wouldn't hurt a fly, and he's with a young lady, looking in her teens. The girl catches Infamous' eyes. She looks cute. But the lady continues down the hall.

"She has lots of ...features..." He grins . Not threatining at all. A walk in park.

"Doesn't look like a search to me" Infamous says to himself as he closes the door and takes an apple he stole at the market out of his pocket.

"I guess I'm a pretty good runner," Infamous says, almost chocking on his apple. He had just remembered the time when the guards of the arena banned him from the Ascalon Arena for running all the time.

"Good times, good times"

Infamous finishes his apple and throws it outside the window at the side of the room. He takes a seat on a barrel and opens his backpack. He sees his apples, bow, poison, flint and tinder in there. Good enough for any challenge.

Infamous brought his bow everywhere, just in case he had to take down a guard that was chasing him to a dead end. But he has never caused any real trouble, like murder, or used that tactic. He only stole apples and killed warthogs for his meat. And he always got away. Except that one time that put him in rehab. Oh the memories.

Infamous decides to camp in the cargo until he feels that the guards stopped looking for him. He places his back pack on his side and thinks about the market.

"Who tipped me off? Why did the screw me over? I usually get away without anyone noticing. But today is different. Why?"

Questions clouded Infamous' mind.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

Droknar's Forge!

-No current guild.-


Eric resumed looking out to see. Something kept telling him, someone on this ship is thief, a con, and a murderer...Perhaps it was Eric, but he wouldn't know.
Eric felt the uneasiness of the ship rocking back and forth. The ship was going to move soon. Eric had always hated riding ships for one reason. *BLAH!* Enough said. He went down stairs to his private cabin room. He slept. Uneasy. He awoke to the sound of the anchor beginning to rise; the ship was starting to sail. "No turning back now" he said solemy. As he made his way out onboard deck he saw a crowd of people waving. He even saw the young family waving at him; Eric waved back. His trip and journey to Cantha was starting.

Eric decided to see what was going up on top of the ship; the Crow's nest. It was a quiet place where no one could find him, easily. Eventually, he fell asleep. He woke to the sound of feet moving. He looked below and saw a bowman of some kind look for a place to eat his apple that he had in hand. But instead, it was target practice. The man threw the apple up into the air and shot it dead-on in the core of the apple. Amora's vision appeared again.

Amora: As you know, someone on this ship is going to kill someone else.
Eric: I have a bad feeling about this trip. *Boat rocks* Ugh! I hate ships. *Blah* Ugh!
Amora: You'll be fine. Besides, I have a mission for you.
Eric: Talk.
Amora: When you get to the Canthan base camp, Cantic, there is an alchemist there by the name of Serena. Give her this note. She should have a potion for you. Do not use it until you need it. Lest open wounds again.
Eric: Very well, anything else?
Amora: Yes, get a couple of Strangleweed found on the beaches of the Cantic; its a greenish, black color. Wrap the weed around your weakest hand.
Eric: Why?
Amora: You'll see.

Amora's vision disappered. Eric knew what he had to do. Then he heard a crashing sound, two in fact. One came from the waters, while the other had hit something solid. The second sound was from the crash of the bowman, hiting the floor of the ship. The other was a creature...

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


Character name: Xanthos Antilles
Profession: W/Mo, W/Me or W/R
Worshipped Gods: all of em Really.
Bio: One of the famed few that survived the destruction of orr, he has been trained in his sword well by Balthassar himself. He joined in the fight as a shining blade, and killed hundred of mantle.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

The monk said nothing and walked down below deck, so Symeon turned to look at the crowds now gathering around the ships. There were many adventurers still boarding...but Symeon could not see any of his old comrades. He guessed this would be an adventure with new friends. He briefly saw the monk arguing with a guard and then bringing a fine looking woman with a sword onto the ship, then decided to go below deck.
He found a bed and put his trunk on it. He prayed there to Balthazar and Melandru for good will. Then, he took a walk around the ship.

He found himself walking through a door into the cargo section, and saw the monk and the woman walking further away. He did not ponder what they were doing, but looked around. Suddenly, he noticed a man mumbling to himself in the corner and taking out a bow and some apples.

'Hello, Inf' said Symeon quietly. The man looked up suddenly. He stared for a moment then
'Oh, hello. Apple practice, don't worry.'
Symeon nodded and smiled. This ranger did steal apples but he was obviously a good man otherwise.

He was beginning to wonder whether anyone on this ship would do evil, and ruin the entire adventure. Who could it be? It must be someone he didn't know. A monk would not do evil, nor would a pretty woman with a sword. And nor would this slightly weird but innocent ranger. And himself? Symeon? Why would he ever ruin and adventure? No reason. Symeon was a good soldier, not like others. His combination of Balthazar and Melandru made him stronger than the other warriors...he did not murder and pillage like many of the hardcore fighters of Balthazar did.

Symeon thanked the gods in his mind, then made for his bed. He noticed the monk going to bed too.

When he awoke, he found the ship rocking. There were so many people on it. He and the monk went up to see huge crowds on the dockside waving and cheering. He noticed the family he had seen before. He waved generally at all of them. Then, the anchor came up and the ship was starting to move. He saw the monk moving off to climb to the crow's nest, and saw the ranger doing apple practice. He lay down, and fell asleep on the side of the deck.

He suddenly awoke, to the sound of two crashes. One was the ranger hitting an apple...and the other...it was coming from the sea! He jumped up and looked out along with many others. Right there, was a huge creature with tentacles that Symeon knew was called a 'Kraken' but had never seen before.
'What do we do?'
'All aboard who can do ranged damage, step forth!'
Many did, and Symeon felt slightly embarassed but continued to watch the situation unfold...


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Anna woke to the lurching of the ship. “We’re moving!” The reality of her situation hit hard and suddenly, there was no turning back now from this path. She recalled the events of the prior day, the strange monk that claimed her as a comrade, as a - “partner in crime?” Anna had committed no crime and didn’t relish the thought of being associated with those who had. It had served a purpose though……it had secured her passage. Anna thought that Lyssa must indeed be mindful of her plans and weren’t these events proof of the Goddess’s approval of them? Now she was here, on this ship with others…..She had noticed a boy – a young man – with mischievous eyes peering out from one of the holds as the monk had escorted her below decks yesterday. She had met his gaze briefly but gained no insight from it. She had chosen a berth and quickly fallen asleep, her bag a pillow.
Now the ship movement and the sounds of departure beckoned her topside but she was afraid and so she slept again – fitfully, until the ship was at sea. Now the sounds that woke her were of a more urgent nature. Men shouting about weapons and the need for bowmen. Anna was not such but she went topside anyway – her earlier fears gone in an adrenaline rush.
Anna joined a large crowd topside and saw that many bowmen were notching up and taking aim at something or someone off the side of the ship. Anna caught sight of the young man she had seen below decks, he too was preparing to loose an arrow. The monk was nowhere to be seen. Feeling out of place without the comfort of her staff, Anna moved towards the side of the ship to see what had drawn the ire of her comrades. Moving down the deck she finally was able to make out the sea creature. She found herself beside a warrior who was, like her, sidelined by lack of a ranged weapon.

The undead Mesmer

The undead Mesmer

Delphian Scribe

Join Date: May 2005


No guild ;_;


Character name: Black Wizard Baltimore
Age: Unknown
Profession: N/E
Worshipped Gods: Grenth and some unknown gods.
Bio: This black wizard wandered the world for ages helping people in need.
His age is unknown but some people say he is atleast 1000 years old and whas born before the great Exodus. Others say that he whas spit out by his unknown gods to help this world. One way or another you cant really say that he is a black mage because he helps people in need.

Now staying at the Canthan Inn he fears that once again the world is in great danger.
__________________________________________________ ____________
I am running but for what, This dream is driving me insane i really need to wake up. Hey what is that? Baltimore peered down a cliff and saw a huge seamonster attacking a ship.
What is this for strange dream? Suddenly the Seamonster turned around and launched a Acid ball at Baltimore and hitted him right in the face.
Baltimore woke up all covered in sweat, The weather whas awfull.
I havent seen a storm this bad in ages he mumbled, He got dressed and ran down the stairs. While he ran through the bar of the inn he heard 2 soldiers say something.

Soldier 1: Hey roy did you hear it?
Soldier Roy: Hear what Qanar?
Soldier Qanar: The ship that would carry dozens of passanger from Tyria to Cantha hasent docked yet.
Soldier Roy: thats awfull but what can whe do about it?
Soldier Qanar: Nothing im afraid whe yust need to wait until the storm has passed.

Hmmmm that dream could it be something that is happening right now?
Baltimore walked outside and started to shiver.
I can feel that something terrible is happening at the moment there over at sea. I sure hope that i am wrong.
__________________________________________________ ____
This gives atleast a bit of a feeling how it must be like on the Canthan coast?

Shimus DarkRaven

Shimus DarkRaven

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Titusville, PA <nowhere>

KOD <Knights of the Dragonrose><Guild Officer>


Name: Shimus DarkRaven, of the DarkRaven clan.
Age: 30
Profession: Warrior/X<I change secondaries like a warrior learns training>
Gods: I worship all gods, for they all need their proper due. Favoring one over the other can only lead to plots.

Bio: Shimus DarkRaven, the last of a once thriving clan of demonslayers, called the "Crimson Dawn", searches for any remnant of his devastated family. He still possess the training nescessary to change his secondary training at will from a spiritual devout monk to a desecration necromancer. His training as such allows him many jobs that other warriors and demonslayers would not touch. His homelands were once the luscious forests bordering the western shiverpeaks, a very remote land very south of the Gates of Kryta.

Like with any demonslayer, his only life he knew was that of dealing death. As such; he has been hired as a mercenary on many an occasion.

Story: ...One day, while sifting through the lands on his usual course of employment/unemployment, Shimus DarkRaven found himself in a bind as he was suddenly confronted by a mass number of the Shining Blade. The Shining Blade and Clan DarkRaven were never on good terms to begin with, due to the fact half of the jobs the "Crimson Dawn" accepted were offered by an extended hand from the White Mantle.

Shimus was bound and drug to their camp, mercilessly taunted, spat on, and interrrogated. Through all of this though, he kept a certain level of composure and level-headedness. He kept assessing all the possible escape routes, where to run to if he did get away, guard schedules, and everything else. It took him about the better half of a year of the lotus, to approximately the day of the first snows before he figured in the snow, he could escape at the change of the guard into a snowstorm, and such an occasion arose.

He headed straight from the Maguuma jungle to the only place he knew he could trust: The temple of tolerance, the central portion of the White Mantle in Krtya. He beseeched an audience with none other then the new head of the Mantle since Dorian had been executed, their lines in dissarray. He told the white mantle he would gladly do a revenge job to the Jungle if he was well fortified, and under one condition: They didn't allow any white mantle to join him.

He trudged back through outpost to outpost under the guise of a Shining Blade suit aquired from the White Mantle, under the name "Damien forestwalker." He silently entered the camp, assassinated the lead officer, and continued to mercilessly and silently slaughter the entire encampment with extreme pleasure of torturing his torturers.

After this was all said and done, he felt he no longer needed either revenge nor the shining blade to kill, and left forever the ranks of the White Mantle.
He wandered for ages, offering aid to anyone requiring so for a nominal fee. Through this all, he got pretty friendly with the nobles of Krtya, and eventually got an audience with Salma, the New Queen of Krtya. He told her of his past in a secret audience, and once how his Clan was employed by the other royal family before the White Mantle came.

She told him of the plight from Cantha that has urged such an influx of Adventurer's to head its way. He solemly agreed to estabish a firm contact for Salma in an outpose in Cantha. He was all but ready to leave for cantha when something amazing, yet stupifying, happened to him. He got news that his sister, sold into slavery by age ten, was residing in Cantha. He renewed his feel for his family and Clan and urgently found the fastest windraker ship he could find...

To be continued...

--The Shim



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Ok, looks like this is quite popular, we have quite a number now!
I am going to draw a line here:
Below this line, we now have enough characters, and the ships are well on their way to Cantha, so thank you! (I felt that if we have more the thing would be going really fast and people might not read the posts. Please now no more new entrants!)

This is good guys, really good!
PS: Remember to read through all posts, they might contain something interesting, that might relate to you!

As the wind whistled on his face, Symeon noticed the girl/woman he had seen earlier step beside him. She had no ranged weapon, and there now seemed to be two groups, one that did have ranged weapons that were now preparing to fire at the monster, and the other group of those who did not.
Symeon briefly noticed the other ships beside them too...there were about four or five ships altogether.

He looked around, and saw many professions. He was quite looking forward to fighting alongside all these.

He turned to face the woman next to him. She looked like a Mesmer/Warrior, for she carried a sword. She returned his look and smiled.
'Hi' she said.
'Hi' said Symeon.
'Are you from Lion's Arch, by any chance? I thought I saw you before'.
'I am, yes' said Symeon.

They were briefly interrupted as someone shouted 'FIRE!' and they watched the monster lurch about in the water as it was continuously hit.

'It's not a very aggressive monster ' said the woman, otherwise it would be attacking the ship! Anyway, what's your name? Mine's Anna Mossity, I'm from Ascalon.'
'Symeon Aethril ' replied Symeon. ' I joined the adventure from Ascalon because I was fed up of serving under the Mantle'.
'A terrible bunch they were' said Anna.
'Indeed, and they gave us Lionguard no freedom because they feared we would spark rebellion.'
'You were a Lionguard? It is said the Lionguard never fear anything.'
'Well,' said Symeon, smiling. 'That is rather a legend. We did exactly as the Mantle feared, by heading the revolt. I quit after that, I was not really needed and felt rather weird after taking part in a rebellion.'
'You do not look like a normal Lionguard, though. I mean, it is said the Lionguard served Balthazar secretly though the Mantle forbade them to do so. But the emblem on your armour...'
'Yes, it's Balthazar-Melandru,' said Symeon. I fight by the power of the tiger. And you, I'm guessing you are a Mesmer Warrior?'
'Yes, I use the power of illusion to help me fight. Lyssa is my god,' said Anna.
'I worship all gods but Grenth. I damn all evil and darkness.'
'Indeed' said Anna.
'Well, I look forward to fighting with you in Cantha,' said Symeon.
'As do I,' said Anna smiling.

'HURRAH!' Shouting came from all around the ship as they watched the monster go down in the water. But it was raining, getting close to a storm. He smiled and left Anna as he saw the monk approaching, and joined many others in going below deck. He ate, and slept.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

As the sea monster sunk beneath the waves Anna began to make her way back to the passageway below decks as a storm appeared to be brewing. Quite a crowd had gathered topside though and it was slow going. Symeon the warrior had no trouble shouldering his way through the mob and Anna quickly lost sight of him. Anna’s first impression was that she liked him. He was not as coarse as some warriors (not that Anna was bothered by coarseness) and he looked to have been a part of many adventures. His ideas about Grenth were foolish though. Anna had dabbled in the ways of the dark before she took on her warrior ways and she knew that all gods had their uses. As she neared the passage to the berths her boot kicked something – she looked and saw – an apple! As she reached for it a hand quickly snatched it away, following the hand upward Anna came face to face with the owner of the apple – and the same mischievous eyes from the day before. Now she could see that this was a ranger, about her own age. “An apple”, she said. “A target” said he. And then fast as a flash he tossed it skyward, notched an arrow, loosed it and skewered the apple before it had reached it’s apex! “Impressive Mr. ?????” “Infamous is my name.” “Well, Infamous, I can think of a much better use for those apples” Infamous glanced back towards Anna and saw her take a couple of them from his bag. One disappeared into her knapsack and the other she began to eat as she disappeared below decks, The rain began to fall harder.



Dun dun dun

Join Date: Aug 2005

Reddit Guild


"That girl took my apples," said Infamous.
He had been shooting them to get his nerves down. To think, he's been spotted by a few people already. One of them he knew from the forest where he lived, the others he didn't know.

"This is a dam runaway," Infamous said to himself, "I shouldn't draw attention."

And the sea monster attack, that was an adrenalizer. And that lady; there is something about her, she seems like a control taker... What a challenge.

"Hang on... those apples aren't mine in the first place," Infamous said with a grin. "Now, I'm really hungry,"

Infamous opens his backback and finds his bow, poison, flint, tinder, and three apples to be found.

Infamous didn't want to eat his apples. It's for target practice.

"Great," Infamous moaned, "Looks like its poison for dinner."
Infamous looked around the passage way. He looks left. Then he looks right. Bingo! It's the captain! He looks old. Too old to be a captain. Facial hair surrounds his face. Doesn't look like he washed in a while. He's oddly familiar though.

Infamous: Excuse me Captain, Do you know where the galley is?
Captain: You did some pretty nice shooting there, 'ey. If you mind telling me. What's the bow made of?
Infamous: Thanks, my bow is made up of a mix of willow and oak. The string is a hair from a wind rider. Now, where is that galley?
Captain: Interesting. The bow ain't half bad. I see you have a friendship with the wind. Tell me, do you call upon the Gods to help you?
Infamous: Yes, I have this, this--what you callit-- connection with the wind. And I don't believe in any of the gods! Ok, enough questions, lets not talk about this. NOW, Where is the galley?!
Captain says gruffly: Suit yourself, It's right behind you.
Infamous: You must be crazy! I just looked there. There is no galley there!
Captain: Look again.

Infamous turns around and to his bewilderment sees the galley!
Infamous swivels towards the Captain: Thank yo--

The captain isn't there.

Shimus DarkRaven

Shimus DarkRaven

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Titusville, PA <nowhere>

KOD <Knights of the Dragonrose><Guild Officer>


As the wind howled by on the windraker ship, they passed many a vessel born to Cantha. Shimus slightly re-arranged his equipment and took on the elementalist as a second class without thinking much, with all knowledge with earth magic and warding might come in handy. The ride went on without much a hitch; until whatever god saw it fit to cause a storm on the high-seas made this a ride to remember.

The WindRaker ship, although very fast and easily moveable on the seas, really relies calm seas to transport its goods with ease. Thus; when the big storm rolled in, Shimus was forced into yet another precarious situation. He approached the captain of the vessel:

"These waves will overpower this ship without a second chance," Shimus stated.

"It's all we have, unless you know something that can help me, we're pretty much at critical juncture here!" The Captain replied.

"I can, with my knowledge, cast a ward, one that will fend off these waters...the question is, can you keep the ship steady while I do?" Shimus inquired.

"I cannot promise you anything; but I will give it my damndest!" The Captain said.

"Then let us begin, I shall seek the calm refuge of your cabin, for I need to not be interrupted while I cast, and I need lots of concentration, so I am going latch your door. Just keep us on heading and I'll do what I can to keep your men safe." Shimus said.

"Fine! Here's the keys to my cabin. Now get back there and do your thing!" The Captain nearly yelled.

Inside the cabin, a lantern was shaking furiously, the only light in the whole cabin. Shimus sat on the floor of the vessel cross-legged, bracing himself from moving with any pillows, blankets, and chairs that were bolted to the floor. He said a silent prayer to all of the gods to favor this journey, as for only the second time in his life he actually had a purpose. He starting to chant slowly, rising his decibel level in unseemingly small amounts until he was in a full-on cry while casting the wards.

First, he casted his spell, earth attunement. With such, it will allow him to regain some crucial mana spent in maintaining his wards against the roaring sea.

Second, he placed a ward against the elements, one that he can maintain without much a second thought, and then used all of his arcane knowledge on that topic to find ways to keep it continually running so he wouldn't have to recast it.

With his wards securely in place, shimus now filtered his concentration to maining his earth attunement, ward against the elements, and now casting his battle cries to keep the crew alive and well. Each time a wave struck the boat, the bilge pumps did their job, as the water pretty much hit a shield before it struck the crewman, allowing the crewmen to do their jobs much more easily.

Eventually, in the midst of maintaining his spells/shouts, a messenger from Melandru spoke telepathically to him from across the room, commending him on a job well done, as his Goddess Melandru, agreed to cease the pounding of the waves. Shimus praised Melandru, giving the Goddess her due as true master of nature.

Shimus dispelled all his maintained wards and enchantments, and set back to the boat deck. He and the captain engaged in much irrelevant conversation about gratitude and payment, which Shimus simply waved off with a hand of dismissal.

"I would have perished in the sea as well, I did protect your crew, your men, but without this ship, I wouldn't be arriving in Cantha ahead of schedule. It's quite alright, I'll call it even." Shimus stated matter-of-factly.

"Aye, then we shall call it even. At best you still saved our hides; but aye. If you wish it even, then even it shall be."

Shimus sighed and looked to horizon, eager to allready be in the Ring of Fire island chain to refuel, which was still a day or so off. So, with everything that occurred, Shimus retired for the night...

Too bo continued..

--The Shim

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


Originally Posted by King Symeon
EDIT: Please no more characters now, we have enough, let us continue with this amount. Unless you wish to enter the story briefly as another character (say a Canthan), we have enough characters and the story is closed to new entrants. .....

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


Xanthos woke to the sounds of an intense argument between, the captain who was an illusion, and a ranger, who was in a bad mood. Xanthos rould hardly constrain his laughter when the "captain" disappeared, and the bewildered look on the ranger's face, betrayed his thoughts. Xanthos stuck to the shadows and went to the top deck.

As he went, he juggled the 5 apples he took, with some sleight of hand, from a shop in kryta right under the shopkeepers nose.

He laughed loudly now, as he saw a monster along the side of the boat, he grinned, and decided to start playing even more with everyone's minds.

suddenly a gale force wind sprang up, sea monsters were popping up along side of the boat, the wind sped the craft toward nowhere. Xanthos knelt on the deck and breathed the fresh air that came sweeping across the deck.

As soon as it had started, it stopped, leaving the boat in mid air for a split second, before it slammed back down down the water.

Xanthos hated apples, he just took them because he could. he did like the mango's he got from the same stall though.

As he approached Infamous, he pulled some apples and mangoes out of seemingly nowhere, and held them out, forgetting about the long black scar on his left arm that was fully exposed...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
..... Will admit you as the last one. go on then.


Symeon awoke to the sounds of men talking. He walked around the corner and saw Infamous and someone that looked like the captain, talking about something. Infamous was obviously in a bit of a bad mood.
Symeon walked up on deck. He briefly noticed a young warrior boy that he thought he had seen before. Symeon lay on the deck and tried to relax when...

Suddenly a huge gale seemed to be hitting the ship, it was going nowhere, and sea monsters were popping up alongside the boat. The ship lurched up and then with ferocious force went down a big wave. Symeon slid a bit and backed against the wall of the cabin. The monsters in the sea weren't moving, they were gradually getting further away. But the storm was terrible.
He noticed the monk come through the doorway onto the deck and slide next to him.

'Bit of a storm, eh' Symeon said to him.
'Yes, but it will pass off,' he replied.
'What's your name?'
'Eric Kasus. Some call me Monk of the Blue. And yours?'
'Symeon Aethril. Before you ask, I honour Balthazar-Melandru - I fight by the power of the tiger.'
Eric dared not tell the man about Amora.
'It could be that prayers to Melandru would pass these storms off. Though I do not worship her, I am willing to pray.'

So they knelt down there on the deck, and prayed for some minutes. As the morning went on, the storm was beginning to subside and the captain came up to say they had passed the Ring of Fire isles a day ago and the ships were now well on course to reaching Cantha within about four or five days.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

The apple was delicious! Not only was that ranger a bowmaster but also a fine judge of apples! The flavor of the apple brought back memories of happier times for Anna. In the New Ascalon settlement outside Lions Arch they grew apples such as the one she had just enjoyed and Anna used to love to pick them and eat them fresh from the trees. Those were good days…….then things changed. Anna was nearing the completion of her training and was going to be departing for the Crystal Desert for her ascension trials. One day a wagon drew near the settlement. Anna and others ran to meet it but then – before anyone could shield her from it – she saw her fathers shield and sword. They were arranged in the traditional way that a fallen warrior is honored. Anna was devastated and did not make the journey to the desert as planned. Instead she went East to Old Ascalon, to the fields where her father fell and joined a regiment of fighters. For several months she fought alongside them using her Domination/Illusion magic. Her thirst for vengeance could not be quenched from the back row though. She met her fathers comrades, tough honorable men who were worthy of more honor than they often received.
“Only by shedding blood with my hands will my fathers spirit be avenged.”, Anna told herself and she formed a plan to transform herself into a front row fighter.
She made her desert journey directly from the field of battle, without returning home, without her mothers blessing. She regretfully gave up the power of Grenth to learn the ways of Balthazar along the road to ascension. And Ascend she did! Then it was back home to a cold reception and generally being shunned by the ones she loved most. With nothing else to do - Anna practiced her newfound abilities on the fire imps and trolls that abound in that area. She relished the rush of power that made her father’s huge brute sword light in her hand, the enchantment was a rush of the most excellent kind and Anna would return bloodied and worn but smiling. Her mother warned her that enchantments could be rent and Anna had some frightening moments when, in the heat of battle, the sword would suddenly become heavy and ineffective. She then had to rely on her health degeneration skills and pray that the warrior stances would be enough to see her through. She began to bring covering enchantments and she told herself that this would be enough. But for Anna the thirst for vengeance required more competent foes and she hoped to find them in Cantha. And if they were too competent - too much for her to handle – well that was not Anna’s concern. Her mind had been over run with black thoughts of late and Anna was more and more sure that she would not return from this journey.

The undead Mesmer

The undead Mesmer

Delphian Scribe

Join Date: May 2005


No guild ;_;


Baltimore whas walking down the road. Hmmm the storm has cleared he said with a little smile, I knew that i whas wrong this time.

A young girl ran up to Baltimore and bumped into him.
Little girl: AUCH you meany!!!
Baltimore: What you ran into me?
Little girl: I did not!!!
Baltimore: Lets not argue about this you should better be on your way.
Little girl: Ok sir.

And so the little girl ran off.
Hmmm im getting kinda hungry lets get some bread and cheese, Walking toward the market stalls he realized something.
Oh no this cant be, Baltimore shouted in anger, My Wallet is stolen.
That little girl where did she go?

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


Xanthos tossed 3 apples and a mango to Infamous, then went to the ship's bow.

He drew his sword and did some mock fighting with himself, the saw a Warrior and a Monk kneeling in prayer. he approached them perchance the warrior would engage him in a duel.

"Hello there!" Xanthos grunted, as a wave tossed the boat, nearly making him fall, but a quick manuver with his sword saved his footing. "Would you perchance like a duel?"

The monk chuckled.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Symeon had accepted the duel, and they had dueled for quite awhile, most through the day. But gradually they tired themselves out. They had both fought well, and they agreed it to be a draw as most humble fighters do. Clearly they were fairly equally matched, despite the age difference.

In the evening, Symeon found himself sitting in the eating quarters next to Anna. Eric and Inf were a little way down the table.

'I've been wondering what kind of enemies we will face. I was told Cantha is under threat but not who by,' said Anna.
'Queen Salma told the people of Lion's Arch it is a strange race called the Sengii,' replied Symeon. 'Legend has it they dwell far to the south of Cantha, on black hills that were formed by the hands of the Canthan god of evil and darkness, Lung-Meo.'
'The Canthans have a god of evil? How weird. Grenth is not a god of evil, but of darkness and necromancy. It is not-'
'I refuse to believe Grenth does not link to evil,' interrupted Symeon somewhat dismissively, but not harshly. 'It is not that I do not respect those that think otherwise.' He looked into her eyes for a second.
She was silent.
'Bah, I'm sorry for expressing my ways. You could say it is the tradition I was brought up in. Anyway, the Sengii-'
'No, it's ok,' said Anna smiling.

Symeon looked down embarassed for a second, then looked back up. 'Well, Queen Salma said the Sengii are, according to legend, half bear, half human. They are barbarous but only when they feel they must be. In their culture they believe that natural disasters are a symbol from their gods for them to move, and seek new land, in any manner they like.'
'And they have just had such a disaster?'
'Indeed. They were struck by a huge earthquake, and believed it was a sign for them to move north and seek a home there. In their savage ways, they are attacking Cantha and killing and burning without mercy,' said Symeon. He noticed Anna shudder slightly.
'I think we should not fear them,' he said. 'What reason have we to believe they will be harder foes than any we have yet faced? The titans, the Summit, the terrors of the underworld?'
'I do not fear them,' she said somewhat stoutly. 'I am thinking about whether I will be able to fight them effectively.'
'My mother said - my sword, it will not always be effective to me. I am thinking of relying on my other powers in a bad situation, but-'
'Weapons can do strange things, you know. But with all weapons, the Lionguard leader said, however magical or unusual they are, you will always master them,' said Symeon.
'That is reassuring,' said Anna. 'I hope I will fight well.'
'As do I. Good luck in battle to both of us,' said Symeon.

The undead Mesmer

The undead Mesmer

Delphian Scribe

Join Date: May 2005


No guild ;_;


Walking through the harbor searching for the little girl Baltimore came across and old lady, My boy could you help an old lady with no money?
No i cant i am searching for a little girl that stole all of my money.
Baltimore ran off searching for that wredched girl.

He could hear the yelling of the old lady throwing curses at him.
Finnaly i can see that girl hmmm but what is that? The girl stepped right through the wall. Baltimore whas astounded, WOW!!! what whas that?
He followed the girl but bounced of the wall and smacked on the ground.

Thats is not your everyday normal girl Baltimore mumbled. But wait now i remember she looks like somebody i have seen a long long time ago who whas it?

No... No this cant be... No really how could this be true? It is Gwen... But she died During the searing... Whell if she died then that must be her ghost... right?
Baltimore whas so confused that he walked straight forward into the sea.
Fisher: Eeeey me lad whats on yer mind?
Balti: I saw a girl but she is already death im sure of it.
Fisher: Arrr thats something strange ye know.
Balti: Yeah it is strange and if i might be so interested what is your name fisher?
Fisher: Me name is Mako Mako the Fisher.
Balti: Whell Mako why wont you help me get out of the water?
Mako: Sure me lad.

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


Xanthos wandered around on the deck, watching the waves hit the boat, wishing for someone to talk to. He slipped deeper into his memories...

He remembered the catlycism, the charr, his parents dying, and his friends perishing.

He was suddenly hit in the back of his head. he slumped forward unconcious...



Dun dun dun

Join Date: Aug 2005

Reddit Guild


Infamous's mind clouded with questions.
-Who was that strange Captain?
-Who ratted me out at the market?
-Where the hell is this ship going?!?!

"I'm so hungry!" When he finally reached the end of the hall towards the galley, he found that there wer Other'se not a lot of people in this room. No guards. Perfect.

He got some food and sat at a table near the corner. His cuisine didn't look normal. It looked strange.

"It's Canthan" said a voice behind him.
"Canthan, huh?" Infamous said while turning around to see who it is.
It turns out to be a monk. A rogue looking one at that. He looks like hes been through many adventures.
Eric set his Canthan food down and pulled up a wooden chair
"My name is Eric Kasus, Some call me Monk of the Blue," greeted Eric.
"Call me Infamous," Infamous replied, "So that means we are going to Cantha right?"
"Just passing the Ring of Fire"
"Dam," Infamous said.
Infamous has heard stories about the Cantha. Some call it suicide because of the many terrains; Lava, Snow, Thunderstorms, Valleys, and Deserts. Infamous remembered giving his Warthog to a trainer that would take it to Cantha, happened 2 years ago. say the Journey there is terrible itself. The seas are relentless.
"These are the soldiers wishing to fight for the queen in Cantha," Infamous thought. "And they think I'm fighting with them."

Down the table Infamous can see two people. A warrior and that hot mesmer.
Infamous continues his talk with Eric...

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


Originally Posted by chris_nin00
Infamous's mind clouded with questions.
Down the table Infamous can see two people. A warrior and that hot mesmer.
Infamous continues his talk with Eric... LOL, that part was funny.

Xanthos woke to the smell of food, and the sound of voices. many voices. as a matter of fact, he heard voices above him.

As he opened his eyes, he realised he was cramped. very cramped.

Then it hit him. He was trapped in the chest that people on the left side of the table sat on. it was divided, so breathing was little at best.

he started banging on the top of the trunk, hoping someone would hear, then realised he wasn't under anyone and the lid wasn't locked down, so he sat up fast and hard, ripping the lid off the trunk.

He drew his longswords, and faced the group, looking extremely embarresed. he sat down next to the warrior, Symeon and began to eat.

He was catching the entire conversation, and was wondering where the warrior met this mesmer...


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Rianna Wraithcaller, (as she would later be known) Anna's younger sister, had witnessed Anna's departure and like the dutifull daughter she was, she promptly told her mother.
Anna's mother, Magdaline was exassparated with this news. "That fool of a girl!," she thought. "Just like her father." Of coarse it wasn't Anna's fault that her father was a warrior - that fault belonged to Magdeline. "A pox on all warriors!" she bristled, "Un-dead minions did just as fine a job of holding the enemy at bay while the real death dealers laid waste to them." And minions had the good sense to fall over dead once the job was done. "Bah" - She had fallen for his charms those many years ago, and he had been a decent enough man - just no survival instinct. And now she was left to deal with all this...But that was the past - the present demanded her attention.
Magdaline's mother, her sisters, Magdaline herself and all her daughters had always served Grenth secondary to Lyssa. "Maybe Grenth will grant me a favor," Magdaline thought as she prepared the candles and incense. She prayed and received this vision:
A Spirit of Grenth in the form of a raven spoke to her saying, "Peace unto you faithful mother. Grenth will grant you a boon but he requires a token."
"What token...."
"Rianna........Rianna will serve Grenth Primarily. Things are as you have feared, faithful mother......your daughter has come under the watchful eye of a warrior. He fills her head with stories of victory and valor.......She believes that he is Invincable and that he can somehow protect her......"
"It is worse than I feared" said Magdaline.
The spirit continued, "There is one who serves Grenth that is in your daughters path.......Grenth will make known to him your concerns - his actions at that point are his own. For he is ancient, having walked in the world long and far....but he is powerfull - well capable of intervening if he sees fit."
"It will be as you say, spirit."
"Start Rianna's training soon......Grenth desires it."

The raven from Grenth flew high and straight. With unnatural speed it passed above and beyond the ships and landed upon the window ledge of a room at the Canthan Inn. The Black Wizard Baltimore slept inside.........the ravan began pecking at the window.

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


Originally Posted by Synapse
"your daughter has come under the watchful eye of a warrior. He fills her head with stories of victory and valor.......She believes that he is Invincible and that he can somehow protect her" Which Warrior?

In char

Xanthos drew his blades, and circeled, as he made an opponent with his mesmer adaptions. instincivly he spun, parred a blow, and used a ripost move. the he countered, slashed both swords down, spun under, and flipped backwards, kicking his opponent over as he went. he created another to aid the prior.

with two, he was dualy busy, parring from both sides, and slashing at the same time. he needed the practice, as he hadn't practiced with balthazzar for weeks.

The first, fighting his left side, struck for his head, met the parry, and moved oddly, slicing down Xanthos's blade to the hilt, and with an old move tried to break Xanthos's grip upon his blade.

Xanthos's grip proved superior, and the foe lost it's sword, which was followed by a speedy decapitation.

the other foe was superior to the first, and was attacking like a madman.

Xanthos caught it's blade, spun him around, and threw him over the rail of the boat.

it was then Xanthos noticed the mesmer on the deck watching him, and with the corner of his eye, saw a raven flying with great speed tward canthea...


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Retribution X
Which Warrior?
Symeon is the only warrior that has spoken to Anna. So . . . Symeon

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


i guess someone think's Anna is hot?

If ur wondering about my chars looks?

Knight's helm
15k dragons/knights/15k plate chest
15k dragons/knights/15k plate Gauntlets
15k dragons/knights/15k plate legs
15k dragons/knights/15k plate feet



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

My avatar is my char


Symeon continued talking a bit with Anna, then noticed Inf get up from down the table, leaving the monk still chewing delicately on the Canthan food. Symeon left Anna, and followed Inf down into the sleeping quarters.
Inf turned round to see him.

'Oh, hello,' said the ranger.
'Hi Inf. I've been wondering something. It wasn't really the desire to go to Cantha and fight that brought you on this ship, was it?'
'No, why, how did you know?'
'I saw you steal the apples, Inf,' he said, winking. 'You took them, then all of a sudden darted away and seemed to be running as fast as you could. I followed you, and saw you jumping onto the ship.'
'You - it was you that ratted me out?' cried Inf.
'Ratted you out? I don't think anyone ratted you out. Maybe you caught me in the corner of your eye watching you, assumed I was a guard, and ran for it.'
'Mmmmm -'
'And then maybe you kept running because you faintly saw someone - me - following.'
'But the roadblocks - '
'Yes, I saw you bump into some a few times. I think that was just coincidence, building up your suspense thinking you'd been 'ratted out'.'
'Yes,' said Symeon. 'So you are on this ship merely because you thought you'd been caught'
'Well, Cantha. Are you looking forward to fighting with us in this great place?'
'Not espec -'
'Ah, well I might be able to change your mind about that. Queen Salma said a lot of nice things to the congregation about Cantha.'
'Mmmmm - '

And Symeon began to tell the ranger the things he knew.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Speaking of funny, I rolled on the floor laughing at this one!

Originally Posted by chris_nin00
Infamous opens his backback and finds his bow, poison, flint, tinder, and three apples to be found.

Infamous didn't want to eat his apples. It's for target practice.

"Great," Infamous moaned, "Looks like its poison for dinner." IC

After Symeon took his leave Anna reflected on his words, "Only if I were so sure of myself as is he" she mused. She had wanted to question him about the monk, the one that had made up some crazy story about her being a "client" of his, to get her on board. She was very curious about him and wondered what his motivations were. She left for topside and overheard Symeon talking to Infamous, something about stealing apples? She hoped the young ranger wasn't mad at her for taking a couple of them from his bag earlier. Up on the main deck Anna saw another warrior practicing with what appeared to be conjured opponents! She watched intently as he expertly dispatched two at once with movements and counters that left Anna thoroughly impressed.
When he looked to be finished Anna approached and greeted him. "Hello, my name is Anna -"
"Your name is Anna Mossity and you worry about fighting well against the Sengii.” He laughed at her startled look and explained, “I was sitting but a few chairs from you as we ate – I could not help but overhear. My name is Xanthos Antilles and I am pleased to meet you.”
“You are very skilled with your blade Xanthos, and your conjured opponents – that is a trick I am not familiar with. It would be good for me to be able to practice with such as these for if If I were to loose my enchantment and swing against flesh…….well…….since my damage is done not by steel…….holding back my blade would do no good. You see, I cannot practice as you do – I must wait until the battle itself and the tension within me is so great…” Anna sighed.