Necro Attributes
Libitina Nefarious
Why can I not increase my blood magic attributes anymore? I got my max armor, and someone said to put runes on each piece, then I would be able to increase my attributes more..but I still can't. Do I need all sup. runes or something? =\
Runes don't stack; that is, having two minor runes of the same type won't give you +2, only +1. Use a superior rune and wear the headgear that gives +1 to an attribute.
Libitina Nefarious
Yeah I know, but like...I have 14 in blood right now, I can decrease it...but there's no arrow to increase it. I have plenty of available points to spend too..
Please elaborate on your setup. What headgear are you wearing, what runes, etc. I'm guessing you're at base level 12 Blood Magic (the max you can have through character attribute points), a +1 Blood Magic headgear, and a minor Blood rune. You'd have to get a superior Blood rune to go higher.
Libitina Nefarious
Yeah that's what I got...the only way I can increase it is to buy new headgear and a sup rune? Like I can't increase the base from 12?
Nope, base limit is 12. If you've got the Blood headgear just get the Superior rune and you're set.
Originally Posted by Libitina Nefarious
Yeah that's what I got...the only way I can increase it is to buy new headgear and a sup rune? Like I can't increase the base from 12?
runes as follows
minor +1 no health penalty
major +2 (-50 hp penalty)
superior +3 (-75 hp penalty)
12+1+3=16 possible
Saridley Kronah
Unless your using awaken the blood, then its possible to get 18 curses or 18 blood.
Actually, it is possible to get 19 Curses or Blood..
12 from attributes
+1 from headgear
+3 from rune
+2 from spell
+1 from +1 to Curses/Blood 20% of the time staff/wand/focii
= 19
12 from attributes
+1 from headgear
+3 from rune
+2 from spell
+1 from +1 to Curses/Blood 20% of the time staff/wand/focii
= 19
Shattered Self
It's possible to get 19, yes, but not reliably.