Ranger 2nd Skill Set
Ok I have searched high and dry for Master Ivor to get my 2nd quest for ranger skills Master Nente says is he is the easterly part of the forest and up high.. this is rather vague, my friend and I just spent 2 hours searching the entire forest looking for this mysterious master ivor with no luck.. this is becoming rather frustrating to say the least can anyone please please help me find him? Thanks, Also I am using ranger with a secondary of necromancer with the mindset that my pet and summons will go a long way is this a good/bad combination of classes? Thanks a lot for anyone who can offer assistance.
Dreamsmith Burgess of Ulthar Not really. Rangers are supposed to be expert trackers and such. If you can't find Ivor Trueshot from the description Nente gives, perhaps this really isn't the profession for you. City-boys who can't find anything without a signpost should stick to mesmers. But seriously, the easiest way to get to Ivor Trueshot is NOT to go down the path that goes by Melandru's statue, that's taking the long way around. Head back northeast from Nente, returning almost to the entry-point from Lakeside County. Now, head east over the little hump and get on the road heading east. Just before you come to the first bridge, look up on top of the big hill on the south side of the road. There he is. |
Ok thanks a lot for the advice we found him just before I read this post lol, what I am wondering now is is a ranger/necro a good combination or should I switch to maybe ranger/mesmer?